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Return of the Romulans (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:09am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Commander Alora Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Edited on on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:10am

1,861 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Various Locations

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Pass me one of those phasers, Lieutenant:" Chiyo grunted as she struggled to get up. "It's about damn time I do something useful for a change..."

Yarson looked at the Marine Captain. "You're too badly injured Captain" he stated simply. "No offense ma'am, but you wouldn't be much use out there." He then turned to the others in the room. "Anyone else?"

"I'll take one," Silica said as she stepped forward and picked up a rifle. "I might be a fighter pilot, but I'm still a good shot with a phaser rifle," she explained simply.

Lynette appeared to hesitate for a moment, but reluctantly stepped forward. "I, um... I'll take one," she volunteered, fidgeting nervously. "I mean, uh... it's not like this mess is going to clean itself up..."

"Count me in as well;" Iowa proclaimed, stepping forward and picking up a rifle. "Revenge might not be the Federation way, but I'm about ready to make some Romulans and Elachi pay for what they've done to both Captain Shimada and Ensign Kusuda."

"Very well. We have teams beaming onto every deck," Yarson explained. "We'll make our way to the bridge." Yarson told the makeshift team. "Set your rifles to heavy stun."

"Yes, sir." Iowa said before muttering under her breath; "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this..."

And now the continuation...


"Commander. Romulan boarders are beaming onto every deck. We're losing ground. Reports of heavy casualties," one of the centurions reported. "The bridge is shielded so they can't beam in here. However several are en route here."

"How many ships do we have left?" Tibar asked.

"Eight. Most of our fleet has been heavily damaged or destroyed." the centurion reported.

Tibar stood up from the command chair his fists clenched. "We need to..." however he was cut off as the doors of the bridge were forced open. Several Starfleet security officers and the volunteer Tokyo crew led by Yarson burst through.

At almost the same time as Yarson and his team burst through the turbolift doors, a maintenance hatch behind the tactical console popped open, and Ensign Fujimoto's head appeared out of the newly-created hole in the floor followed by her arm holding a phaser pistol as Mika extricated herself through the hatch.

Iowa who was one of the officers immediately behind Yarson saw Mika come up through the floor, and though she said nothing, she was relieved to see Fujimoto both alive and uncaptured.

The boarders began to open fire at the Tal Shiar officers. Their element of surprise caught them off guard causing confusion.

Tibar dived down by the command chairs and pulled out his disruptor pistol. "Return fire!" he shouted. He looked over towards where Captain Aisaka was propped up against one of the bulkheads. She simply smirked at him, she knew as well as he did that all was now lost.

Yarson ducked behind one of the consoles are he laid down some cover fire. "Take them out!" he ordered.

"EEP!" Lynette yelped as she quickly dove for cover behind one of the consoles. "WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoI-?!"

"Focus on your target!" Yarson said simply.

Lynette mumbled something incoherenly as she fumbled around with her phaser, trying to prime it just as she'd been taught in the academy. With a deep breath, she bravely poked her head up over the console, blindly fired off a shot in the vague hope it would hit something the Tal Shiar would need, and then quickly retreated behind her cover. amidst the sizzle of phaser-bolts flying through the air, she heard someone let out a scream; who had been hit and whether or not it had been at her own hands remained to be seen, though frankly it wasn't at the forefront of Lynette's thoughts.

Lt. Yuvek leaned against the side of his console and tried to control his breathing as he looked at the rapidly expanding wound in his left shoulder.

stupid...stupid...stupid.. he said to himself as the pain raced through his body and he tried to suppress yet another scream. What the hell was he thinking trying to jump into a fire fight in the obvious confines of the bridge.

He looked over at the body of the Romulan that he was struggling with and noticed that although his eyes were open, his body and stopped twitching. Lt. Yuvek took some comfort in knowing that the now-deceased Romulan's body took the brunt of the disruptor blast while Lt. Yuvek's shoulder still took a glancing blow.

He gritted his teeth as he used his one good arm to pull himself up and into the Helm console to try to get an update on the status of the ship and whether they could get the hell out of here. He looked on the board and just saw Romulan vessels, lot's of them. He didn't know which vessel was there to help and which one was there to kill them. At this point he didn't care, in his mind all of the green-blooded bastards were the same.

Mika took advantage of the confusion of the volleys of phaser and disruptor fire being exchanged to scurry on her hands and knees across the bridge to where Captain Aisaka was near the ready room door, firing her phaser at the Romulans who glanced in her direction. She was fairly certain she'd set her weapon to stun, but she wasn't entirely sure as to her weapon's setting. What only took a few seconds felt far longer to Mika before she finally reached Captain Aisaka. From her new vantage point, Mika had a clear shot at Tibar, but she made a snap decision to prioritize Captain Aisaka.

"Captain Aisaka;" Mika said as she assessed the captain's injuries. "I'm Ensign Fujimoto from fighters."

Mika turned and shot a Romulan attempting to rush her before turning back to Captain Aisaka. It was evident that Mika needed to do something to slow the captain's bleeding, and with no medical supplies on her, Mika tore off the sleeve of her uniform and folded it against Captain Aisaka's wound.

"Here, this should help slow the bleeding." She said.

Taiga looked endearingly at the ensign. "Thanks" she manage to mutter.

After a few minutes the disruptor fire came to a halt. Yarson slowly peeked up from behind the console to see the Tal Shiar officers scattered around the room, several of them on the floor still and lifeless.

Tibar was still however still alive and moving slowly towards the center command chair. A Disruptor shot had grazed him and green blood stained his uniform. He managed to haul himself towards the chair before pulling out some sort of communicator from his pocket.

"This isn't over!" he declared as he was engulfed in the green haze of a Romulan transporter.

Yarson stepped out from behind the consoles. The bridge was eerily quiet and silent. "Secure the room and the bridge stations!" he ordered as he made his way over towards Taiga and Mika.

Lynette stole a glance over at Iowa. "D-did we just... win?"

"I think we just did, ensign..." Iowa panted.

"Captain Aisaka," he greeted the wounded Captain. "Centurion Yarson of the Tal Dianne. We have forces on every deck retaking your ship." He crouched down and placed one of Taiga's arms around his shoulders to lift her up.

"My crew?" Taiga asked.

"Many of them are still fighting, one of your medical officers has set up a triage center in one of your ships medical bays," he explained. His communicator chirrped.

"Centurion. We have secured all decks, the remaining Tal Shiar soldiers on board are either contained, captured or are fleeing," a voice reported.

The viewscreen on the bridge still showing the ongoing battle outside showed the remaining Tal Shiar vessels and a few Elachi ships regroup before warping out. The Tal Dianne ships then moved in surroudning the Tokyo in a defensive position.

A small smile stretched across Taiga's face. "Thank you," she managed to say before she lost conciousness.

"Helm is secured!" Lt. Yuvek said dismissively to the Romulan Soldier that stepped towards the console.

"Go handle something else!" The Cardassian said in a pained, but aggravated tone. Yes, these Romulans may have assisted them in taking back the ship, but he was not going to relinquish control of his station, not while he was still alive and able to function. . .somewhat.

"Get Captain Aisaka to the medical bay!" Yarson ordered simply. "Contact the command ship. Have aid teams begin beaming over to help the injured."

[Somewhere in the bowels of the ship]

From her hiding place where she didn't register on internal sensors, Alora woke with a pounding headache. Everything around her was quiet. The sounds of combat gone. Had they lost? She needed to find out. All Taiga had to do was hold out until help arrived, but Alora wasn't sure of her commanding officer's ability to do that. Aisaka was too quick to act before she thought--or to take advice from anyone.

She carefully made her way back to where she could connect her PADD to the ship's computer via her back door. After a quick scan, she smiled. The cavalry had arrived in the nick of time. Kudos to Max for being right on time--again. She and Alex were among the very few who knew about the backup plan. But since neither the Romulan Ambassador nor Captain Aisaka had taken his advice, she didn't feel the need to enlighten them.

Her second priority was to look for Alex... But he wasn't on the ship. Her heart skipped a beat, then began to pound. He couldn't be dead. Then she saw the notice of a message. Hoping it was from him, she pulled it up.

Not Alex, but it was from the Prowler. "Mission Accomplished. Boss transported home. Boss lady missing. Picked up a pilot. Report."

Oh, thank goodness. Alex was safe. But who was the pilot? She quickly responded. "Back now. Putting pieces back. Need ride soon."

That done, she replaced the language protocols and disabled the lockout she'd put in the main computer. Now, everything would be working again. Just in case, she made sure there was no trace of her access or of what she'd done. Those were her own spiders and bots and were classified.

Now, Alora needed to pack what little she and Alex had left in their quarters and wait for the Prowler to pick her up. It was time they move on to whatever Max needed them to do. He'd hinted at something, and she was definitely ready for a change.


Posting By

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori
Chief Flight Deck Medic

Centurion Yarson
Tal Dianne Officer

Commander Tibar
Tal Shiar Commander


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