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Pre-Departure Meet & Greet (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 @ 6:10pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr
Edited on on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 @ 6:11pm

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: USS Tokyo - Observation Lounge

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Chisato's here~ Sorry I'm late, everyone!"

All heads turned towards the door, where they were greeted by the sight of an officer that no one could remember seeing before. She was a blonde, standing at around average height, with her hair tapering off just at the shoulders. Framing the left side of her face was a red ribbon, tied off in a loose bow.

"Sorry I couldn't get in touch with you sooner, Captain," the blonde continued as she moved over to take her seat. "The shuttle from the Lycoris just arrived, and we were having some difficulty getting the proper clearance codes to get into B.A. for whatever reason; then I got lost on my way up to the Observation lounge, though your staff members were super polite and managed to-!"

"Excuse me. But who are you?" Taiga asked sternly, her finger hovering over the button to call security. It wasn't everyday a random person burst into a meeting. Also, Taiga didn't recognise her, and wasn't aware of any new officers that weren't already present.

And now the continuation...

"Geh; where are my manners?" the blonde apologized, quickly moving over to shake Taiga's hand. "Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi; starting today, the United Star Ship Tokyo's Chief of Intelligence! Pleasure to meet you..."

She began moving around the room and shaking everyone's hands, beginning with Thomas-

"...and you..."

-then Talia-

"...and you..."


"...and you..."


"...and you..."


"...and you..."


"...and you- nice hands you got there, by the way..."


"...and you..."



-and finally Chiyo and Vespertine.

"...and you and you!"

"Erm..." was all that came out of Taigas mouth as she sat there a little bewildered. She raised a single finger as if to say something, but couldnt find the right words. 'What the hell... this is the replacement Intelligence Officer they send me?!' she thought as she eventually placed a hand on her forehead with a sigh.

Talia couldn’t help but smile, there was something about this woman she liked.

Trennek examined his hand that had just been shaken. With a slightly furrowed brow he muttered, "Uh, thanks."

Vespertine shook the commander's hand. Great a bubbly Intelligence Officer, just what this marine unit needs. Gunny Eth is going to have a major conniption fit should he meet her. Note to self, try to have that not occur. Both Vespertine and Eth had a major distrust of Starfleet Intelligence Officers ever since the Highly Classified Raid on Tohvun. So many Marine Rangers and Force Recon Rangers lives lost because of poor intelligence.

Another friend! Nezuko thought as she shook the newcomer’s hand.

Once everyone had arrived, Taiga cleared her throat. "Good morning everyone" she started. "There's quite a few new faces here, however we have a lot of work to do if we're leaving spacedock on time."

She tapped on her control panel to bring up a holographic image of the Tokyo with all its major systems visible. "So over the last three weeks the engineers here at Beta Antares have done a fantastic job of repairing and upgrading our systems. However we did lose considerable crew on our last mission." She paused for a few seconds.

"Let's go around the table, introduce yourself and then report on your departments readiness for departure. Now would be the time to bring anything to our attention before I tell you our new orders," she looked to her right at Commander Johnson to start them off.

“I have already met some of you here before you departed” Thomas replied, spotting Lt Nezuko sitting at the corner, he signed and spoke along. “My name is Commander Thomas Johnson, this is my first position as a first officer, however being on the command team it isn't my first rodeo, being second officer of my last posting for a number of years. For those I haven't met, I look forward to working with all of you. overall... the ship has been doing great while docked.”

"Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek, Chief Helmsman." He said to the gathered Senior Officers. "The upgrades that have been done to the warp injectors has increased the overall efficieny of the matter-antimatter reaction assembly by at least 15%." He reported.

"I'm sure this will come in handy as we're on patrol duty for. . .pirates. . ." He said in an obviously unenthusiastic tone.

Talia offered a polite smile as she spoke up next. “I’m Lieutenant Talia Johnson, Chief Counsellor. The Counselling department is ready to conduct psychological evaluations for those members of the crew who need them. My door is always open for anyone who needs counselling, or just to talk to someone.”

"Peace be upon you," Febin greeted those around the table in the Observation Lounge in his native Haliianese, "I'm Doctor Febin, the Chief Medical Officer. I have an open door policy to all those onboard for both physical and for mental as I'm a Starfleet trained psychiatrist. Counsellor Johnson and I will be working closely together. I look forward to getting to know all of you. May the Sun shone upon all of you this day." Febin placed his hands together palm to palm and nodded his head to the staff courteously before setting his hands down onto the table.

Trennek ahemmed politely. "I'm Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin, I'm running security and tactical. I came aboard as everyone else was leaving for Risa. I was transferred here from the USS Prospero."

"I'm Captain Chiyo Shimada." Chiyo went next. "I'm responsible for overseeing all Marine operations aboard this vessel. If for some reason you can't get ahold of me, you may direct any and all inquiries towards my sister-in-arms, 1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. Beurling, and she'll make sure it gets brought to my attention."

"Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr, First Sergeant of the marine contingent. Responsible for the enlisted and NCO marines. If there is an issue with an enlisted marine, bring it to me. I assure you it will be handled. Also, having been a special operation marine I would advise most of the regular staff avoid marine country as I will be putting the enlisted and NCO's through their paces. I would not want someone to get hurt." she made her statement as a matter of fact.

Nezuko stood, and signed to the XO if he could kindly speak for her.

Johnson smiled, and stood, agreeing to be her voice for the moment.

With a nod, she continued signing. [Hello! I’m Nezuko, Chief Operations Officer. I’m from Amphei Prime. We can’t speak, but I can hear fine, and we breathe in an atmosphere of argon and nitrate, so I wear this!] She pointed to the cylinder covering her mouth. [I usually carry a PADD to write on, and it will sometimes speak aloud for me. I love to travel, and I write essays on the places I visit and send them home! I look forward to journeying with you all!] With a little wave, she sat back down.

Giving her a nod, and a smile, he sat back down. Quietly taking Talias hand under the table.

Talia smiled as she looked towards Nezuko, they’d become good friends while Talia was on the surface. She gently held onto Thomas’ hand as he took hers, trying not to draw attention to the fact.

"Well... I just got here ten minutes ago, so I haven't really had the chance to check out my department," Chisato admitted, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Is it big? That would certainly be a step up from the Intel department we have on board the Lycoris-!"

To be continued...


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