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A Heated Briefing (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Mar 15th, 2017 @ 10:25am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Wed Mar 15th, 2017 @ 10:25am

1,344 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Conference Room


Alora assigned the Captain's Yeoman to prepare the conference room for the senior officers to meet a half hour after the ship left the system. Each of the senior officers and the Captain received a formal message, giving them enough time to finish what they were doing and make it to the briefing on time.

The First Officer turned the bridge over to the officer on duty and still managed to be the first to arrive at the meeting.

Taiga arrived at the meeting to only find Alora there. She gave her a polite nod before making her way to the end of the table.

Alora returned the nod and went back to perusing a PADD.

"Captain, Commander." Mimi greeted Taiga and Alora as she entered and sat down gently sipping at a mug of tea as they waited for the remainder of the senior officers to arrive.

"Hello, lieutenant," Alora said in return.

Lily was in the background, the place she tended to feel the most comfort, her job is simple and the three PADDS she had were for the briefing as she wait with what she and the Captain had gone over as notes for this staff meeting. In her uniform she tried to be little more than a part of the wall until the doors parted and her face lit up a little more, maybe her spots went a shade darker but she was on duty so other than eye contact she could not acknowledge her husband.

Trigman entered the briefing wearing the light Flight jacket in lieu of the usual jacket of the Ship's crew signified his being a part of the Fighter wing; actually the pips on his collar and small ribbon pinned beside his comm badge signified he was the CAG commander Air Group, the man who was in charge of all the squadrons of the ship.
SOmetimes he thought he had his own staff large enough to crew a ship; a Nova class or the like, with three complete squadrons and the support staff he had quite a few of thew crew he had to watch over.

Seeing Lily in her usual place out of the way he gave her a wink and proceeded to a chair.

Greetings, top of the morning to you all." Trigman greet as he took his chair.

Lily moved from her spot and cross over to Trigman. "Commander, your PADD." SHe realized he had forgotten it so she brought it with her.

"Thank you." He smiled as he took the PADD. "I see why the Captain keeps you about; you cover the little things.

"I am told it is the little things that matter most." Lily replied and backed away to tak her station near the Captain again.

Soren walked into the briefing room, a smile on his face as he sat down and leaned back in his chair. He tapped on the arms for a bit and swung the chair back and forth before looking around the room and giving everyone a quick wave. "Ello All." He looked down at the table and notices all the PADD's on it. "Hmmm... Maybe I should have brought a PADD. Should I have brought a PADD? Was this meeting B.Y.O.PA.D.D?"

"The PADDs in the middle of the table are extras," Alora said. "If you did not bring one of your own, you may take one of those."

T'Shenn walked in rubbing her hair with a towel. She smiled and said, "Sorry I'm late. I was training with K'Eltora and Karlassa. Just got out of a fun shower."

Once everyone had gathered; Taiga stood up and pulled up a map of the surrounding space around the Romulan Neutral Zone. "We have once again been assigned along the Federation side of the Romulan Neutral Zone" she explained simply. "Our orders are quite simple. We are to police the border as usual" she told them. "Starfleet knows that we've encountered a lot out there recently, however the Tokyo's main mission is to protect Federation citizens in key areas such as this"

She paused before continuing. "While we are on the patrol, we are to test the Tokyo's new upgrades. There is a lot of Civilian traffic between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. We are to make sure that everyone is safe and that no illegal activities are occurring" she explained as she looked around her senior staff. "We will be covering quite a large area, so we will be using the Starfighters as scouting ships while the Tokyo itself becomes a center of operations for the quadrant"

"What sort of monitoring are we allowed to do?" Alora asked.

"The upgraded Sensory and communications pods have been distributed among the flight crews." Trigman reported. Six sips of each squdron have them mounted on the fighter pylons; it will be one less piece of ordinace but a small price as we have the requested fighters ready to scout as promised ma'am." Trigman consulted his PADD. "I have one scout fighter and an armed escort for each flight sent out on recon." He glanced up. "12 birds in the air and the other ships on standby with ready fighters. Nothing is going to get too close to us without our knowing Captain."

Taiga nodded. "Good work" she replied. "We'll be monitoring all traffic, civilian or otherwise across several systems" she explained. "The type of monitoring will be general police and security work. We'll be conducting scans of any civilian traffic which looks suspicious, keeping an eye out for any enemies and examining sensor logs from border buoys"

Alora nodded.

"Oh that was you that put that junk on my fighter?" Soren replied quickly to Trigman with a raised brow. "Oh, I tore that puppy right off."

"I would suggest that you put it back on" Taiga said. "We'll be needing you in the air" she explained simply.

"Commander" she said addressing Trigman. "We'll be needing around the clock scouting crews. I'll leave it upto you who flies when" she explained. "Ensure that Starfighter Operations knows who is leaving and who is coming back. We can't afford any gaps or anyone grounded."

T'Shenn nodded and said, "I will get my Security teams ready, Captain. Though I may want to head over personally if the suspicious activity warrants it."

"Lt. Dillinger can have the unit replaced or park his fighter. " Trigman said calmly. "His fighter's modification are the most logical of his flight to have the sensory Pod in place."

Soren held up his hands a bit. "Hold on. Let me explain. For the record, I am not against the sensory pod. I am however against people touching my fighter without me being there. I prefer to do the add on's myself. Bettie, my fighter, is a bit sensitive and prefers nobody but me touch her. Primarily, because she doesn't trust anyone to put something on her that wont harm her in some way. It's happened before without my knowledge. I will put it back on personally, for the mission, I just ask that, in the future, at least make sure I am present. Or give it to me and I will put it on."

"The sensory Pod is a standard Oof any fighter." Trigman said slowly. "It is the same as a torpedo pod or any other weapon mounted on a hard point. There is a report that goes out of what the fighters will be carrying to all pilots, the reports are posted on the PADD of each pilot." Trigman continued. "Any special instructions we will discuss off line."

Alora raised an eyebrow. She had not met Soren yet, and if his behavior now was any indication, she wasn't looking forward to working with him. As a pilot, he was under Trigman, but as the Chief Intelligence Officer, he was her responsibility. And she thought T'Shenn difficult.

T'Shenn said quietly to herself, "And I thought I was a pain in the ass."

To be continued....


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