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A Fiery Clash of Opinions

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 1:52pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

1,702 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Ready Room

Taiga wasn't happy. That much was evident. If she could slam the door closed to her ready room she would have. She threw herself into the seat behind her desk and slammed her fist on the computer console causing it to beep a few times before turning on. She quickly brought up the schematics of the frieghter they were holding.
"How dare she!" she muttered to herself. She was not happy with Jennifer's actions. Even though she had been bluffing she could have gotten more out of their little 'guest' if she hadn't of stepped in.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and Jennifer Daxer walked in. She had been ordered to return here, so didn't bother ringing the chime. "Reporting as ordered." She said simply. She knew what was coming, and she wasn't going to back down.

Taiga let the doors swish close behind her before she looked up.
"Why did you pull a gun on me?" she asked simply in a rather low tone her eyes narrow.

Due to the nature of the conversation, Jen simply assumed that this was an open invitation to speak freely, and so she didn't mince her words. "Because you were out of line, and in violation of the law." She said simply. "As the Chief Security Officer on this ship, I should've arrested you for what you did in there."

"You stepped in while I was conducting an investigation!" Taiga shot back. "Not to mention you threatened me and undermined my authority!" she added. "Did you really think that I would kill him? He may be an insect, but it was just a damn bluff to get him to bloody talk! DID YOU CONSIDER THIS?!" Taiga asked standing up both hands on the desk which didn't make her look much taller.

Jennifer was working hard to keep her cool, despite the aggressive demeanor of her CO. "A confession or testimony obtained under duress cannot be considered viable evidence." She replied, seemingly unaffected by Taiga's anger. "Torture of a suspect is also illegal. As I said before, you were out of line."

"He needed a little pursuasion to talk!" Taiga snapped back. "We know know that there may be a Tal Shiar operative behind this and that is a HUGE security threat to the Federation!" Taiga took a breath and place a hand on her forehead. "Do you really think that this ship is assigned out here to keep the bloody peace!" she said. "We're here because we are to hunt out any threats to the Federation, hunt then down and eliminate them as quickly as possible! We're not like the bloody Enterprise shaking hands and pleasing diplomats, we have a much more military presence!"

That was it... The woman was pushing her luck, and now Jen had enough. She moved to stand opposite Taiga, placing her hands on the desk, and leaned in to let Taiga see the anger in her eyes. "Now you listen to me, and you listen well!" She snapped, no longer caring about the consequences. "I've been in Starfleet since your grandparents were in diapers, and I know how the Federation works. Just because we're out here on the ass end of the Romulan Neutral Zone, doesn't mean that you're immune to the law!"

Taiga slammed her fist on the desk. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!" she shouted. "I DON'T GIVE TWO FLYING NACELLES IF YOU'VE BEEN IN STARFLEET LONGER THAN ME!" she took a breath her heart beating fast now in her chest. "WE are out here to ELIMINATE THREATS to the Federation. STARFLEET DOESN'T CARE HOW WE DO IT, JUST AS LONG AS WE DO SO!" Taiga shouted. "DID YOUR ORDERS NOT SHOW THIS WHEN YOU SIGNED ON?" she yelled. "YES THERE ARE LAWS, BUT THEY DON'T ALWAYS WORK OUT HERE!"

Jen shook her head in disappointment. "You say they don't care how we do it, and that you're authorized to go to any lengths to get the job done? Fine! Prove it!" Jen challenged. "Let me see your orders so I can confirm that myself!"

Taiga scowled as she opened a drawer under her desk. She pulled out a PADD with the secret orders on. She tossed them across the room at Jennifer hitting her in the stomach and then falling to the ground. The orders on the screen read as follows.
"Commander Taiga Aisaka. You are ordered to identify who is responsible for the smuggling of illegal contraband across the Romulan/Federation Neutral zone and eliminate them. The Tokyo is authorised to enter the Romulan Neutral Zone and Romulan Space and use any means possible to locate and eliminate said target. These mission orders will be destroyed if captured and Starfleet will deny these orders. Signed Starfleet Command & Starfleet Intelligence"

"TAKE A LOOK!" Taiga said angrily as she sat down in her chair and crossed her arms "I shouldn't even be showing you these, but since you INSISTED to keep your GOD DAMN HEAD ON! HERE YOU GO!"

Jennifer picked up the PADD, reading over the orders placed there. Checking the required clearance level, she noted to herself that her own clearance was definitely high enough to be able to see these orders... though she wasn't about to tell Taiga that. "Let me handle interrogations." She said in an exasperated tone, as she tossed the PADD back onto the desk, causing it to slide to within arms reach of Taiga. "Regardless of these orders, violence isn't the answer, and you know it... Besides, as a Vulcan, I possess certain skills you do not, and I promise you that I'm good at what I do."

"Well you should consider actually TRUSTING ME!" Taiga said. "I'm your commanding officer. If you want to handle any interrogations in the future then fine" Taiga snapped calming down lately. "We're in a tough neighbourhood here and Starfleet is seen as a bloody pushover by most Civilian Captains. If someone doesn't make a stand then we'll never have this zone under our control. Did you realise that there has been civil unrest and acts of crime in this area because people think Starfleet isn't going to do anything!"

"Your rash actions up to this point have given me no reason to trust you, Commander." Jen said matter of factly. "I'm not one to blindly follow orders from my commanding officer, if I do not agree with them, and for all either of us know, that's the reason Starfleet assigned me to work for you. No matter what people out here think, it doesn't give you the right to blatantly threaten to take a life... Orders or no orders."

Taiga stared at her in silence for a few seconds. "It was a bluff to get him to talk. Do you really think I want to take a life when I myself personally am trying to make one..." she paused just realising what she said. "Erm, you shouldn't have heard that"

Jen raised an eyebrow at Taiga's statement. "Pardon me, Commander?" Jen wasn't quite sure she'd heard right. "Did you just tell me that you're trying to get pregnant?"

Taiga turned bright red like a tomato. "Thats not for you to know!" she said back quickly looking away. "Thats my own buisness and no one elses!" she paused for a few seconds. "Shouldn't you be somewhere right about now?!"

Jen ignored the question. "With all due respect, I would think that is a rather important detail." Jen replied, giving her a light smirk. "You talk about trust, and yet here you are, keeping details from me that are critical in order for me to properly do my job. That includes these orders, and your attempt to procreate. Besides I don't report to anyone on this ship, but you. Who am I going to tell?"

"It doesn't affect the running of this ship" Taiga said. "Plus, I don't think letting you know about my private life, or what I am doing when I'm off duty is a relevant topic between a Captain and their Executive" Taiga explained still blushing bright red in the face. "Trust has nothing to do with it, thats a private matter"

Jennifer slammed both of her open hands down onto the desk in frustration. "Dammit, Taiga! It has everything to do with the running of the ship!" She said seriously, using the woman's first name for the first time. "No offense, but you and I both know that if you're pregnant, it could easily explain your emotional instabilities over the last few days! Tell me how that's not relevant!"

"WELL I'M NOT!" Taiga replied quickly a tear escaping her eye. She wiped it away quickly hoping that Jennifer didn't see it. "I might let you know if I am. WHEN AND IF I'M READY OK!" she added. "Its not easy. Can't you give me a bit of a break?" she said in a much softer lower tone.

"Then stop fighting, and work with me, instead of against me." Jen replied in a more calm manner. "I'm here to help make your job easier, but I can't do that if you don't let me. If you want a friend, then you've got one, but please... Don't make me your enemy. Trust me when I tell you that wouldn't be a good career move for either of us."

Taiga looked at her for a few seconds then smiled. "I do believe we've got a freighter to attend to..." she said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "Come with me, I need to talk to the staff" she said as she headed towards the door. This was Taiga's way of changing the subject quickly, but also putting an end to an awkward conversation until she had proper time to think about it.

Jen sighed, lightly. She knew Taiga was avoiding the subject now, but she knew it would come up between them again. She just hoped it wouldn't be such an explosive confrontation the next time. "Lead the way, Commander." She said finally, as she turned to follow Taiga out the door.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical & Executive Officer


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