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A Matter of Security

Posted on Mon Mar 27th, 2017 @ 2:16pm by Commander Alora Knight & T'Shenn

1,835 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Security


Alora walked into the security office and took a quick look around before asking the nearest officer, "Is Lieutenant T'Shenn available?"

T'Shenn walked out of her office and said, "Yes, can I help you?"

"Hello. I'm the new First Officer and I'd like to have a word with you," Alora asked.

T'Shenn shrugged and said, "Yeah I guess so. Going over reports."

Alora nodded. "Thank you. Do you want to talk here, or in your office?'

T'Shenn said, "You can come into the office. Want something to drink?" She headed in.

"No thank you," Alora said, following the security officer. She paused to glance around the office to see what T'Shenn had added to the room. "Nice weapon."

T'Shenn nodded. "That one has been in my family for generations. I have many blades actually. Been teaching my daughter Karlassa how to use one. She's very good. But I need to ask, Commander, who was that new guy that just showed up and why is he not in one of the brigs right now? If I were to go by my Security Officers reports, I should have hauled that guy there and had the Captain talk to him in there. But in reality, one minute I am talking to him and Trigman, the next the Captain comes in and the entire conversation happened as if I wasn't even there."

Alora raised an eyebrow. "That is why I wish to speak to you. I received a complaint and so reviewed the video to make sure I knew the facts before I spoke to you. First, the two security officers present at the time came with Mr. Dillinger. They were his official escorts. They were there to make sure he arrived and have the Captain sign that she received him. You were the only other security officer, so you could not have received a report. Second, Mr. Dillinger, while obnoxious, did not do anything in your presence to warrant being hauled off to the brig. Second, Mr. Dillinger has done nothing to warrant being put in the brig. At least not after he stepped out of his plane. He is the new Chief Intelligence Officer and a Squadron Leader. Once the Captain signed the PADD, he became a member of this crew. Third, and the reason I am here, is that you drew a weapon on a fellow Starfleet Officer without cause and issued a threat. That is a violation of several regulations and could result in NJP or a notation in your permanent record. The Captain told you to put your blade away and that it was not authorized Starfleet issue.

T'Shenn shrugged and said, "Not the first time I have threatened someone in Starfleet. It was my first demerit at the Academy. Stayed on my record, but at the time called it a cultural misunderstanding. The Captain signed for him after I made my joke. And also, Commander, I did not pull my weapon on him as you may claim. I slid it out of my sleeve to show I have one. I believe you would call it a deterrent. If I wanted to pull it on him, it would have been at his throat instead of staying in my hand. The Captain only noticed it cause she came into the room after my joke was done. If you want me to show you how I threaten, I will. No, I was trying to be light hearted with Trigman, or at least make him groan. If I read my human literature correct, making a comment like that, without being serious, meant that I was trying to be... goofy. As you know, Commander, my people are very grim. I try and smile, but after the last battle, I haven't seen much reason to except around my daughter."

Alora raised an eyebrow. "You pulled your weapon, call it pull or slid it out. You asked Mr. Trigman if Mr. Dillinger needed to make it to his destination in one piece. There was no provocation. Nothing was said or done to warrant such an action. It was not a joke and definitely not funny," Alora said. "You growled in a clearly hostile manner and threatened Mr. Dillinger again as well. There is no justification for such an action. While some species have been allowed to carry a knife or bladed weapon, it is generally up to the Captain to allow it or not. You have abused the privilege. Therefore, your right to carry such weapons has been revoked, effective immediately. You can use a weapon for training purposes or if needed for an away team. Possibly if you are posted where you need a weapon. But then it will be a standard-issue phaser." She paused to emphasize her next point. "If Mr. DIllinger wished to make a formal complaint, you would be found guilty and have a permanent mark in your file. You should be grateful he did not and consider regulations if you ever wish to draw a weapon on another Starfleet officer without just case again."

T'Shenn just shrugged. "After what I have seen and been through, not having a weapon within two inches of me will get this crew killed. The weapons I carry is in defense of my shipmates, which I still don't consider Mister Dillinger one of because, the way it has presented to me, is that he is reckless and is willing to endanger the crew and the mission. The blades I keep on me, the two on my wrists, are both an anniversary present, as well as a way to protect from intruders. If... IF I wanted to threaten Mister Dillinger's life, I would have actually done so. I also have a Starfleet approved way to challenge someone to a specific combat. If anyone bleeds during that, it's their fault and not mine. I will give up my special blades for now, but if anyone gets hurt during our next mission because I don't have them on me, I will issue a formal complaint on your and the Captain to the next up in the line. I take ship safety very personally. I want to protect this ship from people who wish to endanger it. I have spent the last five minutes trying to remember that you are my superior officer on a Starfleet vessel rather than a Hefestian one. You people like to complain a lot. I have no respect for you. I will follow your orders, but you will complain about how I do it. And if I find out who issued the complaint without issuing a challenge then I will do the same to them."

"Whether you like it or not, Mr. Dillinger is a member of this crew, as am I. You are the one who has been reckless and endangered others," Alora said. "Mr. Dillinger is simply obnoxious. This is neither a Hefestian ship, nor is it a Klingon one. Here you are expected to live by Starfleet regulations. If you cannot do that, then I will help you transfer to another ship." She paused, trying to understand how this woman could possibly believe that she was being logical. This woman had shown little self-control and even less honor."It was surprising for someone who seemed to value her heritage as much as she did.

"This is not a complaint. This is an order," the First Officer continued. "You will keep your blades in your quarters until I am satisfied that you have the self-control to use them wisely and not pull them on anyone who makes you angry. In the meantime, I would not recommend that you challenge anyone to combat on this ship. Finally, I do not require your respect, I require your compliance. So far, you have shown no respect for authority or for Starfleet regulations. For now, I will not add this incident to your permanent record, but if you continue to make threats and disobey regulations, I will be forced to do so. You are a Starfleet officer, and I expect you to behave accordingly."

She shrugged again. "Two things then, Commander. One my performance will be down, mostly because I will be following Starfleet protocol to the letter. But that doesn't matter. Second, you said I can't challenge anyone. I have been challenged by someone on my mate's staff, since Starfleet lists me as the Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer, and have agreed to it. We will be doing this in the lounge around 1830 Hours. You are welcome to join us. I had to procure the weapons from a village in Mexico."

"What exactly is this challenge?" Alora asked. She knew of no challenges involving weapons that were permitted by Starfleet. Unless they were on the holodeck with the safeties on.

T'Shenn smirked. "Drinking of course. I have a case of something called ta-kwi-la and plan to drink Lieutenant Alverez under the table. He will have his own drink of course. Hefestians learned long ago that if the two best fighters killed each other in combat then there would be no one left to fight the enemy. So we had to find other ways to fight without killing each other. Combat to the death is still accepted but it's more combat to win without losing soldiers. Which is why, bare the teeth but try to contain them is popular in certain circles of my people."

"Ah," Alora said, understanding. "Then as long as neither of you have duty the next day and don't end up in sickbay, you should be fine. This was not an auspicious way to begin, but I do hope that we have no more altercations of this sort in future."

T'Shenn shrugs. "Well without my blades, the threats will be more real rather than fake if someone comes aboard Captain Tagia's ship ordering me and her around like were cadets and possibly endangering the safety of the ship and crew ma'am. Still surprised I get chewed out about that. I knew I should have made the threat more real. Also this puts a stop to my anti-Borg drills I was going to start with the security team, at least until you reinstate the blades rule. SO all in all, it's lose-lose for the Tokyo. Other than that, I have no other problems."

"If the threat had been real, lieutenant, you would be in the brig facing formal charges. You don't threaten someone for mouthing off. You might want to brush up on your Starfleet regulations. As for Borg training, you are welcome to train on the holodeck as long as you have the safeties on. But you may only use them for training." Alora gave the woman a short bow. "I will let you get back to your work."

As Alora headed back to the bridge, she hoped there would be no more problems on the ship in the near future.


Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant T'Shann
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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