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Mirror, Mirror (part 3)

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2017 @ 12:04pm by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Tatiana Manning & Lieutenant K'Eltora & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Karlassa
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2017 @ 12:12pm

1,952 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks



The doors on the other side of the bridge opened and more armed Mirror security officers swarmed in. "Yes!" she replied pointing to the emergency exit. "Everyone who can move. Off now. I've locked them out, they can't go anything! Get to safety" she paused. "That's an order!" she said finally.


After a moment, they heard the turbolift doors open behind the Mirror Security Officers. The men were all in tight quarters as something slaughtered them from behind. A sword slash here, a disruptor bolt there and they fell quickly.

They had turned from the first disruptor shot and tried to take out the intruder. a few shots were fried, but the only body that went down was the next closest Soldier to the elevator. Five Mirror Security officers on the ground and three left standing.

One tried to jump away while the other two attacked, But the Klingon woman in armor had moved with him and slashed at his chest before firing a shot at another. Now there was only one left.

The security officer sneered as he jumped, dived and fired a shot at her catching her on the shoulder as she moved, her uniform having scorch marks on it, as well as blood coming out of a few holes. She had dropped her disruptor and pulled out her d'k tahg blade and threw it hitting him in the chest. He fell over with a cry as she stood up.

Once the last one had fallen, K'Eltora stood there, blood covering her Klingon uniform, ceremonial bladed sword in one hand. She said, "You know, I was about to come up here like this in protest, but soon, I saw it as a necessary uniform for war, Captain."

Alora didn't want to know what she was protesting. It was probably her and her orders about weapons. She went to her station and tried to unlock it with her command override, but it didn't work. A quick check showed her that controls were now in Engineering. The question now was, whose Engineering? Theirs or the Terran Empire's. "Captain, we have another problem," she said, indicating the engineering override.

"Who's activated the Engineering override?" Taiga asked in response. Obviously someone in Engineering was trying to lock them out.

"Lieutenant Tatiana Manning," Alora said after she checked the authorization.

"Warning" the computer called out. "Life support to Deck One has been compromised" the computer announced. Taiga swore under her breath, somehow the Mirror Universe crew of the Tokyyo were trying to take the bridge by any means necessary.

"Like I said earlier" she said to the crew. "Assemble at Starfighter Operations. Once there activate the Secondary bridge mode" she ordered. She looked over to Alora and gave her a nod.

"But command is in Engineering," Alora replied. "How do we know that when we get there, we won't be locked out hf that, too?" Why not go to Engineering and take control from there?"

"Warning, life support failure on deck one. Oxygen depletion in sixty seconds" the computer warned.

"Get to Engineering then!" Taiga said changing her mind quickly. "Once there, regain command and control functions" she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Alora quickly hurried the others off the bridge. "Come on, Captain."

"I'm on my way" Taiga said as she glanced over at the security officers now also fleeing the bridge.

:: Engineering ::

Tatianna felt like her head was going to explode. There was a blinding flash, then when her vision cleared she was still in Engineering, but everything was just slightly 'not right'. "What the actual hell was that?" she asked no one in particular. She turned to Cosima to finish their conversation and found her not there. "Cosima?! Where'd you go?"

Rather that the answer she was looking for, a rather nervous young crewman stood gawking at her, and in a trembling voice shouted into his commbadge, "Security! We've got an intruder in Engineering!"

Now Tatiana was *really* confused. "I'm not an intruder. I'm the Chief." she mumbled. "Computer, identify the Chief Engineer." she called out. The computer answered that she was indeed the CEO. She tapped her commbadge, "Security, cancel the intruder alert, false alarm."

Turning to the crewman, "I don't know you, but I'll chalk this up to you being weird. Now get back to your station." she ordered.

A blinking light and a beeping indicated something that needed her attention. She walked over and read the notice that told her that there was an emergency on the bridge and that command functions were locked out.

She pulled an isolinear chip from her pocket on the sleeve of her jacket and placed it in the terminal. With a few added commands, she rerouted the main functions to her terminal in Engineering. She then locked out the engine sub-routines to her command codes. Then she removed the chip and put it back in its place on her sleeve.

She tapped her commbadge, "Manning to command, Protocol Epsilon 4 in place, please advise."

:: Security Office ::

T'Shenn wasn't sure what was going on, but she needed to get out to the corridors. Before she had a chance, Karlassa had run in carrying her Lirpa with blood on it and T'Shenn was getting calls at her desk about Mirror incursions all over the ship. She didn't exactly know what that meant, skipping over those mission logs in Starfleet History class, but seeing her daughter with her bladed weapon in hand with blood on it, she knew she should have paid better attention.

There was another flash and soon T'Shenn was looking at a Mirror copy of herself. She couldn't believe her eyes. This one had scars up and down her naked arms and she could see some across her sides. She looked like a beaten woman, even though she could only see it out of one eye, the other looked pale and scarred. She held a phaser in her hand and said, "Don't move, Fleeter."

T'Shenn leaned forward, sliding her hands in her lap. "Why not?"

The woman said, "I don't want to have to kill you."

T'Shenn laughed. "Really now? Why not put away that Phaser and let's settle this like warriors."

The broken woman sighed. "I am no warrior. I'm a slave. Forced into this because my people sided with the Klingons and Cardassians."

T'Shenn was taken aback by this. She leaned back and asked, "Why would you side with the Cardassians?"

The woman closed her eyes and sighed. "What choice did we have? They liberated us after the Empire bombed our world after their First Contact meeting with us under Captain Pike."

T'Shenn sighed. In her people's first meeting with Pike, he proved himself a warrior, defeating and killing their best warrior. Though they didn't want anything to do with the Federation at the time, they respected him. T'Shenn said, "Then the Empire conquered your home world a second time."

The woman with a hollow eye nodded. "Now I must ask you to surrender."

T'Shenn shook her head. "A warrior never surrenders."

She nodded and fired her phaser. In a flash T'Shenn dived to the side, and threw a small dagger she had hidden under her desk. The blade caught the woman's weaponed hand digging deep. She didn't cry out as her phaser dropped. T'Shenn ran at her hard and slammed her into the wall. She threw a hard punch to the woman's jaw knocking her out. She turned to Karlassa and said, "Get mommy's kit from the top drawer."

Karlassa nodded and did so as T'Shenn began stripping the woman. She took off her uniform top and pants then did the same to her own. Karlassa came over and held it up. T'Shenn rolled the woman on her front and said, "Make the markings on me, just like hers."

Karlassa smiled and said, "We gonna fool 'em?"

T'Shenn chuckled and said, "I hope so, loQ wa'."

Lora Tau'Ri, First Officer of the ISS Tokyo, heard the alarms about intruders on the ship. Repeated calls to security went unanswered, so she acquired a weapon and headed for the office to see what was going on. She wasn't sure where the Captain was, either. She was likewise silent.

She walked into the security office and saw two women, one much too young to be here. The older woman had fresh cuts where T'Shenn once had scars. Creating scars? she wondered. Without a word, she shot both of them. While they were unconscious, she stripped them of their weapons and locked them in a shielded cupboard, engaging the force field so they could do no damage to the ship until she discovered what was going on. By the look of this other T'Shenn, she had a sinking feeling she knew what it was.

With security again secure, she headed to her intel office to do a careful search of the ship and find out how they had once again come in contact with the Federation.

Lora was striding down the corridor when her combadge chirped. She listened to the engineer and smiled. "Manning, this is Tau'Ri. What is your status?"

"Engineering is Secure. I've got a LOT of questions, but we'll have time for those later. What's your status?"

"I am well. I encountered a Starfleet officer in security. I believe there are other incursions on the ship. I have not seen the Captain." She wasn't sure quite what to do. Her own feelings were mixed. While she did not agree with much of what her own government did, she had also not had a good experience with Starfleet. Although much of that was due to Captain Johannson and to Alex Knight. "Keep vigilant."

"Aye, Ma'am."

"Please inform me if you encounter any incursions," Lora added. Although she wasn't sure what they would do. There was something more going on here than simply finding Starfleet on the ship. She simply had to find out what it was.

[Flight Deck]

Bobbie Sue hated being the last to know what was going on. She heard the alerts, but wasn't sure what they meant. What she did know was that the ship was at a standstill. The usual feeling of engines and life was now silent. Had the ship come to a complete halt?

She was of no use on the bridge, so she headed for the flight deck to see what she could find out.

Silica ran over to Bobbie Sue on the flight deck. "Hey!" she called out. "Do you have any idea whats happening?" she asked in a slightly confused yet scared manner. "None of the equipment is working properly, and the doors to this deck have sealed themselves!"

It was obvious that poor little Silica was shaking in fear. "None of us can find Commander Trigman either. Do you know where he is?"

"I haven't seen him," Bobbie Sue replied. "In fact, I haven't seen anyone but you. I think the best place to look for him is Starfighter Command. We'll see if he's there, and if not, we'll find out what's going on. Okay?"

Silica nodded. "Will you come with me?" she asked. "The engines have stopped, its weird."

Bobbie Sue nodded. "It is weird, isn't it? Come on, let's see what's going on, and find Trigman."


Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Assistant Chief Security Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Tatiana Manning
Chief Engineer
ISS Tokyo

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Tokyo

USS Tokyo
Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security Officer

Commander Lora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
ISS Tokyo

Lieutenant JG Bobbie Sue Hunter
Flight Leader
USS Tokyo

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko

USS Tokyo


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