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Running and Shooting (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 6:17am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Ensign Noriko Ogawa

1,500 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Various


=A= Commander Takasu to Daxer. We're going to need you up here =A= Ryuuji's voice called out of Jennifer's comm badge.

=A= I'm already on my way. =A=


The Tokyo was heading back at a steady warp speed. Ryuuji watched as three large Tal Shiar D'Deridex Warbirds chased them slowly catching up on their tail. Ryuuji knew that it would take at least four minuted to launch all of the fighter craft, and by then the Romulans would already be firing upon the Tokyo.

"Starfleet Vessel. Drop out of Warp and prepared to be boarded." The voice of a Romulan commander came over the communications channels. Ryuuji gave the signal not to respond, he didn't want to push the Tokyo so hard after what the ship had just been through. Neither did he want to launch fighters which would be just a sitting duck, he needed to be at least five minutes infront of the Romulans so that the fighters can be launched and moved into position.

Jen entered the bridge, noticing the stars streaking by on the view screen. "Report." She said as she stepped down to the Command deck.

"We're at high warp" Ryuuji explained. "Three Romulan warbirds are hot on our tail".

T'Shenn and K'Eltora both ran onto the bridge at the same time. K'Eltora took the tactical position so Daxer could command the ship. T'Shenn rushed to the conn console and hit a few buttons. "Commander, I might be able to shake them, but I need you and the chief engineer to trust me."

The words 'trust me' sent a chill down Jen's spine, as she looked at T'Shenn. "Tell me your plan, and then I'll decide if I trust it." She said simply. "And make it fast."

T'Shenn growled. "Pushing our inertial dampeners to the mask. This is why I said trust me and not ask questions."

"Go Lieutenant!" Jen said, urging her to follow through. "We don't stand a chance in direct conflict."

T'Shenn yelled out, "HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!!" She hit several buttons in rapid succession sending the ship, at full warp, off in different directions like it was a bat out of hell. She said, "Taking a few safeties off line for a moment for some of these. HOLD ON!" The ship did an actual barrel roll before zigging and zagging again.

As the ship rocked about, Jen held on tight to the center chair. "Send out a distress call." Jen ordered. "Maybe someone out there will give us a hand."

[USS Wolff]

Captain Emerson strode onto the bridge of the Luna class USS Wolff as the red alert klaxon sounded. Glancing over at Lt Cmdr Tigran, her XO, she frowned. "Status Report."

Taliserra stood up and shifted to the Xo's chair as M'Elise approached "The Uss Tokyo is being chased by 3 D'Deridex warbirds and is requesting assistance."

"Helm. Set intercept course, Maximum Warp. Tactical, Engage the cloak. Send a tight beam encrypted transmission to the Tokyo advising them we're inbound, and notify starfleet we're engaging." M'Elise glanced up at her Marine CO who was sitting at an Auxiliary console. "Advise the marines to be ready in case the Tokyo needs counter-boarding assistance."

Flipping open a display on her chair, M'Elise looked over the tactical readout from Sensors. No time to waste as the Tokyo was outnumbered 3 to 1.



"Incoming message from the USS Wolff, decrypting now." Binea announced after her console beeped several times. "They are inbound to assist, ETA about 8 minutes."

The ship shook as Romulan disruptors glanced the shields. "I hope we're still alive when they get here." Jen half muttered. "Reinforce aft shielding, and fire aft torpedos. Target their weapons." She ordered. "Evasive pattern delta four."

*Fighter Deck*

Silica stumbled as the ship shook slightly. She didn't like the idea of launching in the middle of a firefight. She glanced over at Fubuki was was already putting on her fighter pilot helmet and climbing into her craft. Fubuki smiled at Silica shortly before the fighter launched out of the bay.


"Commander. Three out of the four wings have launched" Ryuuji explained. "The fourth has damaged ships so can't launch. They're regrouping and then starting attack runs on the lead ship". Ryuuji hoped that the pilots were going to be safe, sure they were the best pilots in Starfleet but they could still easily be picked off by superior weapon power.

"Tell them to make sure they try to stay in the blind spots." Jen ordered. "We don't want them getting picked off."

"Aye commander" Ryuuji responded relaying the message to the fighters.


Silica stuck close to Fubuki as both squadrons came around. "Target the lead ship. Forward weapons array" came the order. Within tight formation the squadrons unleashed a fury of phaser volley at the Romulan's forward disruptor array. The Romulan's soon returned fire.

Silica swerved to avoid a plasma torpedo, it struck the fighter behind her causing its port wing to catch fire. Silica swung her fighter back to protect the other pilot, as it was limping back towards the Tokyo. Meanwhile Fubuki was concentrating on unleashing hell onto the Romulan's forward disruptor array.

The front of the Romulan ship exploded leaving a sizeable hole where the main disruptor array had been. The cheers of the fighters could be heard over the secure open comms as they swung around for another attack.


"The Lead Romulan ship has lost is weapons sir" Ryuuji reported. "Starfighters are now providing cover fire"

"It's a good start." Jen said, looking at the information on the chair's display. "Tell them to target the next ship. If we cripple them bad enough, maybe they'll turn tail, and run."

At that moment the doors of the turbolift opened and Taiga walked out. It was obviously she had discharged herself out of the sickbay. She hadn't changed her clothes they still had blood on and there was still a sizable burnt hole through her shirt. Her wounds however had been healed, or at least the major ones had. She shouldn't be on the bridge, but she thought she was needed there.

She limped over to the tactical station next to K'Eltora and looked down at the console. You could see that there was fire in her eyes, obviously she was not a happy bunny at all.
"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" She said pointing to Daxer, the last thing she needed right now was a lecture telling her she should still be in sickbay.

Jen stood up from the Command chair, giving Taiga a look that said she was in for it. This was the last place that woman should be in her condition.

"Bring the ship around" she said. "Bring all fighters to be behind our rear roll bar and have them in a V shaped configurations" she ordered. She started to tap on the tactical console. "Bring all weapons online and charge the forward phaser cannons. We're going to blast the Romulans. TO HELL!" she said now a little angry. "I want ALL Power to the phaser cannons, I don't really care what we put into it, I WANT THEM DESTROYED!" she shouted.

K'Eltora looked at Tagia and nodded. "Bringing weapons to full power, Commander. Taking power from non essential systems and putting them into the cannons. Today is a good day to die."

"Belay that order!" Jen snapped. This was not the time this sort of thing. She looked back at Taiga, fire in her eyes. "You are being wreckless! While we're destroying the lead vessel, the other two ships will be tearing us a new one, and I will not allow you to put the lives of this crew in that kind of danger!"

"Shut up!" Taiga snapped back. "I know this ship better than you! Trust me when I say. SHE CAN TAKE IT!" she yelled. She started to tap away at the tactical consoles. Suddenly a different alarm went off and some of the bridge stations turned into a different mode. "Activating Tactical Battle Mode" Taiga said, she held onto the console as the lighting on the bridge changed.

"If you didn't already know. This ship has an experimental mode" Taiga explained. "All incoming firepower is now being rerouted energy wise into the shield emitters and weapons. The more they hit us, THE MORE WE KICK BACK AT THEM!" she announced. "Now bring this ship around, and if you want to remain on this ship. GIVE THEM HELL!"

T'Shenn said, "Aye, Commander." She sighed as she turned the ship around. "Today is a good day to die."

K'Eltora said, "Firing weapons."

The Tokyo unleashed a massive barrage of phaser fire on the Romulan Warbird, cutting through their shields and impacting hard on their hull. It didn't take long until the Romulan ship to explode, bursting into a massive fireball. The Tokyo rocked as more Disruptor fire bounced off the shields, sparks erupted out of consoles and the ship shook violently.

To be continued...


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