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Here Comes the Cavalry

Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2017 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Fighter Bay
Timeline: Back Post


Bobbie Sue had one ear on the chatter among the pilots and one on the official Starfleet channel. They'd been enroute for nearly a week now and she was looking forward to arriving on the Tokyo. Although she wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do first. Probably check over her fighter first. It wasn't that she had to do her own maintenance. She could, but there was someone who had that job, and she had no interest in ticking off the air boss. Smart pilots knew that following the rules kept them out of trouble.

A light began to flash on her console. "Bobcat to cubs, we're approaching the Tokyo."

A dozen pilots answered her and then she switched to the Star Fleet channel. "Hunter to Tokyo."

"Tokyo here."

"This is Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter. Request permission for my pilots to land."

There was silence for a long minute before the voice returned. "Acknowledged, Hunter. Permission granted. Flight pattern Bravo."

"Acknowledged. Bravo in. Hunter out."

To the pilots she reported, "Flight pattern Bravo. Alpha squadron first."

"Roger Bobcat. Lining up now."

Bobbie Sue's squadron was last. She and her pilots did a slow pass around the Tokyo while the other ships landed. Then she let her squadron land. Last of all, she came in, landing without fuss. It had been an uneventful flight, for which she was grateful.

She ran her post-flight check, secured her helmet, and carefully climbed to the deck to report in.

Trigman came out of the Flight Control center to meet the New arrivals, he had on the Flight Jacket over his tunic as he approached the Leader of the Flight.

"Lieutenant Hunter." Trigman greet with a genuine Grin. "I am Nicolas Trigman, it is good to have you here finally." He offered a handshake. "Welcome to the Tokyo."

Bobbie Sue shook his hand. "Thank you. I'm happy to be here."

"Smooth ride out here?" Trigman asked. "No ion storms of anything to contend with I presume." He chuckled and looked at the spanking new fighter behind the woman. "I have crews ready to get the Raptors to the taxi back to Earth." He joked. "I have three squadrons worth of pilots dying to get new toys."

Bobbie Sue just laughed. "In that distance? No fighter worth his salt would have a problem with that trip." She nodded to the fighters climbing out of their ships. "They should be ready to take the old birds back when you can get these put away."

"Well , they splurged on the Pilot's ready room in this place so if they want a break for a bit we can offer pretty good food and such." He gestured in the general direction. "I have a whole lot of fighter jocks ready to trade up I am sure it will not take all that long." He smiled. "Buy you a cup of coffee Lieutenant." He offered. "My wife is a yeoman with connections we get the real brewed stuff."

"None for me, thanks. But I'll be happy to join you for a meal. We left before dinner. I'm sure most of the other pilots would love real coffee."

"The squadron will see to the relay pilots and then we can go for some dinner, I was meeting my wife so you might want to meet her as she is on the Hangar Deck whenever I arrive from a mission." He chuckled. "I have a Valkyrie I brought with me so I do not need to go over to fetch my fighter , the other boys and girls can play fetch if they like." He gesture to the door. "Ladies always first."

"Thank you," Bobbie Sue said, smiling. "I look forward to meeting your wife. Always good to have another woman around the flight deck."


CMDR Nicolas 'Trigger' Trigman
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter
Flight Leader


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