
  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Feb 28th, 2017 @ 10:38am


Name Karlassa

Position Child

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 4

Physical Appearance

Height 3'6"
Weight 45
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description She is a small Bajoran girl with long brown hair, a cute wrinkled nose, playful smile and muscular build being trained as a warrior.


Father K'Eltora
Mother T'Shenn
Other Family D'Reddix (Grandfather), Kron son of Kortah (Grandfather), T'Felo (Grandmother), V'Renna daughter of B'Eltan (Grandmother), Kelto (Uncle), Mochar (Uncle), Oliver Vinn (Adopted Uncle), D'Rak (Uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Happy personality, and exuberant attitude.
Strengths & Weaknesses Stength: Above Average fighting skills.

Weakness: Kid
Ambitions Grow up and join Starfleet or the KDF.
Hobbies & Interests Drawing, Fighting, having fun.

Personal History While her parents were on Starbase 218, they were killed in attack by criminals trying to control the station. She was found and adopted by K'Eltora and T'Shenn. The two took an Extended Leave of Absence to take her to the Hefestian home world and raise her. Now she gets to come with her Mom and Mommy on the new ship and is really excited by the prospect.