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Out of the frying pan and into the fire! (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 2:21pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 2:26pm

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Then you need to stay alive. Give them an excuse to delay them from killing you until we get there." Alex demanded as he stepped toward the Ambassador. "Enough! Enough of your Romulan crap. I've seen it, Ambassador. You may not think so, but I saw it when you were being held hostage. You were scared and you're scared now. So, no amount of pretending, is going to ease you into whatever life after death you and your people believe in. So, I am telling you, stop pretending not to be afraid and be fearless. Don't hope you will be saved. Know you will, because I am going to get you out of there. It's going to happen, so start believing it."

"You're right. I am scared Commander, it for my own life but for those of my family. I have three children Commander, each will be put to the sword as punishment for their mothers actions if I don't play my cards right" she said to him. "If you can promise to get me out alive, I will attempt to stall them for as long as possible. I don't want a war, so I'm going to do my best to prevent it"

The turbolift stopped and the doors opened to reveal the corridor. Several lights flickered from the damage from the attack, but it didn't seem to phase the Ambassador. She walked out of the turbolift her head held high as she headed towards the transorter room.

And now the continuation...

[Transporter Room 1]

T'Rei entered the transporter room followed by Knight. She simply made her way towards the transporter pad and stepped up onto its smooth surface. She remained silent as she looked towards Knight awaiting to be transported.

"I am ready to beam when you are to" she said simply looking at Alex.

The Ambassador was engulfed in bright lights and dots before disappearing. Suddenly the transporter sparked causing the console to issue a loud warning Klaxon.


"Captain. Commander Knight reports that there's been an accident. The transporter malfunctioned, he belittle Ambassador has been killed" Cane the report from Ops.

Taiga froze as the news came through from Alex. Why now would there be a transporter accident, the only reason she could think of would be that somehow the systems were damaged in some way. This didn't bode well in their favour when surrounded by the Tal Shiar and Elachi ships.

The Tal Shiar hailed again. Taiga ordered the transmission on screen.

"My Commander is eager to await the Ambassador Tokyo. Why do you delay?" A strict looking Romulan officer demanded.

"Unfortunately, the Ambassador has been lost in an accident with our transporter" Taiga explained with a slight hint of sorrow in her voice. "We will be of course investigating the incident. The system may have been damaged in your attack"

"How... convenient for you" he said his eyes narrowing. "You murdered the Ambassador" he looked off screen a moment. "You are hereby deemed criminals of the Tal Shiar, your ship will be impounded, your crew trialed and you, Captain Aisaka, will be found guilty and executed for your crimes" he paused slightly. "Prepare to be boarded".

"All hands. We are being boarded by hostile Tal Shiar forces. Lock down all systems and initiate anti-boarding procedures" Taiga ordered. She walked over to the wall lockers on the other side of the bridge and tapped her authorisation code into one of the panels.

The locker opened, behind it were several phaser rifles and hand phasers for use by the bridge crew along with medical kits and emergency supplies. "Everyone grab a phaser" she ordered as she took a hand phaser.

Lieutenant Yuvek was able to gather enough strength to climb to his feel with the assistance of his station chair. As he tried to focus on the sounds on the bridge he was able to distinctly hear the Captain ordering them to prepare to be boarded.

He made his way across the bridge, stepping over portions of destroyed consoles and still smouldering panels, and grabbed a phaser rife, a phaser, and an accompanying medical kit.

With a phaser now attached to her belt, Taiga made her way over to her chair. "Security report" she asked simply.

Ensign Akiyama began to tap at the smooth surface of the security console. "Security forcefields are offline, however manually shielded locations ate still online. Bridge, sickbay, flight deck and Engineering still have operational security systems"

"Understood" Taiga replied as she used her chair controls to bring up the overall systems display on the viewscreen so she could take a closer look at the overall status of the ship.


Alora Knight had carefully prepared for such an eventuality--especially with the lack of secrecy about their trip to Romulus. She activated the Rosetta Stone subroutine in the secondary computer. The language codes in the secondary computer were removed, rendering the data unrecognizable and irretrievable.

The second program she activated made it so that any unauthorized access or any attempts to break in to the main computer would be routed to a series of subroutines that led nowhere. If they got past the first layer, they'd end up in a secondary database that would look like the main computer, but would give false information. That would be enough for now. Anything else would have to wait.

[Marine Armory, Deck 16]

Chiyo unlocked the marine armory, and together she and a few other marines helped pass out phaser rifles to the rest of the marines.

"You heard the captain:" Chiyo said to the gathered marines. "This is exactly what we've been preparing for: Remember, Stalingrad-style fighting, corridor-by-corridor. Our objective is to assist security in any way we can."

Damnit, Liz; why did I have to send you for something? Chiyo lamented to herself mentally. Now you're incapacitated in sickbay instead of fighting by my side where you belong...

[Flight Deck Sickbay]

"Let go of me!" Nozomi grunted as Amu and Yoshika were struggling to restrain her. "You heard the Captain! I'm not going to just sit quietly while my friends are possibly in danger!"

"You're just putting yourself in danger going out there when you've been injured!" Amu argued back as she clung onto the ensign. "We can protect the sickbay its no problem. Just think about it!"

"I'm fine!" Nozomi insisted, attempting to shake Amu's grasp. "It's just a flesh wound, I swear!"

"No Ensign!" Amu said as she held her back.

As they struggled to hold Nozomi back, one of the two medics accidentally activated Nozomi's combadge, and Iowa had unwittingly overheard the exchange. Iowa tapped her own combadge to open the channel on her end:

=A="Kusuda, this is Riverside:"=A= Iowa said. =A="Listen to me; your injured ass would only slow the rest of us down: You'd do best to listen to the nurses and stay put."=A=

"Do as she says. We need every person to defend this ship, not running around like fools!" Amu told her. "Don't make me sedate you!"

To be continued...


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