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A Quick Departure.

Posted on Thu Oct 25th, 2018 @ 8:02am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Thu Oct 25th, 2018 @ 8:02am

1,803 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Bridge

Taiga stepped out onto the bridge. 45 minutes ago she'd received orders from Starfleet Command. All shore leave had been cancelled and everyone had been given one hour to get back to the ship.

She now waited for the stragglers to report back on board, no doubt it wouldn't take very long.

K'Eltora walked up to the Tactical station and nodded to the Captain. She wondered what happened in the ready room for T'Shenn seemed to be lost.

Alora was in a particularly good mood when she walked onto the bridge. She and Alex got married and spent a good deal of time together on the starbase. She didn't even mind that their brief honeymoon had been cut short because Alex would still be on the Tokyo. She nodded to the others before taking her seat.

"Status of the crew recall" Taiga asked as she took her seat. "Who are we still waiting for?"

"Ensign Piper and a dozen junior staff have yet to report in," Alora said.

Taiga sighed. "Let me know when they do report in. We could need them later" she explained.

Soren walked onto the bridge, looking around, obviously frustrated. "Seriously?" He said firmly before raising his voice a bit. "Seriously?!?! I had a full house, a stack of latinum, and a dabo girl with a great set of..." He paused quickly, motioning his hands in front of his chest in a round motion before saying. "... eyes. This really couldn't have waited?"

Taiga rolled her eyes. "Obviously not..." she responded to him. "And Lieutenant... I wasn't aware that you were interested in such... eyes" she added with a slight smirk. Not that she had the same to offer, or ever would. But that didn't mean that she couldn't wind him up slightly. "Not to mention, if it was a Ferengi run establishment, you'd never of got that lucky..."

"There is nothing wrong with a nice pair of eyes, Captain. Especially when they are natural and had no work done on them." Soren replied with a smirk before taking his seat in front of an Intel console, logging in. "I can handle a bunch of bronze trolls with bad teeth. I've had my fair share of dealings with them from back in my thieving days. Details I can leave for another..." He paused slightly as he saw the priority message pop up from Starfleet Intel. "...time?" He whispered softly before putting in his code and beginning to read.

K'Eltora shook her head looking at her console. "Putting size before honor," she said quietly to herself.

"Shush." Soren replied quickly, holding his hand up, not turning to K'Eltora. "There are more important things to focus on than your bad opinions." His eyes never left the file. He was focused on it. Something about it didn't settle right. Could this be their current mission?

K'Eltora looked from her console to Soren then to the Captain. She wanted to kill him, but didn't voice her comment out loud.

Alora thought she'd seen Dillinger with one of the fighter pilots, but she had obviously been mistaken. She was going over the mission specs and chose to stay out of the conversation.

Taiga tapped several buttons on her chair and took a deep breath.

"Clear all moorings" she said. "Operations, clear our departure with space traffic control. Helm then take us out at best speed" Taiga ordered as she sat back.

"Aye Captain" Mikko replied with a smile as she tapped on her console. The engines began to warm up and then slowly the Tokyo began to pull away from the starbase. "Course Captain" Mikko asked as the ship began to speed up towards the edge of the system.

"Take us to the Cardassian De-militarised zone" Taiga said. "Best speed possible. This is a matter of urgency"

"Captain..." Mikko said. "Are we cleared to go into that area?" she asked curiously.

Taiga looked down at the young ensign. "Yes we are Ensign. By orders of Starfleet Command. We are on a search and rescue operation" she explained. She turned and looked at Alora.

"Commander, assemble the senior staff in the briefing room as soon as we're en route" Taiga said just as Mikko turned around and the Tokyo jumped to warp speed.

"Aye, ma'am," Alora said. She turned to her console and sent out the message to all senior staff.

Soren looked away from his console before grabbing a PADD. He uploaded the file he received before standing up. "More meetings. All this ship seems to do lately is meetings. Maybe later we can have another meeting about this meeting to set up another meeting." He shook his head before walking to the briefing room.

"Hmm" Taiga said with a smile. "How about we hold a meeting about it all for you?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Too many meetings," Alora muttered.

Soren stopped and with a firm look on his face, followed with a serious tone, he replied to her. "I've seen what we're doing here. There is a reason the Cardassian De-militarized Zone is dangerous. I guarantee you, nothing we are being sent to do there is worth it. I've done dealings in this area back in the day and, I can tell you, some of the people I dealt with were as quick to get out of there as I was. Cardassian's mind you in a rush to get out of their own De-militarized zone. That should tell you how dangerous it is in there."

Taiga pointed to the doors to the briefiing room. "I'll explain more in there. Although, from your intelligence reports no doubt you know as much as me right now" she explained.

"And I am telling you, Captain." Soren said softly before concluding. "This is a bad idea." He continued to the briefing room.

[Briefing Room]

Taiga walked in with her staff and she took her seat at the end of the long table.
"Well people. We've been called out again" she said simply. She looked over at Soren because she knew he would have something to say on the whole subject.

"Starfleet Command wants us to track down the USS Cassandra. She's an Oberth Science Vessel and was assigned to the Cardassian De-militarised zone to survey the area" she explained. "However, we have been told to bring back the ship, or in case we can't retrieve the ship, download its databanks and then scuttle the ship" Taiga explained.

T'Shenn laced her fingers in front of her mouth. "What is so important about this ship, Captain?"

"The ship isn't as important as its information." Soren replied firmly, his eyes locked on Taiga for a few moments in silence before shifting his eyes to T'Shenn, explaining further. "The ship itself is a ploy. On record, its assignment is survey the boarder and keep a maintain Federation presence. Without going too much into detail, its mission is far more detailed. While the ship itself is classified as a Science Vessel there is nothing science about it. Inside is a computer system designed specifically for a different purpose. Think about it. Why would Starfleet send a Science Vessel to keep the boarder in check? Why not a Prometheus? A Galaxy? Something designed specifically as a fighting vessel should they ever run into aggression. The Romulan De-Militarized zone was never peaceful, and compared to the Cardassians, the Romulans are more likely to keep their word now a days. Cardassians have become more aggressive over the years after the Dominion War. More so, because they tasted more power than they had during the Bajorian Occupation, and they were alone for that, the Dominion they had multiple races backing them and a species, the Jem Hadar, specifically breed for war. They crave that seat again, and lately, they've been grasping at anything to get it back." He paused slightly and added, for good measure. "Besides, what does it matter how important it is for you? Captain says fetch and you run without question. Isn't that, more or less, what you said earlier? You follow the Captain's orders and no one else's? She says 'do it' and you do it. No questions."

T'Shenn said, "Captain, I think I would like to visit a Federation Penal Colony under the crime of murder in your eyes." She then rushed Soren and began choking him.

Taiga instantly jumped up. "Security to the briefing room. NOW!" she said as she rushed over. She grabbed T'Shenn and began to try and pull her off of Soren. "STAND DOWN LIEUTENANT!" she shouted.

Alora walked over and used a Vulcan Nerve Pinch on T'Shenn. In a moment, the security officer was unconscious. "What brought that on?" she asked.

When two security guards ran into the room Alora pointed to T'Shenn. "Take her to the brig."

Taiga stepped towards Soren. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright Lieutenant?" she asked.

Soren straightened himself out and put his hand on his neck. For a brief moment he closed his eyes and refrained from showing any anger, despite being overflown with it. Finally, he opened his eyes and smirked, replying softly. "Not the first time a woman had her hands around my neck and it probably wont be the last." He cleared his throat a bit, feeling his voice was getting slightly horsed before adding. "That's the second time that lady has tried to kill me, by the way. Just feel I should point that out."

Taiga then looked at the two security officers. "When you get her to the brig, I want two security officers with her at all times!" she said. "If anyone knows how to get out of this ships brig its her" she explained.

"Aye Captain" the two security officers replied as they carried T'Shenn out of the room.

Taiga then turned her attention to everyone else in the room. It was safe to say there were a few shocked and surprised faces in the room. She took a deep breath as she watched the security officers pull T'Shenn through the far door, once it had closed she let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that was over.

"Our orders are simple. Find the Cassandra, download its data, possibly determine what happened to the crew if we have the time. If we can't retrieve the ship, we scuttle her" Taiga explained simply. "With that said, I want you all to report to your stations. Dismissed" Taiga said. She looked at Alora. "Commander, my ready room"

"Yes, ma'am," Alora said.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Air Boss

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer


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