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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 7)

Posted on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:33am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:49am

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Marok stood there in what looked like pure shock. He looked over towards Taiga and Lena who also seemed stunned at the sudden reveal of the corpse in the middle of the court. His expression turned into a scowl before he looked down to hide his obvious displeased look.

"I can verify that this alien is real. However, I want to examine this disruptor pistols energy signature to determine if it was used against the Tokyo" he said simply. "In the meantime, Mister Marok. Do you have any other questions?"

Marok looked up, his expression still on the verge of anger. "None... Your Honour"

"Very well" Nyanta replied.

'So this... thing attacked my ship? Why does it look like some sort of shrivelled up mushroom? Its disgusting, it also smells. But... wow. I wasn't expecting that' Taiga thought to herself as she stared at the body before looking up at Nyanta.

And now the continuation...

Kathryn was enjoying everyone's reaction to the Elachi corpse. Max was rubbing off on her--she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not. "Your honor, I have one more piece of evidence to present that will help clear up why the Tokyo's computers were altered." She took a small data pad out of her pocket and approached the bench. "From the moment I learned that the crew of the Prowler was alive, I've been working with Admiral Hunter to find out why the data from the two ships did not match."

She set the small pad on the desk in front of the judge. "This is evidence that a Tal'Shiar agent was on board the Tokyo and, posing as a member of engineering, altered the computer files while the ship returned to earth." Burke paused before giving her last bit of informaion. "There is also proof that Mr. Marok--as he just indicated--is Tal'Shiar. This entire trial has been a sham to obfuscate the real cause of the attack. We do not as yet know what the Tal'Shiar plans, but what we do have is enough to not only clear Captain Aisaka and the crew of the Tokyo, but to arrest Mr. Marok for crimes against both the Romulan Empire and the Federation."

She turned to Admiral Miyahara. "Starfleet Command would also like to talk to you about your willingness to work with a Tal'Shiar agent to undermine trust in the Federation and to fabricate evidence in order to ruin the career of a Starfleet Captain."

Max looked to his assistant who handed him a PADD. He tapped a code into it, unlocking the proper file, before handing it to Nyanta. "This is a series of coded messages sent out by the Tal Shiar, intercepted by the Tal Diann of the Romulan Star Empire. At the time they were sent to us, by my ally in the Tal Diann, they made no sense. Thank's to the information taken by the Knights and the SWORD team they clearly show they were sent to, and received, by the Elachi ship. That ship received these messages moments before coming out of subspace and commencing their attack. You will notice the location and ship names match with the incident."

Nyanta was losing control of his court. "Admiral Burke, Admiral Hunter. May I kindly remind you that this is still a court of law" he told her sternly. He then turned his attention to Marok.

"Mister Marok. If this is some Tal Shiar plot to undermine the Federation and Captain Aisaka I will not allow it" Nyanta stood up. "The evidence against you is damning, and I believe that these 'Elachi' are responsible for the attack on Alvatar Colony"

He examined the device that was passed to him by Max. "These sensor readings taken from the Elachi Vessel in question clearly show the ship was engaged in the attack" he looked some more at the logs. "It seems that Captain Aisaka and the crew of the Starship Tokyo are not responsible, and if anything were doing their duty as Starfleet officers to respond to the colonies distress call"

Nyanta paused for a few seconds as he looked over the last of the data on the Elachi device. "This device also indicates that the Elachi vessel recieved orders from a Tal Shiar vessel. Those orders were to attack Alvatar Colony and engage any ships whom choose to defend it"

"I therefore rule that Captain Aisaka and the crew of the Starship Tokyo are innocent. This evidence proves that the Tal Shiar are officially responsible for the attack on Alvatar Colony, as well as fabricating evidence in a court of law. You have also caused diplomatic tensions between our governments and broken the trust in this room" Nyanta said, a slight growl coming into his throat at the end. "I hereby clear Captain Aisaka of all Charges. Security, please place Mister Marok under arrest"

"You can't do this!" Marok said. "I am a representive of the Romulan Senate. I will not be placed under arrest by any of you Federations" . His voice raised slightly as he stepped backwards towards the Romulan Ambassador.

"Tell them Ambassador!" he demanded.

The Romulan Ambassador shook her head. "I will not allow you to get away with this. You have endangered the Empire. I will ensure that this information makes it to Romulus. The Tal Shiar shall answer to the Praetor for their crimes against the Romulan people!"

Marok let out a laugh. "We don't answer to the Praetor, or anyone. This will not work out in any of yours favour!" he snarled. "Soon, there will be a war between the Romulan Empire and The Federation. For it needs to be! You shall all see!" he backed away slowly as he began to reach up his sleeve. He pulled out what seemed like a foldable blade, perfectly disguised within his sleeve.

He grabbed the Ambassador, and held the blade at her throat.
"Ambassador T'Rei will be coming with me. One wrong move and I shall ensure that she dies right here, right now" out of the corner of his eye he spotted three Starfleet Security officers. "Tell your officers to drop their weapons"

Alex, still standing by the Elachi body where a convenient Elachi Disruptor was laying right there, looked down at the weapon and picked it up. "God, I hope Lem found out how the stun setting on this worked." He aimed the weapon at Marok and kept a steady hand.

"Oh and don't worry about the end of this trial. My ship has been blocking the transmission to Romulus. All they know is that we're encountering some 'technical difficulties'." Marok expained with a devious smile. "

"What do you expect to achieve from all of this?" T'Rei asked.

"Simple. You're my insurance policy to get out of here..." Marok whispered back to the Ambassador. "Once I'm out of this building and out of the shielded sections. You will be of no use to me"

Max looked to Burke, giving her a look she rarely saw in him of seer concern for her, before standing up amongst the chaos. "Max to Captain Rollins." He shouted as he tapped his combadge.

"Yes, Max?" The familiar voice of his Executive Officer came over his combadge.

"Marok is trying to make his way out of the courtroom with the Romulan Ambassador as hostage." He said firmly, looking to Nyanta with a stern look, before adding. "Let our friends know the move is theirs."

"You got it. Cerberus out, Admiral." Rollins replied before the communication was cut.


Slowly Marok led the Ambassador towards the doors of the courtroom. Then there was a small stretch of corridor before the doors that led to the central grassed court yard of Starfleet Headquarters. He kept the Ambassador close as he led her out of the room. Once he had cleared the doors he kicked them shut before hurrying up the pace and rushing the Ambassador into the courtyard.

Alex looked to Alora and walked over to a Starfleet Security Officer. "Gonna need to borrow this." He said as he removed the officers phaser and tossed it to Alora. "You staying here or watching my back, Honey?"

"I'll always have your back," she replied, catching the phaser and making sure it was on stun. She was sure it would be, but habit had her chck anyway.

Alex nodded to Alora before looking to Max. "Max?"

"I got my own ball rolling on this, Alex. You and Alora go after him." Max replied as he looked to Admiral Burke.

Burke just raised an eyebrow and tapped her communicator to call security.

Alex raised a brow, a bit taken back by Max's decision. He would have thought, a man with his reputation, would have been the first person to follow Marok. Maybe the old dog was finally showing his age or maybe it was something else. With Max there was never knowing anything for certain. Alex looked to Alora and motioned for her to follow as they both chased Marok.

Nyanta left the stand and approached the security officers who had arrived. "Well, don't just stand there!" he said to them, his smooth voice echoing in the courtroom. "Secure this building. Now!" he ordered.

"Yes, sir. There's more security outside, sir." He signaled to the others and they quickly spread out to search inside.

Kathryn smiled at Max. He always had a Plan B. Then she looked around for Admiral Miyahara. She walked over to him and took him by the arm. "We need to have a"

To be continued...


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