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Infiltration (Back Post)

Posted on Wed Oct 14th, 2015 @ 10:44pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn

624 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors

The Tokyo was standing by orbiting around a nearby moon. The ship was running on low power mode to hide as much of their energy signature as they could. The bridge was much darker than usual and only the essential consoles were online.

"Commander Daxer" Taiga said. "Prepare your away team" she ordered.

During the last 48 hours, Jen had taken the time to train several crew members, as well as hand pick a small handful of security officers that would accompany her on this mission. Normally she'd go by herself, but considering the circumstances, she knew that would be suspicious. At Taiga's order, she tapped her COMM badge. "Security team alpha, meet me in transporter room one." She said then tapped it off. "I'll report back as soon as I know what's there." She said, just before she stepped of the Bridge.

"Commander Trigman. I need two squadron of fighters launched and running perimeter patrols. The fighters energy signatures are much lower so its harder for anyone to pick them up on sensors, plus they have special stealth modes" Taiga explained.

"I can have all those birds in the air in short order." Trigman reported. "Gamma Squadron will be the ready fighters to protect the ship if anything gets past us." He reported.

T'Shenn sat on the bridge at her conn console with a knife in her hand. Every now and again she would spin it around her finger. She said nothing. Just waited for orders.

Taiga pulled herself out of her chair and walked around to the tactical station. She looked down at the console and the schematic of the facility below. She wanted to know what was down there and why a simple Romulan outpost was giving off these strange readings.

All she could do was wait for now and study what she could see. Deep down inside she seriously hoped that whatever was causing those signals was not Borg. The Borg were one of the Federations aggressive and powerful enemies, the last thing she needed was to be dealing with them today. Especially in Romulan space where they could be caught by the Romulan Star Empire at any moment.

Halden was not playing her Yeoman role; being fleuent in Romulan she was at the COmmunications console running the 'chatter through the UNiversal Translator and her own knowledge base. SO far the one thing that she ahd picked up from teh transmissions is the 'choppy' nature of communications.

"Captain." Lily had to force her skills and sense of duty ahead of her reclusive nature; being a yeoman in this crisis would have allowed her to remain closer to a hiding place but she was also heading the communication branch right now. "T-the communications are fragmented chatter, the systems are not fully functional or the sources are being ... converted. Te echoes from teh signals show operation just not the people talking anymore, stopped in mid sentence in a lot of cases from the chatter ma'am."

Taiga drummed her fingers on the arm of her chair. "Keep and eye on it. See if you can make anything out that might prove useful" she explained. "The littles of things could be a clue".

T'Shenn sighed. "The waiting is the hardest part, Captain."

A moment later, the lift doors opened, and Lieutenant Tu'Val stepped onto the Bridge. He quickly made his way to the tactical station to log himself in, and check the tactical systems. "Tactical systems are online." He said simply. "As long as the Borg don't override them, we have weapons to defend against a space battle."

"Lets hope that if Borg are involved, they don't get aboard. That would make the Tokyo our last battlefield..." Taiga said as she waited.

To be continued...


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