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Forming a plan

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 1:52pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Bridge

Taiga walked out onto the bridge after her little talk with Commander Daxer. The tractor beam was securly locked onto the freighter on the viewscreen. Taiga crossed her arms as she stood staring at the vessel.
"Ok I have an idea" she said. "Senior staff gather round" she ordered as she stepped over at the tactical station behind the two command chairs.

Tapping on it she brought up a recent scan on the console of the freighter.
"We're going to do a Trojan Horse on this puppy" she explained. "I want to know who is supplying those illegal supplies and we have been tasked with shutting them down" Taiga tapped away at the console. "In order to do this we'll need to make some modifications to hide what we're doing".

"First I need to know where this ship came from" she glanced over at her Ryuuji "I need you to get hold of the ships logs and to retrace its route" she explained.

Ryuuji nodded. "It shouldn't be that hard" he explained, afterall it was simple to hack into a civilian freighters computer system.

"We'll need the ship ready at a moments notice. We're going to need to repair any damaged systems, plus we'll be hiding ourselves aboard" she explained next looking at her new engineer. "Take all the engineering teams you need and make this happen" she said.

Already covered in grime and some fluid that had been in a Jefferies tube, John nodded his consent. "I'll get right on it."

Taiga next looked at Jennifer. "This ship is going to need a weapons upgrade. I want you to work with engineering in making this piece of junk able to actually defend itself"

"Yes Ma'am." Was Jennifer's simple reply.

"Last of all we'll need speed" she said. She looked up at her chief of flight control. "Think you can push the engines to give us some extra juice?"

T'Shenn looked at her, "This thing was built for cargo not speed. However, they like to run, which means they have to get power from somewhere. Give me that power, and I can run circles around our ship."

"Good" Taiga said. "When everything is done we'll be heading back along its route. Once we find who is responsible for its cargo we are to infilitrate the base and destroy it" she said. "That will be done in a joint operation between security and marine personnel. I want a plan from both of you within the next two hours" she ordered.

"Any questions?"

John raised his hand, shaking his head. "I can spare a few men to make sure she keeps working, but not too many. Anyone here have someone they don't mind lending my team?"

"A few of my Security officers have engineering experience." Jennifer replied. "I'll bring them with me to help with the weapons refit."

T'Shenn nodded. "K'Eltora might be able to help out. She's more tactical than flight, but she had some expiernece with Engineering before being moved to Tactical."

Taiga nodded. "Do what you need" she said looking at both of them. "Remember we need to look like a freighter crew, so we're going to need people" she explained.

"Ok then. Lets make this happen. I want that ship ready to move and mobilise in twelve hours" Taiga ordered.

T'Shenn looked at Taiga and asked, "May I speak with you in private Commander?"

Taiga pointed towards the ready room in response.

T'Shenn nodded and headed in that direction.

[Ready Room]

Taiga led the way into the ready room followed shortly by T'Shenn. When she reached her desk she leant against it and then hopped up and sat on the surface crossing her legs.
"Whats the problem Lieutenant?" she asked.

T'Shenn looked at her. "I'd like to volunteer to go with one of the Security Squads, Commander."

Taiga cocked her head to one side in confusion. "Why?" she asked. "You're a pilot are you not?"

T'Shenn nodded. "Before that I was security officer. Chief of Security on two Starbases. Took some time off to spend with my daughter and learned piloting skills."

"Yes Lieutenant I know that" Taiga said. "If you want to be part of the security squad then clear it with Commander Daxer. Thats her department" Taiga explained muttering something under her breath which was hardly audible. "However on the mission your main station will be at the helm of that Freighter. You're the best pilot on this ship, so thats where we'll need you. If you want to pull double duty and its good with Daxer then I'm fine with it" Taiga explained, she liked the womans enthusiasm it was needed on missions like this.

T'Shenn nodded. "Very well, Commander. I think I can do that. Also if you ever need someone to be trained in bladed weapons, I can teach them."

Taiga nodded. "I'll take that into consideration" she said. "I suggest you talk with Commander Daxer, she might want you to explain about your situation" she explained as she slipped off the desk. "Now if you'll excuse me Lieutenant, there's somewhere I need to be".

T'Shenn nodded. "By the way, where would Daxer's location be? Or should I ask the computer?"

Taiga shrugged. "No idea, she's probably on the bridge or in her office" Taiga explained.

T'Shenn nodded again. "Thank you Commander." With that she headed out for Daxer's office.

Taiga nodded and then headed out of the office too by an alternative door. With a little hope this plan would go well and the crew of the Tokyo would find out who is responsible for the smuggling of illegal contraband across the border.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jannifer Daxer
Chief Tactical/Security Officer & Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant John Stayus
Chief Engineering Officer


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