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Return of the Romulans (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:06am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Commander Alora Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Edited on on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:08am

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Various Locations

The doors of the ready room opened. Two guard 'escorted' Taiga out, although it was more like them dragging her out. The Tokyo was being pulled through space by the Tal Shiar D'Deridex class's tractor beam.

"You know, this is a very comfy chair" Tibar commented. "Such a shame we'll be ripping all this 'wonderful' Starfleet technology out and finding out every little secret you have"

"Starfleet won't let you get away with this..." Taiga managed to say.

"Oh, but Captain. We already have" he stood up and began to pace the room. "Lets see, one of your 'Armitage Class' starships destroyed, one badly damaged and one captured. So much for a highly advanced vessel" Tibar counted on his fingers. "We've won. The Senate will now believe us. This ship attacked the colony in cold blood and that'll start the war we want"

Suddenly without warning the Tokyo shook violently as the Tal Shiar vessel that had been towing them exploded in a massive fireball, sending debris out in all directions.

"What just happened?!" Tibar demanded.

"The Tarex just exploded Commander..." the Tal Shiar guard seemed to freeze. "Commander, Tal Dianne Romulan Warbirds decloaking..."

"How many?" Tibar asked.

"Twelve... No Fifteen... No.... Twenty..." he paused "Commander. There's an entire fleet out there. They've got us surrounded, their shields and weapons are charged and locked onto our ships" he reported.

[Somewhere in the Jefferies'Tubes]

Alora managed to evade the Romulans that were chasing her. Unfortunately, when the ship shook violently, she fell, hitting her head against a pipe. Unless Alex got her encrypted message, she was the only person who knew how to replace the language encryption and allow access to the main computer without going back to a starbase.

[Elsewhere in the Jefferies' Tubes]

One reason Alora had managed to evade the Romulans chasing her was because they had spotted Mika roaming about in the Jefferies' tubes and had begun chasing her. When the ship shook violently, Mika's back struck the top of the top of the Jefferies' tube and her Kantele broke her fall, preventing her from being knocked unconscious at the cost of some damage to her Kantele.

The same could not be said for her Romulan pursuers, as the lead Romulan struck his head on a pipe and was knocked out, obstructing the tube for the other Romulans following her.

"Dangit;" Mika cursed under her breath lamenting the damage to her instrument, yet taking the opportunity while the Romulans were slowed down to put some distance between her and them.


Taiga stumbled as the Tokyo shook again as another ship attempted to lock onto them with a tractor beam. Tibar pulled himself out of Taiga's chair and stood in the center of the bridge. "I want those imperial ships destroyed!" he shouted. "How did they know where we were?!"

Finally, Taiga's legs gave way. She collapsed to the floor, still concios but not sat against a bulkhead. "You've lost..." she said spitting some of the blood out of her mouth. "It looks like the Empire believed us after all. You destroyed their colony, you murdered their civilians. Now YOU shall pay the price!" she spat at him.

[Cargo Bay 6]

Still laying on the floor of the cargo bay, Chiyo could feel the sudden motions of the ship, but had no idea as to what was happening:

"What the hell's going on out there?" She asked aloud. "Seems like one hell of a ruckus if you ask me."

The Tal Shiar Guards seemed confused as they stumbled as the ship shook. They were looking at each other waiting for orders, not sure what to do exactly.

"I don't know. Stay still," Amu said reassuring the Captain. She looked at some of the other officers. "It seems we're under attack. But by whom, who would attack us now?" she asked looking around.


The Tokyo shook violently again, the Tal Shiar ships had begun to engage the Romulan Navy Vessels. Tibar held onto the edge of the command chair as the Tokyo shook again. "I want this ships weapons back online NOW!" he shouted.

"Its no use sir. Weapons are offline!"

"Did you really think I would allow you access to the weapons array?" Taiga said a smile coming across her face. "I would rather watch this ship be destroyed than give it to you!" she spat at him. "Looks like you're outmatched!"

Tibar struck his fist down on the arm of the command chair. Slowly he raised himself out of the chair and removed his disruptor from his belt. "I may not have won here. But I will take you with me..." he snarled as he made his way over to Taiga, the disruptor held out in front of him.

"Commander!" one of the Tal Shiar officers announced. "Shields are down, we have Romulan troops boarding!"

Without hesitation the sound of transporters echoed around the bridge as several armed Romulan security officers appeared. There was a brief moment before Disruptor fire started to bounce around the room as both parties opened fire.

[Cargo Bay]

The sound of disrputor fire could be heard from outside in the corridor. The Tal Shiar guards rushed towards the doors, only to be met with bright orange phaser fire. Several security officers rushed into the bay, carrying compression rifles. They also wore protective body armour.
"Who's the ranking officer here?" the lead man asked.

"I guess that's me right now..." Amu replied.

"Good" he said. "Centurion Yarson of the Warbird T'Mar. We're taking back this ship and getting you back to Starfleet." he waved towards some of the other men who came forward. "We've brought weapons and medical supplies. Anyone here who can fire a weapon, secure the area. Doctor, use these supplies and help anyone who's injured" Yarson said simply as he checked his rifle.

"We will take this ship back" he assured them all.

"Pass me one of those phasers, Lieutenant:" Chiyo grunted as she struggled to get up. "It's about damn time I do something useful for a change..."

Yarson looked at the Marine Captain. "You're too badly injured Captain" he stated simply. "No offense ma'am, but you wouldn't be much use out there." He then turned to the others in the room. "Anyone else?"

"I'll take one," Silica said as she stepped forward and picked up a rifle. "I might be a fighter pilot, but I'm still a good shot with a phaser rifle," she explained simply.

Lynette appeared to hesitate for a moment, but reluctantly stepped forward. "I, um... I'll take one," she volunteered, fidgeting nervously. "I mean, uh... it's not like this mess is going to clean itself up..."

"Count me in as well;" Iowa proclaimed, stepping forward and picking up a rifle. "Revenge might not be the Federation way, but I'm about ready to make some Romulans and Elachi pay for what they've done to both Captain Shimada and Ensign Kusuda."

"Very well. We have teams beaming onto every deck," Yarson explained. "We'll make our way to the bridge." Yarson told the makeshift team. "Set your rifles to heavy stun."

"Yes, sir." Iowa said before muttering under her breath; "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this..."

To be continued...


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