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The Redemption that Time Forgot (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 5:37pm by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Redemption

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Lt. Jasad Yuvek bit down on his tongue to keep from responding to the gawking spectators. Although, a small part of him understood their fascination. He could only imagine just how much the galaxy had changed in the past 15 years since they had last been off of this world and in contact with civilization.

"Now, since racist has decided to do this the hard way, we shall be confiscating the weapons he has handed you." Tatsuo said. "They will be logged by security and returned to you when we're ready to leave."

Lt. Yuvek watched as the Security Officer made his way towards him. "This weapon right here?" He asked rhetorically.

"Oh, well see, you'll take this from my hand when you pry it from my cold dead body." He said while looking the Officer in the eyes. "And just so your Captain is aware. . ." Lt. Yuvek added sarcastically.

"...the Delta Flyer won't activate without my biometric authorization." The Cardassian Helmsan said spitefully.

And now the continuation...

Nezuko glanced at her own weapon. It was set to wide stun. She was confident she could fell several hostiles at once. And hostiles these were. She wouldn’t back down until and unless ordered by someone in her direct chain of command.


It was Chiyo. Evidently frustrated by the friction between her crew and Tatsuo's.

"All of you: Quit acting so childish!" She barked. "When someone invites you into their home, you abide by their house rules: It's common courtesy, and if we can't follow common courtesy, then we don't deserve the assistance of the Redemption and her crew! Now..."

Chiyo slowly handed her phaser over to the security officer waiting to take it. She did so well within view of Jasad so the Cardassian could see it.

"Hand over your damn weapons, and don't make me repeat myself!"

Lt. Yuvek stared at Major Shimada for several moments. She had given an Order. Starfleet regulations did not require that he like nor even agree with an Order given by a Superior Officer. As long as it was not illegal or immoral, then he was to carry it out.

However, it had become increasingly clear that her mindset had become more and more influenced by her personal feelings for the Pirate-leader, Tatsuo.

Lt. Yuvek reached into his holster and withdrew his weapon. He pressed several buttons deactivating it, save for his biometric authorization, and handed it over to the Security Officer. If this crew proved to be just as untrustworthy as their Captain, then they would find that the phasers would simply be useless paperweights.

Lt. Yuvek looked over at Lt. Nezuko and nodded for her to comply as well.

Nezuko didn’t like it, but she did as ordered. She powered down the phaser and handed it to the security person nearest her. She signed something to Tatsuo, happy that it was highly unlikely any of them knew Amphea Sign, especially not the more obscure phrases not used in polite company.

"Let's get on with this. . ." Lt. Yuvek said through gritted teeth as he turned towards the gathered individuals and began to address them.

"My name is Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek, Chief Helms Officer of the Tokyo." He announced, emphasizing his senior-level position.

"We have come here to offer you the opportunity to come onboard our vessel where we have more supplies and resources. From there we will coordinate on how to best to pool your. . .remaining. . .resources together so that we can effect an immediate evacuation from the planet." The Lieutenant said to the Redemption crew with a slightly patronizing tone.

To be honest, he wasn't excited about the idea of mixing the sophisticated equipment of a carrier like the Tokyo with the outdated and sand-worn scraps of material from the Redemption. He was no Engineer, but he'd be surprised if they would be able to get anything beyond a phase-spanner to integrate with his ship.

Regardless of his personal reservations on the matter, the promise of finally being able to go home after 14 long years was enough to spark another flurry of questions.

"Tatsuo... is it true?"

"We can finally leave?"

"...14 years..."

"...All our loved ones back home..."

"But can the Freshies be trusted?"

"Now, the specifics of this deal will be discussed between our guests and senior staff." Tatsuo said. "Once your department heads have the information, please speak to them if you have any further questions. That will be all."

And without another word, Tatsuo began making his way towards the exit of the shuttlebay.

From the shuttlebay, the away team had to make their way down what was left of one of the Redemption's corridors to reach one of the ship's few operating turbolifts that served the bridge. As Tatsuo's guests were about to find out, there was a reason why the Redemption's crew avoided the bridge. Tatsuo had observed similar damage had occurred to the Tokyo's bridge, and it wouldn't take long or many sandstorms to blow through before the Tokyo's bridge began to look like its counterpart on Redemption:

"Yes, these once-pristine corridors have become twisted, hopelessly entangled, rusty death traps. Oh, and watch out for that floor panel; we wouldn't want any of our guests to twist their ankle." Tatsuo pointed out a notorious floor panel as they walked.

"Yeah, your band of rogues really can't do much with just a twisted ankle. They need for us to be all the way dead before he can take anything useful off of us." Lt. Yuvek said as he brought up the rear of the gathering of Officers.

Jasad cautiously observed the deteriorated and depilated condition of the once-proud Starfleet vessel. While he personally enjoyed the heat and humidity that permeated through the porous hull, he also recognized the ruinous condition of the ship and what degraded protection it offered. He feared that the Tokyo would fall into such a condition if he was not vigilant.

Nezuko simply followed, taking everything in. She was impressed by how well the Redemption had fared, all things considered.

Eventually, they reached the turbolift. The doors hissed and creaked open, revealing that the car itself seemed quite untouched by 14 years being stranded. Granted it was covered in a good coat of grime like everything else, but considering the turbolifts were the crew's only methods of getting between decks (a design flaw inherent to all Starfleet vessels), the Redemption's crew were under an obligation to keep them in good working order.

"Ladies first..." Tatsuo motioned for everyone to board.

To be continued...


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