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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 8)

Posted on Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 2:50am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 2:52am

1,739 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Nyanta left the stand and approached the security officers who had arrived. "Well, don't just stand there!" he said to them, his smooth voice echoing in the courtroom. "Secure this building. Now!" he ordered.

"Yes, sir. There's more security outside, sir." He signaled to the others and they quickly spread out to search inside.

Kathryn smiled at Max. He always had a Plan B. Then she looked around for Admiral Miyahara. She walked over to him and took him by the arm. "We need to have a"

And now the continuation...

"Take your hands off me!" Miyahara growled as he wrenched free of Burke's grip. "You may have won this rigged round, but the war for the heart of the Federation is only beginning: There are more great patriots just like me who will take up arms to defend the Federation from all threats; foreign and domestic!"

"The heart of the Federation is quite safe from people like you," she replied, unfazed by his response. "History is full of those who believed that might meant right. They all failed, as will you." She handed him a PADD. "As I said before, Starfleet Command would like to see you. Immediately. If you fail to report as directed, you will be arrested, as will anyone who tries to undermine the freedom good men and women fought and died to preserve. You lost, Mr. Miyahara. Worse, you also lost the honor and respect you once obtained. You will be remembered, but not as a hero."

Miyahara shook his head with a little bit of smug swagger.

"If Starfleet Command wants my resignation so bad, they can have it: It'll be in front of them within the hour." He said. "But, in doing so, they'll deprive millions of Dominion War veterans and gold star families of a voice, and in time, that gilded tower of which you claim is so safe won't seem that way..."

Having said his last peace, Miyahara made his way towards the exit to report to Starfleet Command (and turn in his resignation) as instructed, chuckling rather evilly as he did so.

He was met at the door by four security officers.

"I didn't say they wanted your resignation," Kathryn should wasn't surprised his hubris would lead him to that conclusion. "There's a long list of charges against you. I don't think a resignation will suffice." From what she was told, he was likely to spend a good while on a penal colony. He'd be lucky if he wasn't tried for treason.

"Well, played, radical:" Miyahara smirked as he raised his hands for the security officers. "But my warning still stands..." He knew ways to cut that list of charges down to size, and even if he couldn't, he knew his supporters would rally, one way or another.

Admiral Kathryn Burke smiled. Between her and Admiral Hunter, she had no worries about Mr. Miyahara or his friends. Most of them were under arrest or soon would be. He was a big man in a little pond and would very soon realize that he was no match for Max.

Taiga let out a sigh. This wasn't what she was expecting, although it was almost predictable in its own way. Instead of chasing after Marok, she needed to do something else. She broke free from Lena and her seat and strode quickly over to Nakazato just after Miyahara was taken aside by Burke.

"Lieutenant... Takeshi" she said simply. "I need to ask you something"

"You can't have my kids!" Takeshi yelped, delirium in his voice. "I know your game, Taiga: I've known it and seen it in your eyes since the first time I mentioned that I have kids: You're infertile, and you want kids; and you think the easiest way to get your hands on some is to bump another man off and steal his kids. Well, you're going to have to do a lot better than that: I'd rather Mako and Zack grow up as orphans before I would ever let them into your wicked care!"

Taiga glared at Takeshi as she raised her hand and slapped him clean across the face before reaching up, grabbing his ear and pulling him down to her level. "Shut the hell up would you!" she said to him. "I'm not here to take away your kids, nor would I dream of doing such a thing you stupid IDIOT!" she told him her voice slightly raised. "What I am TRYING to do is to save your ass so that they don't lose any time with their father!" she told him releasing his ear.

"Listen. Do you really want to spend time in a penal colony on some god forsaken moon away from your wife and children? Or do you want to sacrifice your pride and actually save yourself from that fate?!" she asked. "Look, if you have any sort of honour left in you after this. You'll do what is right for your family. I know I would if I were you" she paused as she crossed her arms and let out a large sigh.

"Admiral Miyahara might have been your mentor when you were younger. But he's deluded and more or less insane right now. There's no way in hell he's getting anywhere now apart from being thrown out of the fleet" she looked up at Takeshi, her hazel eyes locking on his. "Now, I believe that he will take the blame for your purjury. If YOU tell them that he ordered you to do so! Don't you see this? Miyahara believes he has got all this power and that he's so high and mighty. If you stop being such an arrogant fool, the most you'll get is losing your commission. Isn't that better than being locked up while your wife and children still need you?!"

"You really are as clueless as you look:" Takeshi responded. "Senpai is far more dangerous than you even realize: He's become the mouthpiece of Dominion War veterans and gold star families of the era, who have been unfairly treated by the Federation, and if he gets thrown out of the fleet, there will be a bloodthirsty mob calling for heads on pikes. It's a fucking Catch 22, no matter what the hell I do! Either way I act, my life is over, and I'd be better off taking my life so at the very least, my wife and kids get severance from Starfleet..."

"I hate to burst your bubble, but in all honesty. Starfleet would be better off without men like Miyahara. Corrupt and all about power" Taiga began to shake her head. "Can't you see that the war changed him. He's paranoid, hungry for power. He's a shadow of the man he used to be. He's obsessed with war and violence" she paused for a few seconds. "There's no place for a man like him in Starfleet. We uphold the peace not upset it!"

The slap got Admiral Burke's attention. "Captain Aisaka." She was loud enough to be heard and clearly not pleased. "Unless you wish to lose your commission as well, you will stand down immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

Before the other woman could respond, Kathryn turned to Takeshi. "That is enough from you as well. Admiral Miyahara has disgraced himself and everyone who follows him. I urge you not to throw your career away as well. We've had enough of that for today."

Taiga turned and stared at Burke. "Admiral, I'm only trying to save a mans career, his family and possibly his life" Taiga explained in a calmer tone. She turned back to Takeshi for a moment. "Basically Takeshi...." she said in a calm softer tone. "Your own destiny is in your hands. I apologise for striking you, but you need to find your own clarity"

Her voice dropped to an almost whisper so that only Takeshi could hear her. "Between me and you. You should know that you have everything I have ever wanted. You're a very lucky man; however mention my own personal difficulties regarding finding my own happiness that you have already achieved like that again, then you'll have an enemy, not the ally I have been to you all this time".

With that said Taiga turned away and walked over back to her chair. She sat down, her elbow on the table as her arm supported her head. She gazed away at the nearest wall, she had said what she needed to.

Takeshi stood dumbfounded in place, his hand now slowly moving up to his raw cheek. He knew no amount of explaining would ever get Taiga to see where he was coming from: She hadn't been to all the Federation member worlds he had, and hadn't seen all the Dominion War veterans or gold star families who came up to enthusiastically shake Miyahara's hand: Some had even been in tearswhen they finally met their hero: The officer who finally had the balls to stand up and say 'enough is enough'. Simply put; Taiga and Burke had no idea how deeply the divisions within the Federation ran.

Whatever course of action Takeshi took next would incriminate him as a traitor by one faction of the Federation or the other. Except one faction had proven itself indisputably in power, and perhaps it would do well for Takeshi to bend to that faction, if it meant seeing Sayuki and the kids again...

"You'll get further comment from me after I have a little time to sort out my allegiances." He told Burke simply. "Though I do urge you to consider this, and I don't mean this as a threat, but Senpai's words have more power in them than you realize: You haven't seen the amount of people who have shaken his hand over the years, and I mean it when I say you shouldn't ignore the significant security risk being posed to the Federation until it's too late. Many interstellar powers throughout history have ignored the warning signs, and have paid the ultimate price for their arrogance. I will pray for the resilience of the Federation, should I ever see Gunma again..."

To be continued...


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