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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 9)

Posted on Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 2:50am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 2:53am

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Whatever course of action Takeshi took next would incriminate him as a traitor by one faction of the Federation or the other. Except one faction had proven itself indisputably in power, and perhaps it would do well for Takeshi to bend to that faction, if it meant seeing Sayuki and the kids again...

"You'll get further comment from me after I have a little time to sort out my allegiances." He told Burke simply. "Though I do urge you to consider this, and I don't mean this as a threat, but Senpai's words have more power in them than you realize: You haven't seen the amount of people who have shaken his hand over the years, and I mean it when I say you shouldn't ignore the significant security risk being posed to the Federation until it's too late. Many interstellar powers throughout history have ignored the warning signs, and have paid the ultimate price for their arrogance. I will pray for the resilience of the Federation, should I ever see Gunma again..."

And now the Continuation...

[Court Yard]

Once they got out of the courtroom Alex held the weapon out toward the Romulan. "How far do you think you're gonna get here, Marok?!! You're in the middle of Federation Space! If you give up now maybe you can still escape with your life." He looked to Alora and smirked slightly before focusing back to the Romulan.

With his knife still pressed against the Ambassador's neck, stumbled slightly as he moved away from the building. "My life isn't important. Whats important now is that the Senate never finds out what happened here!" he replied simply. "There will be a war, it's already been told by those who look down upon us all. It will happen. We're all pawns on a ever changing chess board"

"Took you this long to figure that out, Marok?!!" Alex shouted back. "You're a little behind the rest of us, but you see, people way want to move us on the board but we decide to move. They don't. You made the choices you made! No one else did! Now, consequences came knocked and you can't escape it." He kept his eyes and weapon trained on Marok as he whispered to Alora under his breath. "If you have to... shoot the Ambassador first. A stunned dignitary is better than a dead one."

She inclined her head, briefly, to show she heard. "Mr. Marok, it's too late to keep any of this secret. The Romulan Embassy has been watching the trial. Only a fool would believe no one from the senate on Romulus isn't watching as well."

Marok laughed. "They haven't been watching for a while. We Tal Shiar made sure of that" he smirked. 'Any moment now, I'll be away with the Ambassador and we'll finally have won; he thought to himself. "Admit it, you've lost on your own soil!"

"Boy, you are so over your head its no longer amusing." Alex replied quickly, taking a step forward, but not advancing any further. "We were on the Cerberus before we came down to the court room, Marok. Max made sure the Romulan Senate would have received everything we got long before we presented it. His Intelligence network reached all the way to Romulus and further." He took a breath, steadied his aim, and prepared himself. "Alora... Take a deep breath and squeeze. Don't pull." He said softly.

Alora knew how to fire a phaser, but she took that as her cue and fired at the Romulan Ambassador, stunning her.

The Ambassador collapsed to the floor taking Marok by surprise. He seemed to stumble back from the sudden release of the now unconcious Ambassador. "I wasn't expecting that..." he muttered to himself as he crouched down as if trying to reach for something out of his boot.

Alex took the shot, hitting Marok dead on, without hesitating. He didn't know if the Elachi Disruptor was set to stun or kill. He did kill the Elachi on the ship with it, but it had been out of his sight from the moment he handed it to Lem till he picked it up from the table in the courtroom, he had no way of knowing. There was a part of him, perhaps deep down, that almost didn't care.

The bright green beam let out a high pitched sound as it erupted from the end of the disruptor. Marok stumbled backwards, a clear burn mark in the middle of his chest where his uniform had once been. He seemed to cough as he was suddenly engulfed in a transporter beam of bright green and yellow.

Alex lowered the disruptor. "Check the Ambassador." He said softly before looking down at the weapon. Was it set to stun? Was it set to kill? He wasn't sure.

Alora went over to the Ambassador. "She'll be fine." Then she turned to Alex, understanding what he was thinking by the look on his face. "Lem said it was on stun." She wasn't sure if he actually tested it, though.

"Maybe." Alex replied softly. "It wasn't on stun when I shot the Elachi and its been out of sight till we beamed it down from the Prowler so I can't be sure." He paused a bit, looking over to Alora for a moment, before adding. "It's the not knowing if he's gone or just going to pop up later down the line. I'd rather not deal with another Dylan, you know?"

She went over to him and slipped her arm through his. "We'll deal with it, either way."

"Of course we will. No one can beat us. As long as we are together we are stronger than anyone." Alex smiled briefly before taking her hand in his and bringing it up to his lips, kissing it lightly.

She chuckled softly. "Well, we were today."

He than turned his attention to the Ambassador that was beginning to regain her composure. Being hit by a phaser on stun is never a good feeling and Alex could only imagine how a Romulan dignitary, of all people, would react to such a moment. So he decided to play it save.

As he began to walk to her he tapped his combadge. "Knight to Admiral Hunter. Marok was beamed away. I managed to hit him but I can't say for sure what he condition was before he disappeared. No doubt he has a cloaked ship up there so spread the word to keep your eyes opened."

"Understood, Alex." Max replied over the combadge. "The Ambassador's condition?"

Alex stopped in front of the Romulan Ambassador and helped her up. "Alive. Anymore than that is just speculation. We'll be heading back in a few. Knight out." He said just before tapping his combadge. Alex gave the Ambassador some times to regain herself before saying. "Ambassador T'Rei? Lieutenant Commander Alexander Knight of the Tokyo's SWORD team. This is my wife and XO, Commander Alora Knight. I want you to know I take full responsibility for stunning you. I gave the order, and at the time, we needed a quick way to catch Marok off guard. It worked, however, he got away. My mindset, Ambassador, was that you would rather be unconscious than dead."

The Ambassador sat up and rubbed her head. "I would very much prefer to be alive than dead Lieutenant Commander" she said. "Thank you. I need to discuss the events of today with my government"

Alex helped stand the Ambassador up onto her feet, supporting her if needed. "I regret to inform you, Ambassador, that Marok may have got away. I did manage to hit him, but I was not able to determine his state before he was transported out."

"He is of no worry right now" The Ambassador said. "I suggest we return inside" she told him simply.

"You'll forgive me if I don't agree with you in regards to him not being a concern." Alex replied before looking to Alora. "Let's head back. I am sure Max and Admiral Burke will want a blow by blow recount of what happened."

"Yes." She turned to the Ambassador. "He's right, you know. Marok and his allies will be a problem for you and your government."

To be continued...


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