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Checking the Landing Zone (Back post)

Posted on Tue Oct 27th, 2015 @ 6:41pm by Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'

1,055 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Bridge


Trigman had his wife were situated with quarters; Trigman walked onto the bridge and had to pause as it was almost like a home coming and not, his first command was on board an Akira Class and this was a retrograded version from the looks of it. While newer systems were in and the advancements put in Trigman could still make his way around almost blind folded.

The Executive Officer had been on the bridge from the computer notification, so Trigman took his PADD with his transfer orders and those of his wife to the XO. These records should be forwarded to the ship prior to the arrival but having a copy was a good option. The rumors from the Officer of the Deck that welcomed them is that the Captain was in a fowl mood and the Executive Officer would be the best to accept the New Commanding Officer of the Fighter Wing. Trigman found that listening to this kind of wisdom offered save many a bad first impression.

"Lt. Commander Nicolas Trigman reporting aboard," He passed the PADD to the Officer. "I am your new Squadron Commander." He gave a sly grin. "Glad to be aboard ma'am."

With the space fight over, and repairs underway, Jen had decided that she was going to do the repairs on her own station, instead of waiting for engineering to do it for her. Shortly after the battle had ended, her console blew out, and she had pulled up the top of the panel to work inside of it. She yanked hard on the blown EPS conduit in her console, pulling it out of the console with a grunt.

As Trigman gave his greeting, holding out a PADD for her to take, she took the PADD, and handed him the blown EPS conduit. "Hold onto this for a moment." She said simply as she looked over the information on his PADD.

Trigman was not that unaware of how to do things, the blown conduit. "I hope I get to be thought of as a Squadron Commander and not a wrench slinger ma'am?"

"Head of The Titans huh? looks like you might have your hands full with plenty of action around here." She told him. She took the conduit back from him, handing him the PADD, after providing her thumb print to sign off on it. "I'll take that back now."

"I have had a few things in my past that might help me prepare for this." Trigman said as he thought of the combat patrol he had flown near Romulan space, the times he had done 'covert intel' flying and even the fact he had run a Squadron near the Badlands that was constantly hunting pirates and repelling attacks upon shipping. "I can only hope I will not let you down ma'am?" He said with a note of confidence. "Though you will not see me much outside of planning meetings..." He smiled. "I am the Leader of the Wing, one does that by example, right ma'am?" He noted her repairs. "Showing them you are willing to do anything that you would send them to do is the best Don't you think?"

"No one else had the time to do this, because they're all busy repairing more critical systems." Jen said simply, as she examined the conduit more closely, looking to make sure it actually needed replacing. "It is not me that you have to worry about letting down. It's the entire crew, because it's their lives that you're helping to protect." She looked over at him, as if gauging his response. "No pressure..."

"None at all." Trigman said simply. "That is why I fly; to protect others. My wife will attest to that being at the forefront of my thinking, I was told in Flight School to find a reason to really fly worth fighting for. Those I must protect is why I fly ma'am." He smiled. "It is harder flying a console; as I have had to on a few occasions; that I find hard. Not being able to be that little extra that could help." He shrugged. "I am an old fashioned pilot, I fly not to get kills but to protect from someone else killing."

Jen looked at him for another moment, before setting the conduit aside to pick up the fresh one she'd had replicated earlier. She also picked up the nearby hyper spanner, and began making fine adjustments to the conduit. After so many had been blown during the use of this experimental technology that both Taiga, and Starfleet Intelligence had failed to tell her about, she'd expected her own console had suffered the same fate. "Seems you're here for the right reasons then." She finally replied. "You should probably report in to the Captain, and then get your medical check-up before beginning duty."

"Then I am accepted aboard Commander?" Trigman said in the proper regulations as he turned to head for the Captain's Ready Room. "When you need the fighters we will be ready." He assured her.

"That is for the Captain to decide." Jen replied, without looking up. "I just work here."

"So where do I find the time clocks for punching in and out?" Trigman asked with a surprisingly straight face.

"I can always attach one to your door, if you'd prefer to have one." Jen said without missing a beat, as she looked up at him. She gave him a slight smirk, then added. "Though I believe the computer can manage it faster."

"Computers can only give you answers, not always the correct one." Trigman smiled. "Pilots live for schedules and procedures, pre-flight to shut down there are 'practices we follow." He replied. "The computer only relays facts it is programmed to observe, intuition is often a better judge of people."

Jen raised an eyebrow, but gave the man a light smile, something unheard of for Vulcans. "I think you will fit in just fine here, Commander." She told him, before moving to put a new conduit in to replace the blown one from her console. "The Captain is in her ready room. I'd suggest checking in with her for your first set of orders."

"My next stop Commander." Trigman said as he made his way to the Ready Room and pressed the chime.



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