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Flying Blind (part 2)

Posted on Sat May 13th, 2017 @ 12:07pm by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Sat May 13th, 2017 @ 12:10pm

1,097 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Bridge



"I am not the one flying, so for the record, I would like to clearly state that this is not my fault." Soren shouted from his position.

"Shut up, Soren," Alora commanded.

"About time someone said it..." Taiga muttered under her breath as she held on.

Alora, being half-Vulcan, heard her and whispered back. "Why didn't you? You are the Captain."


Soren looked over from his console and smirked before yelling. "Three words! Go Fu-" His comment was cut off as the ship reached its most dangerous threshold as consoles and circuits began to blow up and the shaking became much less manageable. Soren's console blew, sending him flying from his seat and onto the floor with slight burns on his face.

Alora's temper was ready to snap. Not in the way Taiga's did, but she was definitely ready to send the obnoxious pilot to the brig for insubordination. If he were the only one on the ship, it wouldn't be so bad, but he was one of many, including the Captain. But as she was about to respond to his invective, the ship shook violently and consoles began to explode across the bridge. Caught off guard, she was thrown to the ground. She picked herself up off the floor and looked around before tapping her combadge. "Bridge to sickbay. We need a doctor on the bridge."

The rough ride through whatever had just happened left Alex a bit banged up but thankfully turbolifts had their own SIF and IDF generators, just for such an occasion. Coming out onto the bridge, he saw a scene of chaos, the two officers on the ground. "Already here commander. He glanced around, seeing Soren with burns but otherwise fine. It was the Helms woman, Ens Mikko Ishigami who was the more injured and he went over to her, kneeling where she lay as he began to scan her quickly.

He cursed silently under his breath. The young women would live, but she'd be facing several surgeries to reconstruct her face and neck. He never understood why starships needed enough EPS power to consoles to explode, it wasn't like they were much more then glorified padds, the workstations around the bridge.

Alora watched the doctor work for a moment, then began to scan to see if she coudl find out where they were. "Captain, we appear to be nowhere. There are no star formations, no communications, nothing."

Damage reports were coming in from throughout the ship. Alora turned from the scans to deal with the reports and assign repair crews and medical teams as needed.

T'Shenn, in her office contemplating how to handle her request to the captain, hit her comm badge and asked, "Bridge, what the hell just happened?"

"We appear to have been pulled into the rift," Alora reported. "Sensors indicate that we have come out in some sort of null space. Our current position is...nowhere." She ran a quick diagnostic in case the readings were flawed. Another check of the sensors showed the same results. They were, indeed, nowhere.

Alora turned to science. "Check the sensor data to see if you can find out what happened when we came through the rift." It was illogical to end up nowhere. The had to be somewhere. Something had to have gone wrong. If they could find out what that something was, they might be able to find a way back.

Alora wanted to get a visual of this nothingness. "Computer, turn on the viewscreen."

"Unable to comply."

As Ops was busy with more urgent matters, Alora checked the computer to see if she could find where the damage was. She took her tricorder and went to the wall beside the viewscreen to replace the blown circuits. There was a .001% chance that they could find something vusual to help figure out what was going on. Had they come out in some sort of field that masked all sensor and communication data? Visuals would not necessarily answer that question, but it would harm nothing to look.

She went back to her chair. "Computer, activate viewscreen."

The viewscreen showed no stars, it showed nothing but blackness. Again the entire ship shook violently from side to side, throwing everyone out of their chairs and to the floor. Lights flickered and consoles began to flash wildly, their programming changing and displays going frantic.

Once the shaking had stopped, Taiga pulled herself up from the floor.

She froze, as now she was face to face with herself. The woman in front of her, dressed in what resembled a Starfleet Uniform, but sleeveless and her stomach showing stared back at her. It was exactly like Taiga, the same hair, eyes and demeanour.

"Who... the hell are you?!" the woman snapped, as she placed a hand on a small knife attached to her belt. "And what are you doing on my bridge?!" she asked, her voice aggressive. Taiga looked down at the knife, and also noticed that the other Taiga was just showing signs of mid pregnancy.

"I'm Captain Taiga Aisaka. I could ask you the same thing, who are you! And this is MY bridge!"

The other woman laughed. "Well, the rumours of another dimension are true!" she laughed. "I'm Captain Taiga Aisaka of the ISS Tokyo. You will surrender, you invaders!"

Taiga simply stepped back. "All hands... Intruder Alert!"

The realization of what she saw hit Alora with the force of a sonic blast. How? Why? She shook her head. The reasons did not matter now. There would be time to find out later. What mattered was that it was happening and must be stopped.

She was surprised that the Captain did nothing more than call for Red Alert. Memories of past events on the Niagara flashed through her mind. The torture and murder, the deceit, the near-destruction of the ship. She could not allow that to happen again. She grabbed her chair and pulled herself up. She had to stop this now before it was too late.

She stormed over to the other Taiga and used a Vulcan Nerve Pinch to render her unconscious before the Mirror Captain knew what she had in mind. She tapped her combadge. "Security, beam the intruder to the brig. Highest security."

"Computer, intruder alert." Alora turned to the Captain. "We're in trouble."


Lieutenant Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer/Pilot

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
First Officer

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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