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Patching up Taiga

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2015 @ 6:17am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Sickbay

There was a blue haze as Taiga and Jennifer were beamed into sickbay. Taiga was still unconcious, she was now bleeding from the wound across her stomach. The disruptor had managed to sound her in mid-transport.

Jen was holding pressure on Taiga's wound as they materialized in Sickbay. Seeing no one immediately in eyesight, she called out. "Doctor!" She yelled loud, as she picked Taiga up, placing her on the nearest bio-bed, then resumed her application of pressure. "We've got a live one here!!"

John ran in from the side-office,tricorder in hand scanning her. "Keep that pressure or we'll be looking for a new commander in seconds!" He trapped a dermal regenerator and started doing the surface area of the wound so the pressure wouldn't be needed. "Once I can finish off this part she'll at least be stable."

"Good, because with her here, I'm going to be needed on the Bridge." Jen said simply. "Someone has to fly this ship, while the Commander is under your care."

Taiga's eyes fluttered slightly as she began to wake. She instantly winced in pain.
"Where am I?" she asked looking around. She could just make out Jen's face. "What the hell happened? This, really really hurts... bloody Romulans!"

Jen looked down at Taiga, pulling her hands away as the dermal regenerator stabalized her enough to let go. "You've been shot." She said simply. "You're in the infirmary. Now get some rest, while the doctor patches you up."

"I need to get to the bridge" Taiga said as she started to pull herself up.

"You need to stay put for a moment Taiga."

=A= Commander Takasu to Daxer. We're going to need you up here =A= Ryuuji's voice called out of Jennifer's comm badge.

=A= I'm already on my way. =A= Jennifer looked at the Doctor. "Take care of her." She said, then headed out of sickbay at a brisk run.

John sighed,looking at his tricorder, he looked around to make sure no one was paying attention/around. " Commander Aisaka.. it is my sad duty to inform you that were you three weeks pregnant.. however, due to the impact of the shot you took in the stomach.. it caused the fetus to detach the nerves, causing an instant shut down.. I'm sorry.. you've lost the child.." He looked at her, even he looked sad, this is the worst news he's given out in his career thus far.

Tiaga stared at him for a few seconds in awkward silence. The ship shook slightly as Romulan disruptor fire bounced off of the Tokyo's shields.

It was like she had been hit with a train. Suddenly her emotions were through the roof, she didn't know whather to cry or whether to punch something, hard.
"I.... I see...." she managed to get out, her words stumbling slightly.

She slipped off the biobed and turned to face the wall. She looked at the display screen above the bed, its lights flashing red and orange. She snapped around and took the tricorder off of John and stared down at the screen, she had to see for herself. It was true, she had lost her baby, she didn't even know she was pregnant. If she had known she wouldn't have gone on the mission.

Her hands began to shake as she stared at the tricorder results, a single tear ran down her cheek. Her fingers gripped the tricorder hard, before she knew it the tricorder had been introduced to the other bulkhead on the other side of the wall. Taiga's fists were clenched and she was storming down the corridor heading for the bridge.

She saw nothing but red, nothing but blood. All she wanted was to knock the living crap out of someone. Someone was going to pay for what had happened to her, she didn't even care at this moment what Daxer said, she was going to the bridge and was going to protect what she could. Safe to say that Taiga Aisaka was well and truly ticked off...

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Sec/Tact Officer & Executive Officer

Lieutenant John Hawk
Chief Medical Officer


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