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The Encounter

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2015 @ 1:56am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Expeditious Expectations

LT John Hawk, newly arrived Chief Medical Officer was roaming sickbay. He pulled up a checklist on a big computer screen of a list of physicals to do. He noticed the last one was the Commander. He chuckled "Ha,classic"

He tapped his badge. "Lieutenant Hawk to the Commander, I'm afraid I need to ask that you come down for a quick physical. You are the last person I need to check, so the quicker I get you all cleared the quicker I can send my reports to starfleet medical. Please respond."

You could hear the physical sigh of Taiga from the comm system. "Ok, I'll be down in a minute" she replied. Soon to say, about ten minutes later, definately not a minute later Taiga arrived.

"Hello Commander" he smiled and did a slight bow. "I'm your new CMO, gonna give you a quick check up and I won't bug ya too much, take a seat" he gestured to a empty biobed.

Taiga walked over to the biobed. She hopped up. Her legs cleared the floor by a good space due to her height, she sat there leaning back on her arms swaying her legs back and forth.
"This is the first time I've been in here. Since the ship was refitted of course" she said.

"It's been nicely done Commander. I'm honored to be the one that breaks it in, per say." he walked over and ran a tricorder over her.

Taiga looked around the bay. "Well, we've had several design problems with the ship" she explained. "This is probably the only area thats not changed much"

"Well I changed the design a bit. I added in more storage space." he chuckled as he finished up. "I'd recommend sleep but as a Doctor I'm used to being ignored. A bit less caffeinated drinks, try more water at least."

"Too much coffee huh?" Taiga asked.

"Just a bit." he chuckled. "Besides that you're 100% healthy and combat ready." he marked it down on his PADD.

"Awesome" Taiga said as she jumped down off the biobed. "How are things in the medical department?" she asked curiously "Have everything you need?"

The Doc nodded. "Now that I've marked it down. The entire crew is set for mission-ready status. I'll send this off to Medical Command." he stopped short,realizing her first question. He glanced around at a few nurses but no one of any real importance and most of the nurses apparently don't care for him. "I feel kinda lonely,actually. have another proper doctor to talk to would be good. I don't suppose we have another Doctor in a box somewhere?" he chuckled.

Taoga shrugged. "Most likely, if you need more medical personnel I can ask for more to be transfered?".

John nodded. "I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, you're cleared for duty." Confirms that by pushing a few buttons on his padd. "You're welcome to leave if you wish, however as your shiny new CMO, I got paperwork." he chuckled,giving a gentle thwap with the padd on her arm. With that he turned heel and started to his office.

Taiga jumped down and walked out of the sickbay. At least the new Chief Medical Officer was a nice enough person. Although she had to get to know him better before she could tell him about her personal medical plans. That though was in the future.

Posting By

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant John Hawk
Chief Medical Officer


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