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Better Late Than Never

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 2:38am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo Bridge

Captains Log.

With help from the crew of the Kirishima we have managed to get most of the basic repairs to the Tokyo completed. We are now back under our own power and due to arrive at Starbase 234, quite a bit late but better than never.

I have spoken with Starfleet Command and the Kirishima will be taking the crews of the other ships home. Rear Admiral Tempest has also contacted me and the Tokyo is to be put into drydock upon our arrival. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers want to give the ship a 'once over' before we are sent on any more missions. We are expected to stay dry docked for at least a week whilst they fix everything up.

I have therefore authorised a week of shoreleave for the crew. Personally I am looking forward to just not being in an environment that's so hot and dry, give me the cool and darkness of space anyday. We are expected to arrive at Starbase 234 shortly...

End Log.

The Tokyo dropped out of warp on the edge of the star system where Starbase 234 was located. The small Starbase was an important facility in Starfleet with a rich history. The Starbase was where the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 D had retreated to and led a fleet of Starship from during the Klingon Civil War, and where the USS Sutherland had been refitted and launched from.

"Thats a sight for sore eyes..." Taiga said as she relaxed in the center chair. "Hail the starbase shipyards and clear us for docking." She said referring to Nezuko at Operations.

Talia was happy to be back, as were the rest of the crew from what she was sensing, the sense of relief was palpable. She gave Nezuko and Taiga a big smile.

The Amphea Ops Chief, now solidly back at her station without an encumbering EVA suit, smiled at Talia, nodded to the Captain, and tapped a few keys on her console. The chime of an open hailing frequency was made.

The familiar face of Rear Admiral Tempest appeared on the screen. "Captain Aisaka, nice to see you made it without... further incident," he said with a slight smirk.

"Thankyou Admiral. We're glad to be here. Even if it took a while." Taiga responded.

Tempest nodded. "Indeed. You're cleared for docking. Drydock three is expecting you. The yard engineers seem eager to get your ship in and out as soon as possible." He explained to her.

Taiga nodded on response. "Yes sir." She replied.

"Welcome to Stsrbase 234." The Admiral said finally before the channel cut off.

"Take us into drydock three. Thrusters only on approach." Taiga said.

Lt. Yuvek adjusted course and continued the plot that he had laid in previously. The Tokyko was a massive ship that required a considerable amount of energy and time to slow its appropach to the point that it could begin performing docking maneuvers with Starbase 234.

After the course corrections, Lt. Yuvek noticed significant hesitation in the propulsion system's response to the commands. It was most likely as a result of the damage the Tokyo took while it was stuck on the plant's surface. There was no telling the full extent of repairs that would be necessary.

"What an adventure!" Chisato proclaimed as she gently arched her back. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but after being marooned on a desert wastelandbfor four wholebmonths, I could use some R&R; anyone else here fancy a weekend excursion to the Kantai Colony?"

“I know what I’m going to be doing” Talia smiled. “I have a whole list of baby shopping to do. Not to mention spending some well earned time with my husband.” She gave Thomas a warm smile.

Smiling in return. he squeezed her hand and looked the room over, noticing Nezuko someone he wanted to check on prior. "I will be right back."

"Speaking of husbands, Tatsuo and I do have a honeymoon to go on." Chiyo said with a wink. "But, we're going to be heading back to the homeland. Tatsuo's parents not only haven't seen him in 14 years, they've also been fed a lie that he was dead the whole time. Not to mention, we'll probably have a second ceremony and reception for our families."

"Sounds like you all will be having some fun." Taiga replied in a slight grumble. "I've got a long de-briefing with Starfleet Command to look forward to. Knowing them it'll take most of our time here. So I might get a few days in at least..."

Walking up to the Lt, Thomas gave a smile. "Glad to see you back to your normal self Lt. My apologies for not checking up on you before now." As per usual with her, he signed along when he spoke.

The Tokyo slowly made its way into the dry dock and then came to a complete stop. The engines powered down and for a brief moment the ship fell silent once again.

Taiga pulled herself out of her chair. "Ok people. Secure your stations, log out and go get the things that I know you've all packed." She said simply. "You're all getting off early today. Quite frankly you've earned it."

Talia couldn’t help but smile as she rose from her seat, she was looking forward to some quality time away from the ship with Thomas. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

"Same here:" Chiyo smiled as she rose from her seat and tapped her combadge. "Shimada to Shimada - Our honeymoon starts now!"

"Kantai, here I come..." Chisato grinned as she secured the Intel station and began making her way towards the turbolift.

Once the bridge had cleared leaving Taiga alone, she stood in silent contemplation as she looked at each console in turn. A smile appeared on her face as she looked at each now deactivated console. Her crew... no... her family had been through a lot on this very bridge and she couldn't think of a better bunch of people to be with.

"Computer." She spoke out loud. "Initiate shutdown sequence." The computer beeped once before the bridge lights dimmed. Slowly Taiga made her way to the turbolift and stepped inside. "Docking port three." With that the doors swished shut leaving behind the darkened room for when the crew returned.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Second Officer

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Third Officer

Lieutenant Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor


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