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Regrouping (part 1)

Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2017 @ 2:24pm by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Tatiana Manning & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

959 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Engineering


With several sections of the Tokyo beginning to physically change. It could only be described as something beautiful as slowly sections of the ship changed colour, became darker or lighter and the furniture moulded into something new or different. Deck by deck the ship was becoming split up, some corridors marked with United Federation of Planets on one side, and the opposite bulkhead marked with Terran Empire.

Due to life support failing on the bridge, which Taiga suspected was a Terran Empire trick to regain control of the command of the vessel. She found herself along with the other bridge staff making their way to engineering. They were of course armed. They hadn't come across any resistance so far, it seemed as if their Mirror Universe counterparts seemed more focused on securing vital areas instead of playing cat and mouse.

The large doors of Engineering swished open and Taiga led the way in. She sighed with relief to find that the Engineering hadn't yet been affected.
"Can someone tell me what the hell is happening to my ship?!" Taiga demanded simply as she made her way over to the ships warp core and leant against the hand rail to get a view of the entire room.

"Not if you keep running away," Alora said bluntly. "We don't stay anywhere long enough TO find out what's going on." She sighed. "We fell through a rift and got stuck in null-space. Somehow, our counterparts from the Terran Empire got stuck here as well. The two ships appear to be sharing the same space and time. Apart from that, I have no idea."

Taiga's eyes narrowed at her response. "Well" she said. "We seem to all be in the same place now" she looked around Engineering. "So, lets try and find out whats happening"

"Well, What's happening is, a bunch of whack-a-doodles are running around here with guns and I got a report of massive damage to the bridge, so I locked it out, moved everything down here, and awaited further orders."

From her dress, Alora assumed this woman was one of those whack-a-doodles that had stormed the bridge. At least she wore the uniform of the Terran Empire. "Very prudent of you," she said.

"You're no ordinary officer are you?" Taiga asked simply. "I don't recognise you from my ship manifest. Are you part of the crew of this other Starship Tokyo?" she asked. "And how come you seem to be the only one that hasn't tried to kill us?" she added as she placed her hand on her phaser attached to her belt.

"Other what now? I'm not trying to kill anyone. I'm not even sure what's going on. There a big flash of blinding light, and then running, and screaming and shooting." Manning said. "I just assumed it was above my paygrade and did what I had to do to stay out of the booth."

"Above your pay grade?" Alora asked. "You transferred control from the bridge here, so you obviously have the authority to do so."

Taiga stepped over to the woman and drew her phaser which she had currently had on her belt. She grabbed the young woman and pushed her up against a nearby console. "Listen to me very carefully" she said placing the end of the phaser on her neck. "You are going to be taking orders from us now. We need to get this ship back together into one piece. If you even so as think of locking us out, or turning on us. I'll blow your head off personally!" Taiga said. "You may be from the Mirror Universe, Terran Empire or whatever you call it. But if you're in it for yourself, I warn you to be careful around me" she explained. "Understood?"

Alora thought that was a bit of an overreaction as the other woman hadn't made any hostile advances, but she said nothing.

Soren was surprisingly quiet, given his reputation. The ship being invaded wasn't a problem. Dealing with the Mirror Universe wasn't a problem. Hell, dealing with someone who was in for themselves wasn't a problem. It was seeing that face. Those eyes. Those cold and dead eyes. It wasn't just seeing Tammi again, it was seeing the other Soren. He wondered how he got that far, but then again, maybe he didn't want to know.

While Taiga had Tatiana by the throat, the younger woman pulled a "honor dagger" from her belt and pressed it firmly again Taiga's torso, near the bottom of the rib cage. She slowly added pressure till the tip of the razor sharp dagger began to press in. "I think it is you who needs to understand. You are already locked out, and if you don't take your (string of untranslated words, presumed to be vile expletives) hands off me, you won't live to regret your mistake."

Taiga looked into the womans eyes deeply, as if staring them out and then relaxed her grip. "I had to be sure that you weren't ordered to assist us and then betray us. But now I can see you're just in it for yourself" she explained releasing the woman. "I suggest you put that" she indicated the dagger "away before anyone gets hurt".

Alora shook her head. "Are you kidding?" She pushed the two women apart and took the dagger from Tatiana. It was easier than she thought because the engineer looked a little dumbfounded at Taiga's comment. Alora felt the same way, but she was getting used to the captain's total lack of common sense.

(To be continued...)

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Tatiana Manning
Chief Engineer


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