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Pilots in Pajama's (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 10:03pm by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Chief Petty Officer Jonathan McHowle & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Lieutenant JG Aika Thompson & Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander' & Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank' & Ensign Hanna-Justina Marseille 'Desert Eagle' & Petty Officer 2nd Class Millie Jovanka & Petty Officer 3rd Class Will Howard & Crewman Heather Snack
Edited on on Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 10:07pm

1,981 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Pilots Lounge
Timeline: A few minutes after part 1

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

A stunned silence fell upon the room. Finally Fubuki held up a glass of the Rum. "Well, lets drink to your retirement and your service!" She announced.

"I second that," Nozomi nodded, raising her own glass. "It's been a pleasure serving alongside you for this past year, Iowa, and I think a few of us here could stand to learn a thing or two from that carefree nature of yours. Here's to your golden years- may they be filled with happiness, health... and perhaps new adventures?"

And now the continuation...

"Now, then," Nozomi began, shifting her attention over to Vyse. "I believe we were talking crushes...?"

"No, you were talking crushes, Nozomi," Aika said, covering for her bestie. "Besides, we're a bunch of hot fighter pilots and crew. Crushes abound. Honestly I wouldn't mind a romp with most of the people in this room and I doubt I'm the only one!" she cheered, giggling. "So if you're demanding a name, Nozomi, I'll answer with 'what are you up to later?'" she added with a wink.

"What else? Fortune telling~" Nozomi grinned as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her Aquarian Tarot deck. "Always a great way to unwind after a long day on the job..."

"Well," Aika said, in view of the rest, "if you draw the Lovers card, let me know, and we'll find some more ways to unwind...."

Unlike certain individuals who couldn't seem to take the hint, Nozomi almost immediately picked up on Aika's gist, though she seemed to be taking it in stride more than anything else.

"Well, I'm deeply flattered that you feel that way for me, Lieutenant," she admitted truthfully. "But if I swung that way, I would've hooked up with Elichi a long time ago."

Aika shrugged and walked over to Vyse and clasped him on the shoulder. The crush talk was over. She’d saved him a bit of public embarrassment. He could go after Fubuki on his own time now.

The doors that led through to the area behind the bar swished open causing everyone to turn their heads. A tall slim man walked out. Everyone in the Starfighter department knew this man. Ikuto Tsukiyomi wasn't an officer or enlisted. He was a civilian and the pilots lounge was his lounge and this was his bar.

He looked at each of the pilots, his dark eyes studying them one by one. His voice was cool and sharp as he spoke. "Amu told me that she suspected you guys would throw some sort of party here tonight." His eyes narrowed as he looked over at Fubuki who was still holding the Rum bottle.

"Oh don't be so hard on them..." a voice said from behind him. Stepping around him Amu came into view. She was also dresses in pajama's, however they were a little tight around her expanding belly. "I think they deserve a little fun..." she smiled.

Ikuto stood there for a brief moment. "You know I should report you all!" He said sternly. "Pass me that bottle." He walked over to Fubuki and held out his hand.

Slowly Fubuki passed him the bottle. "You're going to report this?"

"I should. If you're going to use my bar then at least use it properly!" With that said he began ruffling around under the bar producing glasses and different mixtures. "I should report you for not being able to make a decent drink Snowflake. Now, watch and learn. This is how you tend a bar young lady!"

Lynette glanced over at Nozomi. "Um... what exactly is going on here?"

Nozomi shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"What is going on," Ikuto said simply. "Is that I am giving you a lesson in how to throw a proper party!" he said as he began to instruct Fubuki on how to pour out different drinks. "Now this, is called a Warp Core Breach..."

The pilots all watched with curiosity as Ikuto furnished a large, globe-shaped bowl and carefully placed a chip of dry ice in the center. He then proceeded to mix in 3 ounces of white rum, 2 ounces of lemon rum, 1.5 ounces of spiced rum, 1.5 ounces of dark rum, 1.5 ounces of razzmatazz, and 1.5 ounces of Bacardi 151, before topping the mixture off with 30 ounces of cranberry juice.

"Impressive," Nozomi applauded as Ikuto set the finished bowl down on the counter. "But no way any of us are drinking that in one sitting- not without making ourselves sick, anyhow."

Amu came around the bar and pulled herself up onto the stool next to Nozomi. "It seems as if Ikuto just likes showing off at times," she smiled.

Nozomi shook her head. "Well, regardless, I think I ought to offer you an apology, Doc; hopefully no offense, but at this stage in your pregnancy, an expecting mother needs all the rest she can get, and shouldn't have to be dragged out of bed by her boyfriend just to crash a slumber party."

Amu giggled a little. "On the contrary. I was the one to drag him here." She said. "He was tossing and turning in bed. Turns out he was afraid you'd all do something stupid and either hurt or embarrass yourselves." Amu explained as she placed a hand on her rounded out belly. "Plus, I wasn't actually too tired. I took a nap earlier in the day."

Nozomi chuckled. "Aside from Lieutenant Kuchikukan giving Lieutenant Inglebard a lap-dance- and maybe Lieutenant Fujimoto doing likewise for Lieutenant Busujima- I don't think you have much to worry about, Doc."

Lynette's face flushed a bright shade of red. "Wha... ah... I can't believe you just said that!"

"So pure..." Nozomi smiled, playfully ruffling the younger girl's hair.

"Oh, so you've already been a bit naughty." Amu said with a smile. "You need to be careful you know. That sort of stuff leads to stuff like this..." she said as she pointed to her belly.

"Relax, Hinamori!" Nozomi retorted. "If they'd wanted to go all the way, I'd at least be courteous enough to ensure that they use protection!"

She reached into her pocket and furnished a handful of colorful condom packets, which she then held up for Amu to see.

"You're a monster!" Lynette gawked.

"Hey, at least I'm considerate," Nozomi winked.

Amu laughed as she took one of the condoms and held it up to examine it. "Where did you even get these? These are so twenty first century!" she laughed. "You do know you can just have sickbay prescribe you contraception with a hypospray right? Much more effective than these old things..."

"Well..." Nozomi put on an innocent look. "I didn't want to be raising any suspicions by asking Doctor Ellis to prescribe me half a dozen contraceptives... but it makes you wonder, with so many officers around here that are expecting..."

Poor Lynette looked like she would rather be anywhere else.

"It's seems to be a common theme. But I guess that's what happens when the entire crew ends up left unattended on Risa," Amu laughed.

"Besides, there's just something about doing things the old way," Vyse said with a laugh as he took one of the condom wrappers to examine it further. "When was the last time we saw one of these, Aika?"

"That weekend of leave on Argelius," she answered. "When the flight leader had visions of all of his pilots complaining about it hurting to pee so ordered everyone to wrap it up," she added with a laugh.

"Oh yeah!" Vyse exclaimed. "That was a good leave."

"I'm sure there's an interesting story behind that," Nozomi remarked.

"And I'm sure you'd love to hear it," Vyse quipped before sipping his drink and saying nothing else.

Nozomi glanced over at Amu and shrugged.

"I'm always up for a good story..." Amu smiled. "Oh..." she said suddenly. "Well that was unexpected. I just got a kick. That was the first one." She placed her hands on her belly. "Oh and another one..."

"Congratulations, Doc," Nozomi grinned as she reached over and patted Amu on the back. "You've got yourself a feisty one!"

"Seems that way," Amu replied. "Either he/she is going to be a football player on a gymnast by how they're moving right now." She laughed. "I wonder..." she placed a hand on her belly again. A few seconds later she let out a small giggle. "Definitely a fiesta one, I can feel them kicking with my hand too." She looked over at Nozomi. "Want to have a feel?"

Nozomi's face lit up like a kid who'd just been turned loose in a candy store. "Would I ever!" she nodded enthusiastically.

Amu gently took Nozomi's hand and placed it flat on her bump just above her belly button. "Just here," she said softly.

The four of them watched with baited breath as Nozomi felt around for signs of life. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she felt Amu's stomach twitch, as if something were pressing back from the inside.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" she gasped, cupping her hands to her mouth. "Lynette, you've gotta try this!"

"Oh, no, that's quite alright!" the younger pilot spluttered. "I wouldn't want to be a bother or-!"

"It's perfectly alright," Amu said giving Lynette a smile. "It's a wonderful thing, creating new life. Plus, it's a special thing to share with others."

Lynette appeared to hesitate, but eventually reached out and placed her hand on Amu's stomach.

As the baby kicked again Amu looked at Lynette. "Feels special doesn't it? You know, one day you'll get to experience it too. Either inside your own belly...." she smirked. "Or Nurse Miyafuji's."

Lynette's face was flushed red with embarrassment. "I, um... Nurse Miyafuji and I are going steady right now, and I don't think we want to rush into this-!"

"She's not saying it has to be today, Lynette," Nozomi assured her. "She's just giving you something to consider for your future. Because like any old-fashioned couple, there'll come a time in your relationship where the two of you sit down and have a nice long talk about having kids, yes?"

Lynette glanced up at Nozomi with an air of uncertainty.

Amu chuckled. "It seems like you two have already discussed that," she said with a smile. "So cute..."

The night progressed on. The pilots lounge was full of laughter, talking and gossip. Eventually one by one in the early hours people started to filter out of the lounge and back to their quarters. Once the lounge had emptied, Fubuki sat at the bar a final drink in her hand.

"It seems like we all needed this," she said to an empty room with a smile. She placed the glass down after emptying the contents. "Time for bed myself, I'd call that a success."

Posting by:

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'
Deputy CAG

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1'
Fighter Pilot

Chief Petty Officer Jonathan McHowle
Deck Crew Chief

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Aika Thompson
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Fighter Pilot

Petty Officer 2nd Class Millie Jovanka
Firefighter & Damage Control Engineer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Will Howard
Flight Deck Maintenance Engineer


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