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Meeting of the Commanders

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 11:24pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada

1,917 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo

Now that the other crews had agreed to form an alliance together. Taiga had decided it was time for the commanders of all the different crews to finally sit down around a table and discuss what was going to happen next. The meeting would take place in the conference room onboard the Tokyo, which was the most intact ship and the one they would be working together on to escape the planet.

She had arrived early, not bothering with the dress uniform as was usually expected on such occasions. However she wanted to keep it casual and had made sure that there was an assortment of refreshments and drinks available to their new allies. Now she could meet with them all face to face and finally get their crews working together.

Taiga had also asked for a few of her crew to be present. Mainly those of her Counsellor to act as an aide, the Tokyo's Chief of Security for 'obvious reasons' and her Chief of Intelligence as well. Mainly so she could provide upto date information there and then. Commander Johnson had also been asked to attend, as well as Lieutenant Shimada as he represented the crew of the USS Redemption.

The first two of the commanders through the doors were Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada and Sub Commander Sylok of the USS Redemption and Vulcan cruiser Oning respectively. Together, they represented the two surviving crews of the Redemption Militia- an Alliance which had taken on the Saviors- a group far surpassing them in size- and against all odds had won.

Tatsuo, for one, was glad to have the Sub Commander on board- and the two men had gotten along like no time had passed. Next to Tatsuo, Sylok had an air of elegance about him as he made his way to his selection of seat- next to his newly-reacquainted associate, Captain Shimada.

Talia was next through the door, as always she brought a PADD along just incase she needed to make any notes on what was being discussed. She offered a polite smile to those already present before taking a seat next to Taiga.

The doors of the conference room opened and in walked Colonel Kortak, his chest puffed out showing off the medals and pendants on his chest. "I am Colonel Kortak!" his voice bellowed. "And I shall speak for my crew at this meeting!"

"And I'm here to make sure he doesn't behead someone," Cisato replied as she entered the room not far behind him.

She looked over at Taiga and nodded. "Captain; I believe you're already acquainted with Colonel Kortak here?"

Taiga nodded in response.

Behind the two of them came a Ferengi. He tried to hide the disgust from his face to see that the meeting was being orchestrated by a hew-mon female. But then again, the Federation did have such backward views. He would need to make do. For now, the First Officer had paid their fee, and he would honour their contract, the indignity of dealing with the female be damned.

"Your problems are solved, now that the Ferengi are here," he declared. "I am DaiMon Parin," he said, introducing himself to the Captain. He nodded to the First Officer, and then grinned at the lovely creature in blue that appeared to be the Captain's aide. "Good day to you, lovely creature. Perhaps you can help me find a beverage?" he asked, leering at the curves of her body. It had been a while since he had seen a female of any kind, and this one....

Of all the people it had to be a Ferengi. Like all Betazoids Talia was uncomfortable around those she couldn’t read, and Ferengi’s just happened to be one species she couldn’t read or sense. “Of course DaiMon” She rose from her seat and motioned him to the replicator. “Our replicator can replicate most things, just ask for what you’d like.”

“I’m not sure it could replicate what I’d really like,” he said, leering at her. “But show me regardless!” They walked off toward the device.

Gul Symar entered the Conference room along with her Executive Officer Glinn Mossim and the Tokyo's Chief Helmsman, Lieutenant Yuvek, whom she insisted be a part of this meeting. The three Cardassians looked at the gathered individuals within the room with reservation and skepticism. The vessel was typical of Federation ships and installations. The air too cold and the lights too bright.

Part of her wanted to immediately turn and go back to her vessel and encampment. Buy as the Commanding Gul, she had an obligation to her surviving crew: Bring them home.

If that meant working with the Federation or other "less-than" races, then so be it. All that mattered was her completing her mission and returning to what was left of their Cardassian home.

The three took a seat at the conference table and continued to study the room as the others either filed into the room or spoke amongst themselves.

"Somehow your Captain has managed to gather some of the most opportunistic, bottom-feeders this planet has to offer in one conference room. I'm actually impressed at her dexterity." Glinn Mossim said to Lieutenant Yuvek as he cast a glance at the Ferengi and Klingon Commanders.

Lieutenant Yuvek didn't feel like getting into an argument at the moment so he allowed the elder Cardassian's comment to pass by him without response.

Finally the Romulan Commander Tulok entered the room. He looked around at the other commanders his head held high before opting for a seat away from the Klingon.

Now everyone was present Taiga began the meeting. "First of all, I want to welcome you and your crews to the Tokyo. I understand that some of you may not like each other, or want to work with each other. However, in the interest of getting home I believe we should put aside those differences."

"Before I continue, I want you to all speak for your crews and yourself. If you have any intentions of not making this 'alliance' work, then you are more than welcome to leave. However, should you wish to be the bigger person and put aside Politics and whatever, we can get us all out of here safely and more importantly alive. So, are you all in agreement?" Taiga asked.

“You’ve made your sales pitch, Hew-Mon,” Parin said after sipping his replicated bottle of Sluggo Cola. Goodness he missed the crisp, refreshing flavour. The slimiest Cola in the galaxy indeed. “If the others don’t have the lobes to understand your vision for escape, then don’t bother with them.”

"As the Oning and the Redemption have banded together in the past to liberate our ships from Victoria Lancaster and the Saviors' oppressive rule, we unite once again to achieve what my crew considers to be mathematically impossible." Sylok said, nodding towards Tatsuo.

"I think I've spoken for my crew long ago, so I will speak for the surviving members of the Redemption Militia:" Tatsuo said. "Captain Aisaka: You have Sub-commander Sylok, Myself, and the rest of our Militia at your beck and call."

Colonel Kortak looked around at the others sat at the table. "I have no intention of going back on my word!" He said. "To do so would bring dis-honour to my house! Nor do I intend to die on this pathetic excuse of a planet!"

"Such a typical Klingon," Tulok replied calmly, as he seemed to roll his eyes.

"You have a problem. Romulan?" Kortak growled.

"That does not concern you." Tulok replied. He then turned to Taiga. "We shall remain in this alliance. In the interest of survival. We will... tolerate... current company."

Taiga looked at Tulok then at Kortak. "I think in the interest of peace, we should keep your crews apart." She suggested.

"A very good idea Captain," Tulok replied. "We wouldn't want to be near Klingons. That could be... unfavorable for both of us." He told her giving a brief look over to Kortak. Kortak just stared at him with piercing eyes.

Finally all heads turned to the Cardassian Commander in the room.

"The word quit has never been a part of our language or heritage. " Gul Symar said as she stood leaned forward onto the table. "My crew and I have encounters more obstacles an dangers than many of you are aware. And each time we have emerged as more than just survivors, but much stronger." She continued.

"Your Helmsman has shown himself to be quite persuasive in even us considering to step foot on a Starfleet vessel again." She said, casting a knowing glare towards the Commander of the Redemption.

"Nonetheless, his belief. . .if not a bit naive. . .in this plan has proven to be infection amongst my crew. Personally, I'm enjoying the sweet irony in the fact that the survival of each person in this room rests in the hands of a Cardassian." She said, gesturing to Cardassians Chief Flight Officer.

Thomas came rushing in. "My apologies Captain... Commanders... some last minute additions to the ferengi contract that needed my attention. Nothing I couldn't handle." He replied almost sheepishly. He paused as he realized all eyes was on him... "What I miss?"

“Ohh just a Ferengi Captain eyeing up your wife.” Talia grinned a wry grin as she looked towards Thomas. “No offence intended DaiMon.” She offered the Ferengi a smile.

~Right the ferengi are here~ Thomas replied as he cleared his throat... "Nice to see you again Daimon."

"The pleasure was all mine, Starfleet," DaiMon Parin said with another wide and toothy grin.

"With that out of the way. Its time I discussed our plan to get us off this planet." Taiga said. She pressed a button on the table top, the lights in the room dimmed and a holographic image of the Tokyo emerged floating above the table.

[A Few Hours Later]

The lights in the room illuminated back to their normal level. The holographic image of the USS Tokyo was still present above the table, however the ship looked different. Large new sections had been added, bolted onto new support frames off the nacelle mounts. A mixture of engines could be seen in these new 'boosters'. The image also showed the installation of the Romulan Singularity core, adjacent to the warp core.

It wasn't a good looking design, but it was functional and the simulations have shown a good chance of leaving orbit in that configuration.

Taiga slowly stood up from her seat, exhausted from the many hours going over every detail of the plan. Every aspect had been brought up, from how they were going to attach their engines together, to how their crews would work, eat and sleep. Finally it felt like this was all now so real, and it was starting to become a reality.

"Thank you all for your time." Taiga said to them all giving them a slight bow. "Well, shall we begin?"

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Colonel Kortak
Commanding Officer
IKS Sa'Qej

Commander Tulok
Commanding Officer
IRW V'Hara

Sub-Commander Sylok
Commanding Officer
Vulcan Cruiser Oning

DaiMon Parin
Commanding Officer
FMS Assessor

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Redemption

Gul Velat Symar
Commanding Officer
CUV Getav

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor
USS Tokyo

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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