
To the Shimadas! (backpost) (Part 4)

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 5:40am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Alice Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Edited on on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 5:41am

1,644 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Timeline: After 'To the Shimadas! (Part 3)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"I think Uncle Kisad summed it up the best, and there's no need for me to even try and top it." Alice went off her script after hearing how eloquently Kisad had put his toast. "I'm just glad that my parents are finally happy. After fourteen years of being on the sidelines at weddings, including Captain Aisaka's, I'm glad that my mom and dad finally get their time in the limelight. And if you share in my joy, then please raise your glasses high for my parents!"

And now, the continuation:

"So," Nozomi began once all the clamor had finally died down. "Now that you're finally stepping down from Starfleet, how does a woman who's seen as many years as Iowa Riverside spend her retirement?"

"Well, I've always seen the work of museum ships as admirable." Iowa admitted. "Maybe I'm going to volunteer at a couple? I know humanity these days likes nothing more than to suppress its violent history, so these museum warships are fighting an uphill battle, but it is really important that the lessons those ships taught us aren't forgotten by present day hubris. Because those who forget the mistakes of the past are damned to repeat it, am I right?"

"All too true," Nozomi agreed. "And I personally think it's wonderful that you're volunteering to help preserve our history, Iowa."

"I mean, I'm more familiar with those old warships than I am with all this new school tech." Iowa shrugged. "I'm sure the volunteers running them now would love some firsthand knowledge of historic naval operations."

"So... if she's leaving, who's taking over as the head of Triumph Squadron?" Lynette switched topics.

Iowa chuckled.

"Well, I can't say it'll get approved, but I've put in a good word with the captain and the CAG to have Kusuda here succeed me." Iowa nodded in Nozomi's direction. "The promotion would certainly be well-earned."

"Me?!" Nozomi spluttered. "Iowa, I'm flattered- truly, I am- but I've only been Junior Grade for a couple of weeks now; I'm not sure if I'm cut out to be leading Triumph Squadron!"

Fubuki who was nor far from the looked over and smirked. With the withdrawal of their CAG, she was now temporary CAG until a new more experienced officer was assigned. She didn't need to say anything as her look said it all.

"I'm sure it ain't gonna be a hard sell, though." Iowa said with a wink.

Nozomi shook he head sadly. "For someone of Captain Aisaka's poise? I'd think she would want someone with a bit more experience than little old me."

It had actually been the second time that Nezuko had seen the human union custom and it had been spectacular. The ceremony, the dances, the speeches. Raising glasses in honour of each other. A youth speaking from her heart about the love of her parents (she understood this was less common, but it was incredibly touching).

She found herself next to Thomas and Talia, sipping wine with a straw in her respirator’s induction port. She signed to Thomas, {Are all human union ceremonies this nice?}

{It all depends on the religion, and the preference of the two getting married, some like Talia and I, have decided on a quiet spur of the moment kinda deal. Given we only knew each other for a few days.} Thomas replied smiling over to Talia, {Most people know each other years before marriage, some religions however, dont know each other period.}

{Interesting. Amphea unions are acknowledged by family but they tend to be low-key. People in our society are already closely linked, working communally to live, hunt, build, teach and protect youth. When we decide we want a family, we are paired with someone else who wants one, with whom we are compatible personality-wise and in a way that promotes genetic diversity. Parents form a stable household for their families but actual devoted monogamy and sexual exclusivity is rare. Love often forms but sometimes it's more like strong friendship. Not like this.} Nezuko gestured to the happy bride and groom, and their beaming daughter. Perhaps a bit envious.

{Unsure if thats easier, or more complicated. But it is interesting to say the least.} He replied as he remembered. {I forgot to mention, I have talked to the Captain about getting the senior staff some lessons in basic Amphea signs... hopefully what happened previously, doesn't happen again.}

{I appreciate that!} Nezuko's wide smile was visible under her breathing apparatus. She turned to face both Talia and Thomas and made a gesture which meant something like 'close friends' or 'best friends', and also thought the idea intensely, with imagery of Nezuko with Talia, Thomas, or both, doing fun things and otherwise being comfortable in each other's presence.

Thomas smiled, nodded {No problem...} He replied with a smile. He noticed the gesture, and recognized it, {Absolutely, I really do think that.} However something more was added to it... Looking to Talia, with her telepathic abilities, would get a clearer picture.

Talia had indeed picked up on the something more Nezuko had alluded to in her imagery, she wasn’t sure entirely what to think about it at first, but at the same time she didn’t want to offend Nezuko, {Close friendships are special I agree, are friendships on your world this...”} She paused wondering how to word it. {“…inclusive?”} She had to admit she was actually finding the idea of interest.

Thomas raises an eyebrow, "inclusive?" He asked

Talia nodded. “I guess you didn’t pick up on that part?” She focussed her mind on relaying what she’d gotten from Nezuko that Thomas hadn’t.

Thomas raised an eyebrow. Realized and put 2 and 2 together. About the discussion. "Oh... wow..." He replied as he took a drink of his glass. Looking over at Talia, and then nezuko.

There was no small amount of mirth and mischief in Nezuko's eyes. She had indeed meant to imply familiarity and inclusiveness in a way that close Amphea friends, which sometimes did include what Thomas and Talia picked up on. She gave Thomas and Talia a sly wink and raised her glass in toast to them.

Grabbing a glass from a tray that was passing. The typical male in him, couldn't help but give her a once over quickly. Before straightening up, smiling, and taking Talias hand.

Talia couldn’t help but notice the way Thomas had given Nezuko a look over. {Maybe we could all depart together this evening? What do you think Imzadi?} She gave Thomas a curious look.

Pausing before answering, giving her a curious look as well in return.

Nezuko couldn’t hear the mental conversation going on, but she did notice the looks she was getting. And she could surreptitiously sign to Thomas that maybe he should take his wife home, and that maybe she’d want to leave at the same time.

{Nezuko, after we are done here, would you like to... join us for a night cap in our quarters?}

{I’d like that,} she signed back. She cheers’d the two of them again and sipped her wine through her straw.

{Wonderful} Talia smiled before finishing the last of her drink.

Following the conclusion of the meal, there was another block of dancing (including the anniversary dance) before Tatsuo and Chiyo cut the wedding cake with the Shimada Katana (a sword also forged from hull plates of the Redemption) and serving dessert while the dancing continued. Chiyo had made sure that dessert was served before Taiga and Ryuuji retired for the evening, as she wanted to make sure the captain had a piece of wedding cake.

The celebrations continued well into the night. Over the course of the evening, people began to filter out. The Vulcans were among the first to leave, as they were some of the oldest guests, and the crowd had thinned out from there. Finally, at 0000 hours, Masamune began the last song of the evening: An energetic song to close out the evening, and get everyone out on the dance floor one final time:

"This has been the best day of my life, Tatsuo!" Chiyo screamed as she and Tatsuo boogied for one final time.

The evening had been the culmination of the work of the last four months- washing away 14 years of pain, and setting up for a lifetime of laughter and joy. When the last song came to an end, Masamune congratulated Tatsuo and Chiyo on their marriage and closed out the evening, thanking everyone who was still there for staying until the very end on behalf of the bride and groom.

Once the last of the guests filed out of the mess hall, Chiyo and Tatsuo thanked Masamune for being their DJ on such short notice before leaving him to clean up.

"Right this way, Mrs. Shimada..." Tatsuo smiled as he led his wife away. They both knew the best part was yet to come...

A mission post by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Acting CAG

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Captain
USS Redemption

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Deputy Commander

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside
Squadron Leader

1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd
1st Platoon Leader

Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Saeko Busujima
Fighter Pilot

Alice Shimada
Civilian Child

Lieutenant jg Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Takina Inoue
Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Kurumi Hatanaka
Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara
Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Lynette Bishop
Fighter Pilot

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe
Operations Officer



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