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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 6)

Posted on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:30am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:49am

1,707 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Can't say I didn't try. Thank you for your time." In the short time that Alora had been answering Marok's questions, Lena had already skimmed through the reports she'd handed in. Since it answered questions she might've had, this had been her only other option, which hadn't quite worked in her favor. She gave Alex a smile, then turned to Nyanta. "I have no more questions, your Honor."

And now the continuation...

Nyanta looked over towards Marok. "Do you have any questions for the Lieutenant Commander?" he asked simply. He completely expected for Marok to cross-examine, especially after the evidence presented.

"Indeed I do" Marok said simply as he rose to his feet. He walked casually around the desk and up to the stand. "Lieutenant Commander Knight" he started. "I must have missed a memo, but I was unaware that Starfleet Starships these days operated with special teams aboard. I would like to know... for the purpose of this trial... what exactly is unique about your team, their activities and why would Starfleet feel their presence on the Tokyo necessary; especially considering that the ship was assigned along the Neutral Zone?"

"Oh, of course, you would want to know all that." Alex replied quickly in an almost annoyed tone. He took a deep, calming breath, before looked to the Romulan and saying. "The SWORD team acts as a branch of Intel that operates on the Tokyo. We function as a tactical team that is sent in advance for reconnaissance and information gathering. My team is specifically trained to handle situations where stealth and guile are essential. Should Captain Aisaka need a more aggressive approach, let's say during a hostage situation or rescue, my team is training to handle those situations as well. My team also utilize more tools that standard Starfleet security do not have access to. Hence the Special Weapons in Special Weapons, Operations, and Recon Department. We didn't choose those words because they spelled out SWORD. My team and I have worked together, for a long time, we generally don't need much time to organize. Traditionally, when a situation comes up and we don't have much time, it doesn't take long for all of us to be on the same page and for the rest of them to know what I need them to do and what I expect."

"I see. I see" Marok replied. "So, you work for Starfleet Intelligence. But take orders from Captain Aisaka aboard a starship with enough fighter craft and ship weaponary to do considerable damage to any target it wishes" Marok stated. "Tell me Lieutenant Commander. Do you trust Captain Aisaka? She did send your team on what seems to be a very dangerous mission, which could have easily been a one way trip. Also, how did you exactly board this 'Elachi' ship, and how did you escape without sustaining any losses like the Tokyo did?"

Alex smirked slightly, looking down for a moment to keep from laughing, before looking up to Marok with a smile. "I trust my wife. My wife who happens to be the Captain's first officer. She was willing to convince Captain Aisaka to take me, and my team, onboard the Tokyo. I don't know if I trust her completely because I haven't been on board long enough. I ended up on the Tokyo by completely coincidence because that's where my wife was and she was my first stop after completing my last mission. Had she been on any other ship I could have just as easily ended up their instead." He said firmly before holding up his hand and stating. "And, you're wrong, Counselor. She didn't send us onboard that ship... Alora did. It was her idea to utilize my team and the Prowler and, I am sure in her own sweet way, it was her making an attempt to show the Captain how beneficial we could be on board. Starfleet didn't assign SWORD to the Tokyo. Starfleet Intelligence did not assign us to the Tokyo. I assigned us to the Tokyo and, had she decided we were of no use, I could have just as easily left. However, I am sure regardless of my own objections, I imagine my wife would have left with me." He slowly lowered his hand and clearing his throat before adding. "As far as how the Prowler got onboard the Elachi ship? Well, remember when I said the SWORD team uses tools that Starfleet Officers don't traditionally use? The Prowler is designed with a special stealth technology that renders her invisible to sensors. Between the fighters focusing the Elachi's attention every which way, we could easily slip through undetected. The plan was to return, unfortunately, the Elachi ship jumped back into whatever subspace they crawled out of and we got stuck."

Alora couldn't help smiling at Alex' response. She caught Marok's eye and gave him a little finger wave.

Marok gave a rather dirty look towards Alora before looking back to Alex. "Well, I know that Starfleet Intelligence has its secrets, the SWORD team seems to be one of them. Obviously our operatives have not been doing their job right. I shall see that they do it correctly from now on..." he paused and smiled. "That was a joke of course" he added.

"But, I want to thank you for answering my questions Lieutenant Commander. They have proven quite useful. However unless you can provide more concrete evidence of the existence of these 'Elachi' and their involvement with Alvatar Colony and the Tokyo; don't feel threatened when I say I will take your evidence with... what was that Human expression. Oh yes, 'a pinch of salt'".

Kathryn stood. "Thank you for confirming what we already knew about you, Mr. Marok. It makes it much easier. As to irrefutable proof, they have it, as both the Knights told you." She turned to Alex. "Would you be so kind as to show our Tal'Shiar friend your evidence?"

Alex looked to the Judge and simply asked. "With your permission, Your honor, I would like to transport my evidence into the courtroom. It's currently on board the Prowler."

Nyanta seemed hesitant to let something be beamed into the middle of the courtroom. "I will allow it... this time. Also, Admiral Burke. Please do accuse others in my courtroom. Mister Marok is here as the representive of the Romulan Government and will be treated with respect and I expect the same from anyone in my court"

He stood up from his seat and tapped his combadge. "Prowler this is Alex. Please transport the evidence we gathered onboard the Elachi ship into the courtroom."

"All of it, Boss?" Pitbull asked curiously with almost a hint of a smile.

"Affirmative, John."

"You got it, Alex." Pitbull replied before adding. "Transporting now."

In the front of the two tables, and just far enough from the judge's stand to see, a table covered in a tarp was transported in. On the tarp was an Elachi disruptor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Alex said as he walked out of the stand towards the covered table. "This right here is an Elachi Disruptor. It has two settings, stun and kill. Naturally." He picked up the disruptor and held it up, showing those that were there, as well as the judge, before placing it on the side. He looked down for a moment, a smile forming on his face, before looking up to Marok. "That was your pince of salt." His gaze moved to Alora as he gave her a wink.

Suddenly he grabbed a hold of the tarp and threw it off, revealing the dead body of the Elachi Alex killed and Alora brought on board. "And here's the rest of that salt for you." He shouted as the room went into a panic. Hushes turned to loud chatter and people began to stand up from their chairs. Alex's eyes never left Marok's gaze as he heard the judge's gavel slamming behind him. "Didn't anyone ever tell you salt is bad for you, Marok?" He shouted over the pounding of the gavel which seemed to get louder and louder.

"Order! Order!" Nyanta shouted as he slammed the gavel down to try and settle the room with no avail.

Alex took a moment, waited for the noise to die down, before gesturing to the Elachi. "That disruptor belonged to this Elachi. I took it from his corpse. Then my wife took his corpse." He smiled from ear to ear before adding. "I am so glad she did. Aren't you, Marok?"

"I SAID ORDER! THATS ENOUGH!" Nyanta finally shouted louder than before. The old Caitians voice echoed around the room causing the eventual hush of the court. The room fell quiet and Nyanta stood up from his bench.

Slowly he stepped down from the bench and produced a tricorder from one of the pockets in his long flowing coat. He flipped it open as he approached the corpse of the Elachi.

"Interesting..." he muttered as he conducted his scans. He closed the tricorder and made his way back to the bench. "Well Lieutenant Commander" he purred as he placed the tricorder down.

Marok stood there in what looked like pure shock. He looked over towards Taiga and Lena who also seemed stunned at the sudden reveal of the corpse in the middle of the court. His expression turned into a scowl before he looked down to hide his obvious displeased look.

"I can verify that this alien is real. However, I want to examine this disruptor pistols energy signature to determine if it was used against the Tokyo" he said simply. "In the meantime, Mister Marok. Do you have any other questions?"

Marok looked up, his expression still on the verge of anger. "None... Your Honour"

"Very well" Nyanta replied.

'So this... thing attacked my ship? Why does it look like some sort of shrivelled up mushroom? Its disgusting, it also smells. But... wow. I wasn't expecting that' Taiga thought to herself as she stared at the body before looking up at Nyanta.

To be continued...


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