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SWORD Mission Log 2: On The Trail

Posted on Sun Mar 12th, 2017 @ 10:04am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

518 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: On The Prowler


The door to his quarters open as Alex walked in wearing just a towel. Hooting and hawing could be heard in the back just before he turned and yelled back. "Knock it off. Back to work." He gave a laugh before stepping completely in, allowing the door to close behind him. From there it was one less thing to do. Alex sat down at his desk and tapped on his console. "Begin SWORD Mission Log." He said firmly before the computer replied with its standard tone.

"Rough day." Alex said as he leaned back in his chair. "Got into a skirmish with a Terran Imperial Escort. Viva was able to fly circles around them and give Pitbull some good opportunities to open fire. Long story short? We won and they lost. Needless to say, Lem and Jazz are gonna have a lot of repair ahead of them." He let out a laugh before continuing. "Maybe its time to head to that pleasure planet Trap was always talking about. Nimbus III I think it was. What did he call it? Paradise City?" He shook his head a bit. "Maybe after we catch Dylan."

"There was talk going around that he was hiding out in a Imperial Starfleet Outpost by the Bajorian Border, but that was a dead end. All we found there was Imperial Soldiers and slave workers." Alex paused slightly, shaking his head a bit. "I wish we could have got them out of there, but we were outnumbers and I couldn't risk a confrontation. I sent a message forward to the TRF and, hopefully, they can do what we couldn't." He stopped again in mid thought, tapping his finger on the console, before crossing his arms over his chest. "But still, I wish we could have done something while we were there."

Alex placed his hands back on the console and continued. "I don't know what to do this time about Dylan. Everytime I throw him in a cell he finds a way back out. He never used to be like this. Back when we were at the Imperial Academy, we used to compete with each other. It wasn't a hostile competition, but a fun one. We would try to get higher than the other, and whoever won, would treat the winner to their choice of spoils. And in the end, it was all in good fun, with the loser shaking the winners hand and giving him a thoughtful congratulation. But now, he would sooner kill her than shake your hand. Dylan only smiles when he is hurting someone, hearing them scream. It was bad enough I had to impersonate him during out undercover mission to the I.S.S. Niagara and pretend to enjoy every moment of what I did. With him, the fun is all real. He has to be stopped." He said softly, placing his finger above the console, allowing it hover slightly. "He has to be stopped." Alex repeated again in a softer tone before concluding. "End Mission Log."


Lieutenant Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
SWORD Team Leader


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