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A Heated Briefing (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Mar 15th, 2017 @ 10:25am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Wed Mar 15th, 2017 @ 10:26am

1,065 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Conference Room


"How long are we keeping the fighters patrolling for?" Mimi asked, keeping the fighters running almost constantly would use up a lot of the ships fuel resources rather quickly.

"We have enough fuel and resources to keep them active for a good four weeks" Taiga explained. "The Tokyo's Starfighters use new technology, burning less fuel than older designs. However, if the first few patrols turn out nothing of interest we can cut back to save resources" she explained. "I'll let you and Commander Trigman discuss the more finer details"

Soren immediately held up his hand. "Excuse me."

"Is there a problem Lieutenant?" Taiga asked snapping her attention to him. "Commander Trigman is the overall commander of the Starfighters on the ship. He is the one who decides to fly, when and where. He is also responsible for all aspects of the fighter hangar deck, including the upkeep of the fighters and everyone in the starfighter department" Taiga explained. "As a Squadron Leader, you report to him as the Starfighter Commander as he is your direct superior officer" she told him. "I do not know if you have served on a carrier starship before, but that is how things work on the Tokyo"

"Oh no." Soren smiled as he put his hand down. "I get that. I don't have a problem with him and his orders." He let out a slight chuckle before clearing his throat. "I have a problem with you still thinking my fighter is like the ones you have on board. You guys fly Raptors, which is not a problem, but Bettie is a Valkyrie. I have no problem with the Raptor design in general, and I believe a fighter is always as good as their pilot, but my starfighter is nothing like the ones you have here. I put a lot of work into her myself and she can do a lot of things your Raptors can't. You can ask Trigman. The pods you use for your fighters wont work on mine. She might not even need it had anyone even bothered to look or ask."

"That is something that you need to discuss with Commander Trigman" Taiga replied simply. "Be aware that the pods we use on the Tokyo are designed to suit our needs. If we need them on the fighters, they will be installed" she explained. "If your vessel needs additional attention all the time, then you may be called to use a standard Raptor if it cannot be equipped in time" she added. "Every single person and vessel on this ship needs to be at combat readiness in a moments notice"

Soren laughed loudly, throwing his head back. He leaned back in his chair and over to Taiga. "That's sound planning, Boss. Would you rather I fly something I have been using for years? Something fine tuned to my means? Something that I have proven to be far superior to even the most advanced of Starships or something that I haven't flown before? Something that needs to be tweaked time and time again.?" He looked around the table, focusing on Trigman before looking to Taiga. "Ask Trigger over here the difference between a minute and a second when you in a dogfight. When your flying a top speed with only a split second difference between life and death. A pilots fighter is more than just equipment. Its more than just circuits, a hull, and controls. Its an extension. An extension of ones self. A part of who you are. You're not flying a machine, you're flying your heart and soul. There is a reason why it is mandatory and tradition that a fighter pilot maintains his own fighter, because you have to know it in and out. You have to know its sounds and smells. You have to know the difference between a blown fuse and a loose socket at max thrust and high velocity. When your in zero g's or traveling at sub sonic in a planets atmosphere. Now you tell me Captain, in the middle of a skirmish where that split second is critical between protecting this ship and watching it fall to a Cardassian Galor, Romulan Warbird, or Klingon Bird-of-Prey, do you want me out there flying something I trust with my life or something that was given to me because nobody here trusts that I can do the same job is a craft that I put every piece of myself into." He stood up and slammed his hand against the thigh of one of his cybernetic legs. "Literally." He stood there staring at Taiga sternly. "I can fly just as good, maybe even better, than any pilot in my Bettie. And I can do any job just as good, maybe even a little bit better, in here as well. Do you want to see what I am made of or do you want to keep adding more restrictions on me?"

Taiga stood up pushing her chair away from the table causing it to spin backwards into the wall behind her.
"You want to talk restrictions Lieutenant?!" she demaned her voice firm as she stared back at him. "Until further notice you are GROUNDED!" she said her voice now coming through, the scary voice of Taiga which made most officer's cringe or back down. "We are NOT a god damn pirate vessel which you are used to, and we will never be so!. If you cannot LEARN to follow the rules and orders of this ship and its Command structure, then I will personally escort you back to Starfleet Security and you can go back to that hell you came from!" she snapped.

"Get the HELL OUT OF MY BRIEFING ROOM!" she shouted at him. "You are being confined to quarters until you can learn better respect for your senior officers!" she added as she slammed her fist down on the table. "Consider yourself lucky that I don't come over there and knock you on your BASTARD ASS for how you just spoke to me!" her eyes were glaring, if they could be they would be on fire.

"MEETING DISMISSED!" she ended before turning away from Soren. "If anyone has any other questions, FIND YOUR OWN ANSWERS GOD DAMMIT!". With that she strode out of the room.

To be continued...


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