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You Did What?

Posted on Fri Oct 26th, 2018 @ 1:56am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & T'Shenn

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Brig

Taiga wasn't in a good mood. The doors of the brig swished open and she walked through. She looked at the security officer manning the console and simply gestured to the door with her head. The officer nodded and left the room.

Alora followed the Captain. She chose to stay back and let Taiga do the talking. She was only there to keep the two from losing their tempers.

She walked up to the forcefield, T'Shenn on the otherside.

"Lieutenant" she said simply. "Care to explain, what the HELL you were thinking back there?" she asked simply. "Why did you think it was a good idea to announce your intent to seriously harm a member of this ships crew? And why did you think this was acceptable behaviour on a Federation Starship!" she asked her voice slightly raised. "And don't give me an of than honour crap that you're fond of, this is my ship and I want to know why my now FORMER Chief of Security decided to try and kill another officer in a senior staff briefing of all places!"

T'Shenn looked up at the Captain and said, "I will not speak to anyone but council."

Alora was surprised by this. "Do you mean to say that instead of explaining yourself and dealing with the Captain, you would prefer her to press formal charges and face a Court Martial?"

T'Shenn stood up and walked right up to the Security Field. "Captain, I have tried to not let my anger get the better of me. But at every turn, I have been insulted by that creature you call a Starfleet Intelligence Officer. You allow him to insult me, you allow him to insult you, and you don't take my complaints as anything but the ramblings of a psychopath. I decided to treat him like I would anyone on another of my people's ship or a Klingon ship. I could no longer abide Starfleet's blissful ignorance. Is that what you want me to tell you. I have no doubt that Dillinger would be happy to see me gone. And I am surprised you aren't as well."

"You are a Federation officer," Alora said. "You had no cause to try and kill the man. He may be rude and acerbic, but he was not trying to goad you into a fight. Nor did he challenge you. You are the one who was out of line," Alora said, stepping in to keep the Captain from screaming at T'Shenn. "Do you realize that if you don't ameliorate the situation now, the ship's logs will condemn you? You will lose your commission and be sent to a penal colony? While you can ask for council, you are bound by Starfleet law and you will be punished accordingly. However, if you cooperate, the Captain does have the discretion of calling a Captain's Mast instead of a full Court Martial."

T'Shenn turned away from them and walked to the back of the cell. "I will do whatever the Captain wishes, Commander. But the insults were enough of a challenge. If the Captain wishes to send me to a Penal Colony, then that is where I will go. But at least I will be away from the insults which you nor the Captain seemed to a damn thing about. As you noticed, I did not resist the Security team as they took me away. I could have and I would have hurt them. I could have stolen a shuttle and taken my family away from this ship. And I already know there are lies on my record thanks to that bastard. The first quote attempted murder unquote would never have taken place. It was all perceptions of people who refused to look into the situation. No I will not go into detail since no one cares about my side or me. If you all did, you would have gotten Dillinger to stop challenging me."

"Lies on your record?" Alora asked. "Lieutenant, you said, 'Captain, I think I would like to visit a Federation Penal Colony under the crime of murder in your eyes.' What lies are on your record?"

T'Shenn waved that off. "I am referring to the first incident. However, if it helps, I haven't sent it in, but I had my letter of resignation all written up before my attempt to answer Dillinger's challenge."

So she planned to kill the Chief Intelligence officer and resign? Did she not realize that, being a Starfleet Officer sworn to uphold the law, she would not be allowed to resign? She would be stripped of her rank, brought up on charges, and, if convicted, sent to a penal colony? Rude as Soren could be, it was no justification for what the security officer planned. Nor did Alora think Soren challenged the Klingon.

Alora looked to the Captain. This was for her to answer.

T'Shenn added, "By the way, Captain, I wold like to point out I believe Dillinger has the ability to manipulate time. While this sounds like the rantings of a lunatic, I distinctly remembering issuing a formal complaint against him in accordance with Starfleet rules. However, what everyone heard, but not what I said, was an argument between me and Dillinger. He acknowledged this fact when he used words I never said against me. The worst part is, I have no way of proving this save for a Vulcan mind meld. It was one of the reasons I was so confused during and when we returned from shore leave after the mirror universe mission. I would be willing, as much as this loathes me to say it, to submit myself to a Vulcan Mind-Meld to prove this fact."

Taiga had heard enough. She held up a hand.
"Lieutenant I know that I can struggle with my own temper at times. But NEVER have I attempted to take another officers life. Nothing should warrant the actions that you took today. As a senior officer on this ship you should know better, and should have brought any concerns to me instead of taking it into your own hands" she paused and turned around to face away from her.

After a few seconds she turned back to face T'Shenn. "Lieutenant T'Shenn. What you have done is too serious for an on board enquiry. Therefore as captain of this ship I hereby revoke your Starfleet Officer commission and you will be stripped of rank, grade and position" she paused. "Right now we have other tasks to do so until we can make port where a full court martial trial WILL be held you are confined to solitary confinement here in the brig". Her eyes were sharp and stern.

She turned on a heel but before leaving she made one more comment. "You have disappointed me and I'm not gling to accept your apologies". With a shake of her head she strode out of the brig.

Alora sighed. "I will look at the logs, but I do not believe Mr. Dillinger is able to do anything like you claim. We do not have anyone on board who can act as your council, but I will see that you get one once we get back to the starbase." And then she, too, turned and followed the Captain out of the brig.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Ex-Chief of Security


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