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Flying Blind (part 1)

Posted on Tue Apr 25th, 2017 @ 8:42am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Ensign Mikko Ishigami

1,104 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Bridge and other areas


After her tantrum in the briefing post, the Captain took some time to herself to calm down. She did not, however, see fit to tell the crew what they might be facing. So, here they were, flying blind. Not technically blind, as sensors were working fine, but without a clue where they were going or why.

A course had been laid in, and they were on their way to...somewhere.

"Anything to report?" Alora asked the bridge crew. She wasn't sure exactly what to ask, but wanted to make sure they didn't run into trouble on the way.

"Yes" Soren replied quickly, raising his hand from the Intelligence Console, before speaking aloud. "I would like to report I am officially bored."

"Duly noted," Alora said coolly. "Let's hope you remain bored."

Soren laughed slightly before turning around in his chair and saying. "Let's not, because if I get too bored, I will find something to amuse myself. And believe me, you don't want me amusing myself. Bad things tend to happen." He turned back around in his chair and laughed before abruptly stopping. "Okay. In my head, that sounded a lot less dirty."

"And when bad things happen, people tend to get thrown in the brig." Alora wasn't going to say anything about his last comment. Some things were better left alone.

Suddenly without warning, alarms began to sound on the bridge as the Tokyo began to shake roughly. The doors of the ready room opened and Taiga stumbled onto the bridge.

"Report" she shouted over the noise of the shaking of the ship.

Soren held tightly to the console as he looked over to Alora. "I'm curious. Does this quality as Bad? If so, who do you plan on tossing in the brig?"

"This is because you didn't want to be bored," Alora countered.

Soren threw his hands up and shouted. "Alright. You caught me. I was so bored and no one was entertaining me I decided to go to the nearest Starship and cause trouble. You know, the old, 'let's blow something up to see if it gets some kind of response from the rest of the crew' kind of thing. Often dangerous, but effective." He turned around and leaned against the chair, shrugging a bit as he concluded. "At least you can't sit there and not consider me an active member of the ship."

Taiga made her way to her chair and gripped the edge of it. "Can we please establish what the hell is going on?" Taiga demanded.

"Granted, I am not a Chief Science or Tactical Officer, but I am going to go out on the limb by saying we are either being shot at or being pulled into something we didn't expect to be pulled into." Soren replied as he turned back to his console and continued. "I can honestly say I don't remember owing anyone money in this sector so I highly doubt its a ship based attack, although my memory is a bit fuzzy so I could be wrong."

Taiga just sighed. "I wasn't aware that you were part Ferengi Mister Soren" she replied. "All hands, Red Alert" she added. "Can someone give me an explanation of whats going on, a STARFLEET one please?!"

"I may not be Ferengi, but I certainly speak their language and had my dealings with the annoying gremlins." Soren replied quickly as he tapped on his console. "Starfleet Intel has no information in regards to this sector in space, so nothing on the fleety side. At least on this end, anyway."

Taiga nodded as she sat down. "Helm. Full reverse, pull us away from whatever is pulling us in" she ordered. "Power up the warp engines. Once we're clear jump to Warp Six, put some distance between us and whatever that is out there" Taiga ordered.

Ensign Ishigami at the helm nodded. "Aye Captain. Reversing engines" she said her fingers flying across the controls. The ship began to groan and whine as it was pulled into the rift. "No effect Captain. Engines are at full power, I'm trying my best, but I've only slowed us down!" she reported.

The Tokyo's nacelles began to flicker, and her impulse engines began to burn brightly as the ship tried its best to fight being pulled in.

"Engineering. We need more power to the engines. We're being pulled into some sort of rift. We need to break free" Taiga said over the comm.

"We're trying" Ryuuji's voice tried. "I've given you everything we can handle. Anymore and we'll burn out the..."

There was a sudden explosion from the rear of the ship as the main impulse engines burnt out. Sparks flew from consoles around the bridge as the feedback made its way along the powerlines. Ensign Ishigami was thrown to the floor as the helm console was engulfed in sparks and flames. Luckily her injuries weren't severe, but she was however burnt and unconcious.

"Medical to the bridge" Taiga said. She indicated for Mimi to take over helm control from Operations.

Mimi reconfigured part of the ops console to helm control, though with the warp and impulse engines not working there was going to be much flying to do, which was good as Mimi had barely scraped through the flight control segment of academy. "Helm is not working Captain."

=/\=On my way Captain.=/\= Alex responded, nodding to his deputy, "Hold down the fort."

"Everyone hold on!" Taiga said as she gripped the end of her chair tightly. "Commander" she said turning to Alora. "It looks like we're going in" she explained.

Alora turned to the computer console to see if there was any way to avoid going in. But as she touched the screen, nothing happened. "Computers are unresponsive," she said. She activated the shipwide comms. "All hands, brace for impact."

"I am not the one flying, so for the record, I would like to clearly state that this is not my fault." Soren shouted from his position.

"Shut up, Soren," Alora commanded.

"About time someone said it..." Taiga muttered under her breath as she held on.

Alora, being half-Vulcan, heard her and whispered back. "Why didn't you? You are the Captain."

(To be continued...)

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Ensign MIkko Ishigami

Ryuuji Takasu
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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