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Tears of the Desert (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Sep 18th, 2023 @ 10:21pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Edited on on Mon Sep 18th, 2023 @ 10:23pm

1,420 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Thomas looked around. "Might I suggest attempting a dialogue Captain. Marines are not known to be the talking type. If they have been stranded here, they may just be trying to survive by any means."

"Good idea." Taiga responded. She tapped her comm badge. "Aisaka to Shimada, I want you to see if you can open a dialogue with the raiders if possible. If we can do this peacefully that might be a better option."

"Understood, Captain:" Came Chiyo's response. "I'll do what I can, but if the raiders won't listen to reason, I might be forced to shoot."

"Do what you need to" Taiga replied simply.

Talia was feeling pretty useless, she was used to having her senses to rely on but right now her senses were blank. Medical had been quick to reassure her that there was no permanent damage from her head wound, and that her fogginess was most likely temporary but she wasn’t feeling any better about it. She would have to learn how to rely on her natural instincts instead.

And now the continuation...

[Engineering Workshops, Deck 7]

Chisato had split off from Thomas to continue her search for survivors while the latter returned to tend to matters on the bridge. All members of Intel were fortunately accounted for- a few minor scratches and bruises, but Lieutenant Chihc had done his due dilligence of ensuring that everyone had properly braced themselves for impact.

With that out of the way, she had slowly moved her way down to Deck 7 and was in the process of sifting through the Engineering Workshops when Taiga's announcement came in over the PA.

"Talk about a welcome wagon," she sighed as she tapped her combadge. =A=Nishikigi to Chihc; lock down Intelligence and seal away any classified information that requires level one or higher security clearance. Also, be sure to post Inoue and Hatanaka by the entrance to the Jefferies' Tubes, in case our "guests" decide to try anything funny.=A=

=A="Acknowledged. Chihc out."=A= Came Chrirhc's response.

With his orders in hand, Chrirhc proceeded to put the intelligence complex on lockdown. And to ensure nobody would be able to access the classified information, Chrirhc proceeded to incorporate a rather nasty surprise for them. It was a trick he had observed the Obsidian Order perform during the occupation of Krimena during the Dominion War, and while he hated to use the tactics of his enemies, now was as good a time as any to use them.

[Astrometrics, Deck 10]

Ensign Kehl th'Kaaliq rode out the crash along with some of the other junior science officers in an unlikely place. The Arboretum. Kehl immediately ran to the Astrometrics lab to check on it after the incident.

Power had been cut from it, likely drawn to emergency resources. The familiar dynamic maps which typically engulfed the walls and ceiling were now nothing more than blue-black screens.

"Can you believe the times we're living in?" A chubby, balding Ensign called John Lazio posed the hypothetical question to his Andorian friend. "Seeing the Tokyo fall from the sky?"

Kehl was in shock, throat choked tight as he breathed rapidly. He was about to respond when the call for intruders came over the comms. Kehl slapped Lazio on the shoulder. "Did you hear that? Intruders! Let's head to the weapon's locker", he said as they took off running toward one located further down Deck 10.

They grabbed two of the compact phaser pistols and sprinted towards the turbolift. "It's down", Lazio said, somewhat relieved.

Kehl pointed to an adjacent set of Jeffries' tubes. "We'll have to climb", he said manically before turning and entering. A wide grin spread across his face as his antennae rocked back and forth.

"Are we getting in over our heads?" Lazio shouted as Ensign th'Kaaliq disappeared. He sighed heavily before running after him.

[Deck 7]

Phaser primed to the highest non-lethal stun setting, Chisato methodically made her way through the labyrinth of darkened corridors and workshops, keeping her eyes and ears peeled for any disturbances. She reckoned the Marines were probably mobilizing on the opposite end of the deck right now, but the fact that she wasn't hearing the distinctive sound of phaser fire echoing through the halls was disconcerting, to put it politely.

"Hello?" she called out as she stepped into one of the larger workshops. "If you're hearing this, you are trespassing on a United Federation of Planets Vessel; please come out with your hands up!"

Suddenly, without warning, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed directly above her head. Chisato turned and pointed her phaser towards the ceiling.

"This isn't funny!" she called out. "I know you can hear me now, so I'm going to say this one more time: come out with your hands up! We are armed and ready to use force, if necessary!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a shadow moving between a pair of lockers.

Crap, Chisato thought to herself. They're in the room with me.

Hastily retrieving a palm beacon from her belt, she directed the light towards the spot where she had seen the shadow moving, all the while attempting to get her breathing under control. She slowly drew up to the cabinets, half-expecting someone to leap out and charge her. With baited breath, she peeked around the corner, and was greeted by...


Chisato was just about to breathe a sight of relief when she heard a soft click as something was pressed up against the back of her neck.

"Hands where I can see them, sweet-cheeks," a husky male voice ordered. "And don't even think about turning around; I'm a lot faster on the trigger than you think."

Chisato sighed and raised her hands. She could feel something reach out, take her phaser, toss it aside, and then proceed to do likewise with the palm beacon.

"Right, then," the male voice continued. "Where do keep your weapons cache?"

Chisato snickered. "Do you realize who you're talking to?"

"Answer the damn question!" the male voice demanded.

"For the record, I am a member of Starfleet Intelligence," Chisato elaborated. "I am trained in keeping trade secrets, so if you think you're going to get anything out of me, you're sorely mistaken."

"We've got ways of making you talk," the male voice bluffed.

"Go ahead," Chisato smirked. "Like I said, you're not getting anything out of me; I'll be long dead before that ever happens."

She felt the pressure against her neck relent for a second or two, as if the person standing behind her was hesitating. Seizing upon the opportunity, she swung out with her leg, catching the intruder off-guard and sending whatever weapon he was holding flying across the room. Chisato spotted her phaser and palm beacon lying just a short distance away, and made a dive for them; the intruder was fast on his feet, however, and proceeded to tackle her to the ground. The two of them rolled around on the floor, with each of them struggling to get a hold of the phaser while keeping it out of the other person's reach. Her self-defense training kicking in, Chisato carefully positioned her knee between her opponent's legs before quickly retracting it, making contact with what she presumed to be his groin. The man grunted and momentarily released his grip, allowing Chisato the opportunity to grab her phaser and shove the man off of her.

"Right, then," Chisato began as she slowly stood to her feet. "Now, what's say we try this again; who are you and what are you doing on our ship?"

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Kehl th’Kaaliq
Astrometrics Officer

Lieutenant Rea
Acting Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer


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