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Breakfast Debrief (Part 3)

Posted on Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 4:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 4:58am

2,348 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

For Daxer, the morning had been quite unusual. She'd woken up expecting to perform her usual Security duties, but had been informed, via a message in her inbox that morning, that she had been promoted both in position, and rank. To top it all off, she'd overslept.

She was straightening her uniform tunic as she entered into the conference room, light bruising still evident on her face, and neck from the attack a few days prior.

"Sorry I'm late, Captain." She said simply, as she took her seat near Taiga. "I overslept."

Alex observed the XO as she entered the briefing, noticing the obvious bruising on her face and neck, raising a brow slightly.

With a doctor able to remove the bruising, Alora wondered what happened and when. But it was not her place to ask, so she sat quietly and observed the group as a whole. A lot had transpired since she was here last and she was curious about not only the new arrivals, but how the old crew was fairing.

Chiyo also made note of the XO's arrival, and more peculiarly how she arrived looking like she had already been in a brawl. Though she knew it wasn't her place to ask, it got the gears turning in Chiyo's mind as to what might have happened. Though, in the back of her mind, she hoped that this wasn't the result of Liz causing trouble, because if it was, Liz would be subject to a smacking and a talking to.

Nodding at the arrival of the new XO, Hobb turned to Sorawo and said in a gently, but carrying voice, 'if you have a proof of concept model, Engineering will be happy to help you test it.'

Taiga glanced over at Jen, obviously not too impressed with her late arrival. She would talk to Jen later to find out what had happened. She took a sip of her coffee.

And now the continuation...

She then turned her attention to the chief science officer and chief engineer. "If you two could work together on some defensive strategies agaisnt these Elachi, that would be beneficial. Any tactical advantage we have can work in our favour" Taiga commented.

"Speaking of which..." the captain continued. "We have had a few changes to our roster, no doubt you've noticed. Lieutenant Kamikoshi here is our new Chief Science Officer." she indicated the the panther looking woman as to formally introduce her.

"Also, Starfleet has assigned Captain Shimada to lead our Marine attachment" Taiga told them all. She looked towards Shimada. "The Marines will be working closely with ships security in case of hostile boarding. However they speaclise in ground combat. I expect we may be needing them with the Elachi in the upcoming days. For the moment however they will be bolstering security on ship"

Alex raised a brow, placing his mug of coffee down, before swallowing what was in his mouth already. "I'm sorry? When did I agree to this?" He said softly, looking over to Alora. "I didn't agree to that?" There was a brief pause before he added. "Did I agree to that? That doesn't sound like something I would agree to without a conversation."

"Captain," Alora said. "The Marines only help with repelling boarders. Other than that they do not work with Security on the ship." She didn't realize Taiga hadn't worked with Marines before. They weren't on every ship, just those who might see combat.

"I agree with the Intel officer." Chiyo added, grateful that the Orion-Vulcan was as confused as she was. "My men are highly specialized: If we wanted to do the job of regs, we'd be wearing the same uniforms as the rest of you."

Taiga raised an eyebrow as an eerie silence fell upon the room. "Well, if you don't want to work with security on ship I can live with that" she replied looking at the three officers in return. "However, in the event of a hostile boarding, be aware I will be needing you both to put your skills to use to protect the ship".

"Understood, Captain." Chiyo responded with a nod.

She turned her attention to Alora. "Commander Alora has stepped down as the ships executive officer. Instead she will be using her talents in our Intelligence Department. Therefore, Commander Daxer will as of today be the ships new executive officer"

Jen was content to accept the change quietly, giving only a simple nod in acknowledgement.

"One more crew change, Commander Knight... erm... the other one" Taiga said. "You all know him as the leader of the SWORD team, he will however be taking on the responsibilities as the Chief of Security and Tactical. From what I understand the SWORD team will remain on board as a specialized attachment to the security department"

"What?!" Alex questioned, a confused look on his face. "Am I having conversations with people in my sleep or something?" He looked over to Alora would most certainly have the answer to that question. "SWORD is not security. It's an extension of Intelligence, is it not?" He raised the mug of coffee and looking into it, placing it immediately down afterwards. "I could have sworn I ordered coffee, not a hallucinogen."

"No conversations in your sleep," Alora whispered to Alex. "At least none I've noticed."

She turned to Taiga and said, "Captain, SWORD is not security. It's a special team that works under Intelligence. However, as Alex has worked with them for so long, I would like him to be involved when he is not needed elsewhere." She didn't expect either of them to have much time for SWORD with their responsibilities to the Tokyo, but she would definitely be more available than Alex.

Lt. Yuvek pursed his lips and looked down at his cup to avert his eyes at the sudden outburst from the Security Officer. The Cardassian wanted to respond to the Human's insubordinate outburst and tell him that the word of the Commanding Officer was the law and that it should be accepted without question.

However, the three pips on the Commander Knight's collar meant that the Lieutenant was in no possession to speak out or admonish the Human. Therefore, he decided to remain silent and watch the spectacle unfold.

"Something wrong, Commander?" Daxer asked, noticing Alex's quiet comments to Alora, coupled with what she assumed was confusion "You seem a little confused."

Alex took one look at Daxer and raised his brow before turning to look at his wife. He shrugged his shoulders a bit before returning his attention to Daxer to reply. "Nothing against the Marine Commander, but I have no need for Marines to take up Security details on board. I am sure, when the time comes, the Marines will be put to good use and, as I stated, I have no desire to work against them. However, Marines aren't training in dealing with problems onboard a ship like Security is. A Marine arriving at a dispute between two officers will have a different reaction than a Security Officer. On that note, I have no desire to do the same with SWORD. SWORD is a strictly Intelligence team whose skill set it based on improvisation and specialty assignments. While I trust in those men, with my life, I would much rather have Starfleet Trained security officers serving with security. My hopes in taking the Chief of Department position was not to intergrade my team but to act as a bridge between the two. Knowing what assignments would SWORD be best for and what assignments Security would be good for. If I wanted to make SWORD security I would have brought that up when the Captain officered me the position. The Marines taking a security role onboard comes as a complete surprise. I know Marines. I know their training. I know they are trained to deal with certain situations. Dealing with people, civilians, and other jobs done by Security is not one of them."

Jen was quiet for only a moment, before she replied. "I agree on both points." Though she hadn't been able do get much info on SWORD during her time aboard, she did know what training Marines were subjected to, and his explanation of his SWORD team made things clearer. "Captain, I recommend against this move, though I'd suggest having the Marines on standby, for emergencies."

Chiyo merely sat where she was, for everything she needed to say was being said on her behalf. Commander Knight obviously knew what he was talking about, and since he meant no disrespect, there was none to be taken. However, at this point, the situation needed to be handled between the regs, for Marines tended to word things rather crude and concise; something which usually didn't blow over well with regs. If Chiyo's input was asked, she would speak. But for now, silence was key.

Taiga tapped on her PADD. "So you want SWORD to be classified under Intelligence instead of Security. Commander Knight, is that OK with you?" She asked looking towards Alora.

"Umm, Captain, it already was," Alora said, confused. "The Prowler is an intel ship currently attached to the Tokyo. Like Alex, I was unaware you'd moved them to security. So, yes. I'm fine with them being with intel."

Taiga nodded. "Now that that is out of the way..." she started as she took another sip of coffee. "We have a day to get shipped out before we are due to collect the Ambassador. The big question is, are we ready to launch for tomorrow?"

"Marines are locked, loaded, and standing by." Chiyo reported. "Ready to rock and roll."

'Preliminary tests suggest the UP guys did their job well,' said Hobb from his corner of the table, 'the ship is good to go, pending this morning's final warp core calibration and testing.'

"Intel has some new data to collate and archive, but we'll be ready to go by morning," Alora said. She also needed that day to talk to John about the evidence the Prowler was carrying. She hoped Alex would have time to help with that, too.

Lt. Yuvek felt some form of trepidation. This would be his first mission as the Chief Helms Officer of a vessel that was going into an active zone. A zone that might very well turn hostile with a moment's notice and very little in the form of support. Yes, the Tokyo would be accompanied by two more highly capable vessels. However, there was still the unknown element of how many opposing vessels would try to stop them from completing their mission.

However, he understood that he had a job to do and there was no room for self-doubt or hesitation. He was highly trained and even more talented at what he did, why else would be he stationed on this particular ship.

"As far as Navigation, everything is green. Once we make contact with the other vessels, I will coordinate with their Navigation and Tactical departments so that we keep each other apprised of anything significant." Lt. Yuvek reported.

"Oh, you'll coordinate with Tactical?!" Alex said, his face seemingly angry before a smile formed signifying it was all in jest. "Sure, Lieutenant. As soon as I touch base with my department, and get them squared away, I'll send someone your way with some tactical reports and observations gathered during the last Elachi confrontation and the both of you can come up with something."

Taiga turned to the Cardassian, she thought she had forgotten something. "Thank you Lieutenant. Also, apologies, everyone this is Lieutenant Yuvek, our new head of flight control. I must admit with all the crew changes, I must have missed you by accident"

It must be pretty easy to get lost considering the size of the egos sitting at this conference table The Cardassian thought to himself as he feigned a smile in response. "Not a problem at all, Captain," he replied.

Hobb leaned forward, crouching slightly as he extended a hand, 'a pleasure to have you aboard, Lieutenant. I hope you enjoy your time with us.' He flashed a small, unassuming smile.

Alora nodded to the Cardassian. "Welcome aboard."

"Commander, how's our security and Tactical status?" Taiga asked turning to Alex.

"Currently?" Alex replied before looking off slightly and replying. "Work in progress." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, before continuing. "Once the new staff come on board, and have a chance to settle, I'll get them situated. As I stated earlier I want to coordinate with the Marines to make sure we are working on the same information so both departments can be better prepared for any encounter. Elachi or otherwise."

Taiga nodded as she listened to Alex. "I think it would be best to be as prepared as we can be for when/if the Elachi show up again" she replied. She paused and took a sip of her coffee.

The small captain turned her attention to the whole table. "It seems as if we're in a good position right now to launch on time" she said. "We launch tomorrow morning, we'll be making a one stop at Earth to pick up the Ambassador then we head towards the Neutral Zone" she explained.

"As for now though, lets end the official business and enjoy this breakfast spread" she stood up and raised her coffee to the room. "Sometimes its nice to be together, we are more than just a crew" she looke around at their faces. "We're a family, and new" she announced glancing at the new addiitons to the table and the old.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer

Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Commander Air Group

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Science Officer

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander


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