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Immediate Recall To The Tokyo (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 11:32pm by Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Edited on on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 11:33pm

1,704 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Admiral..." Taiga said. "Is Captain Nakamura by any chance.. "

"Captain." Nakamura replied quickly cutting Taiga off. "If you're about to ask about if Captain Nakamura is related to me, then the answer is yes. She is my granddaughter and I have no intention of sitting here knowing she is being used like that!" He slammed a fist down on the table. "This is a personal request Captain. Get her back alive. If she can't be saved then..." he paused for a few seconds an eerie silence hung in the room. "You are to end her suffering."

And now the continuation...

He rose to his feet. "I will remain on Starbase 234 monitoring your progress. "You will launch in three hours." He looked around at them all. He looked back at Taiga. "I suggest you prepare your crew and come up with a plan." With that said he walked around the table and left the room.

Taiga turned to the crew. "Well..." she said. "Go on, you all have stuff to say... am I right?" She said essentially opening the floor to conversation.

"Well, there's a lot to sift through here," Chisato began once she had finally regained her composure. "First and foremost, if we're to take this all at face value and assume that the Elachi are indeed working with the Iconians, are we also to assume that their allies- namely, the Tal Shiar, and by extension the Confederacy, are also in possession of Iconian technology? Because a revelation like this could set a very dangerous precedent if it does in fact come to pass."

"I know as much as you do." Taiga replied simply.

"Well, that's certainly going to complicate things..." Chisato surmised.

Lieutenant Yuvek looked around at the other senior officers for several moments with a slightly bewildered look on his face. If that transmission was authentic, then that means Starfleet had evidence that personnel have been captured by a hostile enemy and were being held hostage and. . .for all intents and purposes, were being tortured.

If that was true, then why the cloak and dagger?

"Ma'am, what's with the secrecy?" The Cardassian Helmsman asked. "The last time we faced the Elachi with two vessels supporting us, we were overwhelmed, captured, and forced to watch as the Oceania was destroyed like it was Tal Shi'ar target practice." Lt. Yuvek stated.

"The only reason we're still alive is because of the Romulan Navy intervening and stopping the attack." He recounted. "Why are we being dispatched without an entire Task Force behind us? Especially if we know that a Captain is a part of the captured crew." The Lieutenant said.

"Since when did the Admiralty quietly and discretely dispatch one of the most advanced vessels in Starfleet on a rescue mission with only 3 hour notice?" He asked incredulously.

"Well, there's one way to find out." Taiga said. "Computer, display the location of the Elachi 'nursery' inputted by Admiral Nakamura..." she said simply. The computer beeped a few times and the viewscreen switched to show the location. It sat just on the inside of Romulan space on the other side of the Neutral Zone.

"Jased, I think that answers your question. Its in Romulan space." Taiga sighed. "I guess we're going because they know we can get in and out quickly and we have the tactical capabilities that some ships don't."

“What happens if we’re attacked and boarded? What’s to stop them from using our female crew as breeding stock?” Talia rested her hand on her rounded stomach. “What would happen to our children?”

Taiga felt a chill go down her spine at the counsellors question. "Honestly, I don't know." she replied. "I think we should take extra precautions to protect everyone." She stated. "It's going to take a few days to reach this 'nursery', so that gives us time to put together a plan for all possibilities." Taiga only hoped that helped ease the Counsellors worries.

"I think that we should hit this 'nursery' fast and hard. Take them by surprise. Hit them with everything we've got. Get in, get anyone captured in there out, take what we want and get the hell out before they even know whats happening." Taiga stated. "The big question is, how do we do that without them calling for reinforcements?"

"We can't." Lieutenant Yuvek said pragmatically.

"We are a flying fortress, not a Defiant-class escort vessel. There's nothing about this ship that can go fast or unexpected." He said. "If this was an isolated structure on a minimally defended planet, then we'd have the advantage." He said as he pointed to the screen. "But this is located within Romulan territory. There's no way the Tal Sh'iar would have granted the Elachi this area of space without providing necessary protective forces." He pointed out.

"We have sixty starfighters at our disposal..." Taiga pondered. "How about a co-ordinated attack?" She said. "We send them in first, hammer their defenses and then sneak an away team in via shuttle or runabout?"

Jasad's expertise was in starship piloting and navigation. He certainly was not a Starfighter or any kind of combat expert; however, he had survived the last encounter with the Elachi to know what would and wouldn't get him killed.

"We can dispatch the Starfighters, but they won't last very long once the Tal Shiar dispatch a Quick Response Force of D'deridex-class vessels." He replied.

"What about a recon team, doesn't one of our shuttles have the ability to disappear from sensors. We go in, take in the info, or we can even send a team to disrupt the communications array without they can't call for back up, before the calvalry comes in."

Jasad thought about the plan for moment before responding. "Perhaps. . .it would be feasible to send in an advanced Recon team. They would have to make it through various levels of defenses undetected and bring down Elachi defenses and give the other team time to find the hostages and fall back to the shuttle." He said.

"They wouldn't have much time. The Starfighters could create a screen, but once the Elachi's calvary arrives we'll be fighting for our lives." He added.

"We could do with more information on the system first," Taiga said. "Once we know the 'lay of the land' so to speak we can come up with a plan that has minimal risk." She looked over at Chisato. "Commander, can you get us upto date maps and scans of that system?"

"I'll see what I can do, Captain," Chisato offered, "But in order to co-ordinate this operation effectively, I think we're going to need everything we've got in our database regarding the Elachi... presuming what we've got is enough."

"You should have access to everything we have... Which is not much. But it's enough to know that this isn't going to be easy." Taiga replied.

"Hoo, boy, it seems we've got our work cut out for us..." Chisato chuckled nervously.

Taiga rose to her feet. "Well." She said. "I want you all to put together a plan on how we are going to do this. I appreciate all of your input. Have them on my desk by tomorrow morning. Right now we have only a few hours to get the Tokyo out of dock. Return to your stations and get your departments ready for departure." She ordered.

"Aye, Captain," Chisato nodded as she stood up to leave.

Nodding Talia stood ready to leave. Taiga had said all she could regarding her question, now all Talia could do was hope the Elachi didn’t get the upper hand.

Chiyo nodded and also stood to leave. She would be drafting a plan for a marine ground assault on this nursery. While not discussed in magnitude this meeting, Chiyo would ensure that the Marines would be placed on the front lines when the time came.

"Aye, Ma'am," Lieutenant Yuvek said as he pushed away from the table and made his way to the bridge. He had to put together a navigation plan into hostile territory, to an enemy facility, and try to come up with a way to get the ship out of said territory with the ship in one piece.

Nezuko nodded and followed Yuvek out. There was much work to be done. She only hoped they weren’t too late to save the victims, and that their crew wouldn’t be victims too.

Thomas awaited the rest to depart, until it was only him and the Captain. "Penny for your thoughts. No one would think less of you if you took second on this mission. Your pregnancy, my wifes pregnancy, hell a shitload of pregnancies. Hormones are going to be running wild on this, plus, I believe you have a... personal connection with the Captain?"

"She's younger than me." Taiga stated. "And I commanded the task force that her ship was in." She looked over her at Thomas. "The Oceania, brand new Armitage Class, same as the Tokyo. And I was the one who failed. I thought that no one survived... but this... this is worse."

"And the fact that four crew are expecting children. That doesn't make it any easier." Taiga added letting out a small sigh.

"No one would think less of you if you stepped back. Let someone else take the lead if need be, no one is more dangerous to themselves than someone who blames themself. They are starfleet, they know the dangers."

Taiga shook her head. "No, I was the one Commanding the task force, its my fault. This is something I need to do."

Once everyone had left the room Taiga turned in her seat to face the screen once again. "Computer, replay the transmission from Captain Nakamura..."

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest
Commanding Officer - Starbase 234

Admiral Nakamura
Starfleet Command

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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