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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 5:00am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Sorawo made her way to the captain's ready room - she had been watching the captain's trial from the monitors in the Science Lab 1, and well.

'Certainly an exciting ending.' Sorawo thought wrly, brushing her black hair.. off her black fur. When she wasn't on shift she sometimes applied some gold braids to it. But.. she was very on shift. She knocked on the Captain's door - eager to meet the Captain.. and hoping she wasn't in a bad mood..

"Come in" came Taigas voice from the other side of the door.

Sorawo entered, and brought herself to a salute. "Captain. Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi, reporting for duty." Sorawo preferred formality, and also, was unsure how to start this conversation. She rather thought 'I heard about the court martial and I am glad to see you were not convicted' was not the best way to start. And, sometimes, she just wanted to see how humanoids reacted to a what was almost a walking panther-person.

Taiga looked up from her desk, it seemed as if Jen had been keeping it warm for her. "More new people?" she asked herself outloud. Exactly how many new officers did Starfleet send her. "I gather by your uniform you're either science or medical?" she asked.

"Science, ma'am." Sorawo nodded. "I came aboard yesterday, with what looked like an investigation team, so I gathered Personnel just wanted to be efficient." She pauses. "I think. I'm not really sure, since all I know are the rumors floating around."

"Oh, and what rumours would those be Lieutenant?" Taiga asked curiously.

"Well, that there was a Tal Shiar mole working on board - that one is pretty believable, given the investigation team -, that an admiral was in league with them for his own reasons - you'd think the assassination of Gorkon would have taught them the folly of that.." Sorawo trails off "That we've encountered some kind of new race with peculiar technology, and my favorite, that everyone involved is lizard changelings."

A smile stretched across Taiga's face. "About ninety per cent of that is correct Lieutenant. There was a mole on board, apparently in Engineering working for the Tal Shiar. I will be briefing the senior staff later on that. However the lizard changelings is a new one, where did you hear that one?" she asked seemingly curiously.

"One of the enlisted. He was stating it was absolute proof that the Queen of England - which I gather is a nation or territory on Earth - still ruled through a Dark Conspiracy. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not."

Taiga rolled her eyes. "I imagine there will be a lot of rumours going around right now" she said simply. She indicated for the officer to sit down in front of the desk. "Lieutenant, I will be honest with you. I have not come across your species before. What do you drink?" she asked as she access the replicator controls from her desk. 'Please don't let it be Milk. If he says Milk I think I'll lose it' she thought to herself.

"I drink oolong tea." Sorawo said politely as she sat down, the black furred woman looking around the captain's quarters. "There's not many Worenes serving in Starfleet direct. I think a lot joined the Marine Corps and stayed there." She almost self consciously touched a claw mark on her cheek. "Our culture rewards the hunt, and for many, that's martial prowess, or prowess in a physical career."

"I see" Taiga said as she handed the science officer her tea. "I'll be honest with you lieutenant. The Tokyo has limited science abilities compared to other ships out there." She explained as she took a sip of her own tea. "We only have a few science labs aboard, are you OK with running a small department?"

Sorawo nods. "I don't mind. I'm still working on my command abilities,as it is, so a small department would be better." She also seems to consider as she answered further, taking a sip of her tea and. "And I'm aware the Tokyo has very limited labs and sensors, but, it still explores, and it still needs a science department to help out in situations where problems need to be defined. And I find that kind of environment just as stimulating as exploring on full science vessels."

"You would be correct. Science is still needed even on a combat vessel. Although we do have more science abilities that a Defiant or Sabre class" she boasted with a slight smile. "What do you have in mind for the department? It's been a while since we had a dedicated science officer on board?"

Sorawo considered, taking a sip of tea before rattling off, her violet eyes a little unfocused - "Honestly, a lot of the time, given the Tokyo's combat focus, I imagine the department will be running follow up analysis on various systems and subsystems as well as the fighters for potential iteration by the SCE and Starfleet R&D in conjunction with the engineering department and flight deck."

She took another ship, still thinking about it. "The second major prong is aiding in any investigations - if the rumours about these 'Elachi' are true, that'll need to be a major focus, and that's mostly just needing to have our few labs working efficiently, and a third will be routine mapping and analysis studies. At least, that's my read given the information I was able to review last night and looking at the labs. As such, I was thinking about focusing shifts and tasks so that we can rapidly clear them for emergencies, and maximizing the staff time so that we can get things done without burning them out." Sorawo is wry.

"That happened to me once, and I would rather not force staff into medical leaves because I mismanaged them."

"You've done your homework I see" Taiga smiled. "Your primary focus should be those Elachi. The sensor logs from The Prowler should be a good place to start. We have no idea what or who they are and how to combat them. You should work with the Commander Knights, both were on the Elachi ship and their Intel should prove invaluable"

Sorawo nods. "I'll talk to them soon. If the recent news is any indication, we need to know more about them before they attack Federation citizens."

"I couldn't agree more" Taiga replied. "The sheer face that the Tal Shiar are involved could mean a direct threat not just to Federation security, but other powers too. We are yet unsure how this may affect the Klingon Empire, which we know do not share friendly relations with their Romulan neighbours"

Sorawo frowned, although most of the furrowing of her brow didn't seem to show for a second. "I imagine once they hear it's going to destabilize what Romulan shipping is allowed within their territory."

Taiga nodded. "There's a lot that could happen. But, we have an important task to do so I'll need everyone at their best" she explained to her. "There will be a staff briefing tomorrow morning, I have only received preliminary orders, but there's a chance we may be running into the Elachi again. We need ways to combat them, or to evade them"

"Got it." Sorawo nods in return. "I will prepare the staff tomorrow first thing then."

"Understood. Is there anything you wish to ask me or need?" Taiga asked.

"No, thank you, ma'am."

"By all means dismissed" Taiga said. "Welcome aboard"

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Sorawo Kamikoshi
Chief Science Officer


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