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Sisters In Arms

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:16am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return

Liz had left her quarters after fetching something for Chiyo and was on her way back to the Marine CO's office to deliver it when the Tokyo suddenly shook: Liz was thrown off her feet and her head impacted the bulkhead, the impact and her body subesequently rag dolling through the air caused things to go black for Liz when she impacted the deck.

When Liz stood up in the ruined corridor, something didn't feel quite right: Everything going on around her seemed oddly distant: When Liz heard the sound of Chiyo's voice at her feet, she looked down and saw her own body lying unresponsive among a pile of rubble, her combadge going off as Chiyo screamed to be acknowledged.

Before Liz could do anything, the scene suddenly shifted, and she found herself standing in a log cabin typical of one her family used to rent when they went on trips to the Canadian Rockies. That, and the one she had taken shelter in with those Marine cadets all those years ago, as evident by the placement of the wood-burning stove, which was lit and had a fire roaring nicely.

Stepping through the front door, Liz could see the cabin offered spectacular views of what looked like the Canadian Rockies on the clearest of days.

"Hello, Lizzie:" A familiar voice greeted her before she had time to soak in the magnificence of the view.

Turning in the direction of the voice and the nickname she hadn't heard uttered in a long time, Liz found herself looking at her mother, who had passed away many decades ago way back when she was still working for Maersk, still wearing what she had worn on her death bed all those years ago.

"Mom?" Liz gasped, instinctually moving in to embrace her mother.

"You have to go back, Lizzie;" Henrietta responded after allowing her daughter to embrace her. "Now's not your time."

"But, mom..." Liz attempted to protest.

"Lizzie, listen to me; you have so much more left to live for." Henrietta explained. "I'll still be here when you finish your work."

"But-!" Liz spluttered.

"Notice a certain someone who's not here?" Henrietta suddenly asked.

Liz looked around, initially unsure of her mother's point; her father and two half brothers were Vulcan and still in great health last time she checked, and her full siblings would be about where she is if not slightly better health wise. Then the realization hit her: Tatsuo, whom the regs had told her was dead, was absent from this scene. Henrietta smiled as the realization washed over her daughter's face:

"You still have lots to live for." She repeated herself as the sky rang out in Chiyo's voice, demanding a medical team to deck 4. "Now, Elizabeth Frederica Beurling... Wake up!"

The next thing Liz knew, she was waking up with an oxygen mask on her face. It was evident that she had been on a ventilator. Liz turned her head to the right and noticed someone familiar in the biobed next to her:

"The hell happened to you?" Liz asked, most of what she said caught in her mask and made her speech seem unintelligible.

Chiyo turned when she heard Liz's voice.

"Well, look who's awake;" She said. "This?" Chiyo indicated her stomach. "Ah, it was just me getting shot as a part of the Rommies' little game. Hurt like a motherfucker, but I'll live."

Liz smiled under the mask. At least Chiyo had been able to understand her enough to respond to the question.

"Aren't we some Marine Company Command?" Liz joked. "First, I get knocked out right at the start and miss the whole damn thing, then you get shot and put out of action in the middle."

"Now, don't go saying crap like that:" Chiyo said. "Yes, it sucked not having you there, but frankly, I don't think you being there would have made too much of a goddamn difference. I like to think we did our best, even if it felt like it was wholly inadequate."

"Well, I suppose that's one way to put it..." Liz muttered. "Still, gives a whole new meaning to 'sisters in arms,' doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I suppose so;" Chiyo chuckled. "Anyhow, we're both going to rise up from this and become better marines, and you'd better fucking believe it, Liz. And what better way to start down that road than 3 weeks at Risa? Apparently, that's the latest from the top."

"Do you realize the words coming out of your mouth, Shimada?" Liz laughed. "Two pale ass women who burn easily on Risa? You go ahead and get that sunburn, girl; I'll be in a nice spot of air conditioning waiting for you with the aloe."

"Three if you count Alice." Chiyo said. "Well, Liz; you enjoy being the vampire you are while I get some sun with my daughter. Because unlike you, I actually know there's no such thing as too much sunscreen."

"Alright; just don't come to me begging me to rub some aloe on you." Liz responded.

"You say that like I can't put on aloe myself." Chiyo replied. "And if I burn where I can't reach, I'm pretty sure I'll be asking Alice to help me."

"You know you're going to traumatize the poor girl that way." Liz teased.

"I can see being in a coma while we had a life and death struggle with the Tal Shiar hasn't hampered your spirits one bit." Chiyo remarked. "Ah, well; at least promise me you'll at least try and have some fun before you chicken out because it's too hot? Or am I going to have to order you to do so?"

Liz just about lost it with that remark.

"No need to order me to." She sighed after she finished her laughing fit. "I'll find a way to enjoy myself, even if I become an air conditioning and shade vampire."

"Now, that's the spirit:" Chiyo said. "Hopefully we'll both be discharged by the time we get there and won't miss any of it."

"You say that like you distrust modern medicine or something." Liz said. "We'll be fine."

"Goddamn, I hope so." Chiyo said. "If there's one person out of all of us who deserves this the most, it's Alice, especially after all the shit I've put her through."

"I'd agree:" Liz said. "What we just went through was bad enough to experience as adults, but I can't imagine what something this will do to a child, especially a tween like yours."

"Well, we're about to find out, Liz." Chiyo responded. "We're about to find out, for sure..."

Posting by

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Vice Commander


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