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To work, or not to work? {Backpost}

Posted on Mon Jan 8th, 2024 @ 1:04pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Commander Thomas Johnson

620 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Counsellor's office

Thomas walked into the counsellors office, with everyone having their job to do, and he was given one as well, setting up a camp on the exterior of the ship. Although he had suggested preparing for the worst, he was quick to be shut down.

Walking into the counselling office, he sat down. "Ready?"

Having not long gotten out of Sickbay after staying for observation Talia had only dropped by her office to collect some files, she looked at her husband with a guilty expression.

“Actually...I’m officially off duty for the next week.” She saw the questioning look he had. “When I dropped by Sickbay earlier I collapsed, Taiga has put me off duty for at least the next week until my morning sickness is either under control, or at the very least, better. Although I would like to help set up camp.”

"Thats what I was wondering, you have done a great help with the quarters. I figured you would be the best person for the job." He replied with a grin.

Talia smiled warmly, “So I could get away with helping out without actually being on duty? That’s crafty! I like it.”

"Absolutely... no heavy lifting, just figure out what we need and get things set up."

Talia nodded. “Sounds good to me, there’s nothing to say I can’t use my mind to help out.” She grinned a wry grin.

"First things first, what supplies do you think we need, I’m thinking set up medical. Plus beds."

“Agreed” Talia nodded. “A triage area, with small surgical unit, and a maternity area too if we can, given there’s a few pregnancies right now.”

"I have discussed getting prepared should this be long term, the Captain seems adamant about refusing to do so. Not saying I dont think we will leave this planet, but I am just thinking perhaps we prepare."

Talia nodded. “As much as I hate to consider it, we have to. I think we need to set up a colony around the protection of the ship. At least then we could evacuate to the ship if there was a big threat of any sort.”

"We aren't desperate, at least not yet, supplies will last for a while, however, more time the less supplies we will have."

“Exactly, that’s something else we’re going to need to organise.” Talia looked curiously at Thomas. “Do we have a hydroponics bay? If we do we can grow our own food in there, with enough light and heat.”

"Not as big as normal ships, but if need be, some of the cargobays can be converted." Thomas replied

Talia nodded. “It’s a start, while we have supplies available we could make a start instead of waiting until supplies run out. Even saving the seeds from fruit we eat might work.” She smiled warmly. “I guess if we had to, we could make this place work to our advantage.”

"I will divert some of the supplies to the new camp. Get in contact with Nezuko, she will be able to help allocate supplies to it. I will make sure we get enough power generators to it as well..."

Talia nodded. “Are we going to be able to keep power running down here? This planet doesn’t lend itself to being good in that respect.”

"That may be an issue, however, with information that the crew of the redemption gathered, we may be able to use that info to find out what's causing the issue."

“Hopefully” Talia smiled and nodded. “Fingers crossed anyway.”

"And toes."

Talia grinned "Definitely! Now let's get to work, or in my case get to advising you on the work."



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