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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Jun 3rd, 2021 @ 1:02pm by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Minori Kushieda & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:47am

2,310 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Nyanta nodded his head at Lena as she finished her questions. He then turned back to look over at the Romulan delegation. "Mister Marok do you have any additional questions for Lieutenant Hobb?" he asked.

Marok stood up. "No your honour I do not" he replied. "We have no questions for Lieutenant Hobb". He then sat down and began to twiddle his thumbs staring down at the floor as if thinking things over. He slowly turned to the Romulan Ambassador to his side and whispered something in his ear.

"Very well" Nyanta purred. "Lieutenant you are dismissed"

'Suits me,' Hobb said, as he got up from the stand. He had the air of a man that indicated this was all a waste of time. 'It's unfortunate that this is happening at all.'

And now the continuation...

"Miss Lena. Do you have any more witnesses?" Nyanta asked.

"Two more, actually." Lena noted, thinking maybe he hadn't gotten her updated witness list. "The defense would like to call Lieutenant Shingo Shoji to the stand."

Shingo had been notified to dust off his dress uniform, as he may be required to show up in court. He stood up from where he had been sitting and made his way to the stand, as he went to take the stand, he glanced over at Takeshi and Miyahara in the prosecution area.

Look who's the idiot now... he thought as he took a seat on the stand.

"Can you tell us your rank, and position for the record, please?" Lena asked.

"Lieutenant Shingo Shoji; currently acting Air Boss for the USS Tokyo." Shingo responded. "And unlike the idiot in the prosecution area, I'm the loyal one."

"Lieutenant Shoji. Please remember you are in a courtroom and under oath. You need to show respect in your language, I shall only remind you once of this" Nyanta said his voice stern and with a hint of annoyance at the Lieutenant's use of language.

"Right; sorry, your honor." Shingo apologized with a bow.

"Please continue Miss Lena" Nyanta purred with a wave of his hand.

"Acting Airboss?" Lena asked, again seeming confused by this, despite already knowing. "The Tokyo's crew roster has Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato listed as the Airboss."

"Well, he would be right now, but he was injured while we were under attack by the Romulan warbird, and after he was released, he decided the best course of action was to betray the crew." Shingo explained. "I don't know, maybe he hit his head a little harder than we initially thought."

Taigs smirked at that comment where she was sat listening. "He didn't knock his head, he had it in for me from the get go. All because he came from that damn admirals ship" Taiga thought to herself feeling amused by the lieutenant words.

"Ahh yes.. There was a report of the Lieutenant's arrest, during the trip back to Earth." Lena replied. "Would this be what you're referring to?"

"Precisely." Shingo said. "I don't know the details of what went on; all I know is I saw Takeshi go into the ready room, and a few minutes later, he came out being lead off with a security officer, presumably towards the brig."

"I see." Lena replied. "Do you believe this has to do with the attack on Alvatar Colony?"

"Personally, I don't think his motivations have anything to do with the attack." Shingo explained. "He and I go back before Starfleet, and I can tell you this much: If you're not in his friend circle, he won't hesitate to leave you to die."

Takeshi lowered his head and sighed.

Well, he is saying something correct about me... He thought to himself. Even if it's for all the wrong reasons...

Miyahara leaned in a little closer to Takeshi.

"You see, my boy?" He whispered quietly into Takeshi's ear. "This is what happens when emboldened pacifist radicals attempt to criminalize true patriots..."

Lena took a few moments to tap some comments into her Padd before she looked back up at Shingo. "What can you tell me about the incident at Alvatar Colony?" She asked, changing the subject back to the attack.

"Honestly, I couldn't really tell you much:" Shingo responded. "I was running TIC damage control at the time, running around with a fire extinguisher and putting out console fires as they flared up. I remember something about a crash landing, but I couldn't tell you more about it. It wasn't until we took cover behind that moon that I really had a chance to take in what was going on, and I can say with certainty that for a time, Takeshi was actually playing his part and doing a little independent research on what actually attacked us..."

In the prosecution area, Takeshi lost all color.

He wouldn't... Takeshi thought.

"But then the warbird decloaked and further damaged us, rendering the TIC a total loss." Shingo continued. "I'm willing to bet his research went up in smoke, and that it's all ash and dust by now."

"Did you happen to see the information he found?" Lena asked. She knew that Shingo, along with the others, had not been allowed to hear any of the previous testimony. "Any information you can provide would be helpful."

"Unfortunately, I was busy with the whole fire extinguisher business I was just talking about." Shingo explained. "But even if I did get a look at it, Takeshi was being very secretive about the whole thing: Something about his trust in the command staff being shattered or something along those lines."

"I see..." Said Lena, as she tapped in some more notes. After a short moment, she looked back up at him, giving him a smile. "Thank you for your time, Lieutenant. You've been very helpful." She then turned to Nyanta. "I have no more questions, your honor."

Nyanta nodded. "Thankyou Lieutenant. Do you wish to call anotheer witness?" he asked Lena.

"Yes your Honor." Lena replied simply. "The defense would like to call Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer to the stand."

A moment later, the doors opened, and Daxer was escorted into the room. She made her way to the stand, and was sworn in.

"Can you tell us your rank, and position for the record, please?" Lena asked.

"Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer, Acting Captain of the USS Tokyo." Jen replied simply.

"What was your position before becoming Acting Captain?" Lena asked her.

"I was the ship's Chief Security, and Tactical Officer." Jen explained.

"You were on the Bridge, when all of this happened?" Lena asked.

"Yes. I was manning the Tactical station." jen replied.

"Can you tell us what happened on the day in question, starting with the training exercise?" Lena asked.

Jen sighed lightly, before she started. "We were running tactical drills near the outskirts of an asteroid belt, not far from the Neutral Zone. We had just launched fighters, when we intercepted a distress call from Alvatar Colony, located just inside Romulan territory. Not wanting to leave anyone defenseless, we crossed the Neutral Zone, and headed for the colony."

"What did you find, when you arrived?" Lena asked.

"A unidentified Dreadnaught class vessel was bombarding the colony from orbit. The vessel didn't comform to any vessels known in the Starfleet database." Jen replied.

"Did you hail them?" Lena asked her.

"Yes. We sent out general hails, but got no response." Jen explained. "After that, they became hostile. They launched fighters, as we did, and they open fired moments later, in an unprovoked attack...."

Jennifer continued to explain the events of that day, as she had witnessed them. After the detailed explaination was through, Lena stood looking at her PaDD. What Daxer had given was an impressive recount of events, that pretty much matched what the others had testified to. "I have no more questions at this time."

Nyanta stroked his whiskers as he listened to the story. It was very similar to Taiga's if not identical apart from a few minor details. "Do you have any questions for Lieutenant Commander Daxer?" he asked once again turning his attention to the Romulan. Marok stood up and smiled. "Indeed I do" he said simply.

"Lieutenant Commander" Marok started his gaze locking with Jen's. "According to the logs retrieved from the Starship Tokyo. The Distress Call was never received before your ship entered Romulan Space, only after" he stated. "Plus, the logs also indicate there was no ship that you or Captain Aisaka described in orbit. So my question is Lieutenant Commander" he paused for a second. "How do you explain these logs? Both yours and Captain Aisaka's stories seem very well rehearsed."

"Our stories are similar, because we were both present on the bridge, during the attack, Counselor." Jen replied simply. In her voice was no hint of Human emotions, as she kept her cool. "The ship's computer was compromised. I know this, because I ordered, and read a combined report from the department heads about the condition of the ship, sensor data, and weapon loadouts from the main computer, and each of the fighters. When I read it the first time, it was as I stated, but when I read it again, it was drastically changed."

"Changed?" Marok questioned. "Please inform me how such information on a starship can be changed so easily? Surely there are security measures to prevent such an occurrence?" he stated.

"When we arrived in space dock, Starfleet Engineers informed me that the security software was corrupted." Jen explained. "As a result, anyone on the ship could've made such changes."

"Anyone?" Marok asked. "Don't you find it... convenient that the software that runs the security of a Starfleet Vessel would be corrupted, shortly after the ships Captain was arrested?" he asked. "I don't know about you, your honour..." he turned to look at Nyanta "...but such a vulnerability would not be acceptable on a Romulan Vessel. Allowing anyone to access potential classified and sensitive systems would mean that someone is responsible for not protecting those systems" he paused again. "Of course, I'm only speculating. Tell me Lieutenant Commander. Who has access to the Tokyo's security systems and who has the skills to compromise such a system?"

"Convenient indeed..." Daxer replied with a raised eyebrow. "On a normal basis, the Captain has full security access. The XO, Security chief, and the Intelligence chief follow, then department heads, based on their permissions, and needs. I have the skills. So did the previous Chief Engineer, and the current Intelligence Chief. If anyone else on the ship had the skills, they were not listed in their Starfleet service jacket."

Marok pondered for a few moments. "I understand. So basically what you are saying is that any of the mentioned officers could have got into the ships computer and altered the logs..." he said. He then smiled as he turned back to look at Jen. "How exactly was the Tokyo's computers 'compromised'? From the evidence presented yesterday the system shows no signs of tampering"

"Actually, what I said was that anyone could've gotten into the computer, and altered those logs." Jen reminded Marok. Even if it was unintentional, she would not allow her words to be twisted. She reached into her pocket, producing a PaDD, and holding it in her hand. "After yesterday's trial session, a Starfleet Engineer handed me this report, showing that the Tokyo's computer core was compromised by a computer virus, which effected nearly every system. It's still unknown just how much damage was really done."

Marok took the PADD and glanced at its contents being careful not to press any buttons. He then passed it upto Nyanta to look at. "Thankyou for that" he said simply. "Its also stated in the logs that you arrested Lieutenant Nakazato during the trip back to Earth. Do you believe that he may be responsible for this damage to the Tokyo?"

"No." Jen replied simply. "He was arrested, before the system was compromised, and sitting in the Brig at the time. It was impossible for him to have done this."

"One final question" Marok said. "While being briefed for this trial I had the liberty to review some of the Tokyo's mission reports and logs" he began. "This isn't the first time that the Tokyo has crossed into Romulan Space. However, what I want to know is this. Do you trust Captain Aisaka especially since she was the one who ordered you to engage The Borg in the ships engine room, ultimately leading to your assimilation and being used by The Collective?"

"If you read the correct reports, then you also know that it was Captain Aisaka who also liberated me from the Borg, saving my life." Daxer replied, after a quiet moment. With this question being asked so soon after her return to duty, it struck a nerve. She half expected it, but it didn't change how it made her feel. "What happened to me was an accident, and could've happened to anyone. If you want the real answer, then yes I trust her... but I will always advise caution, when following her orders."

Marok raised an eyebrow. "I see" he stated. He turned towards Nyanta. "Your honour. I have no further questions for Lieutenant Commander Daxer"

Nyanta nodded. "Very well" the Caitian purred. "You are dismissed Lieutenant Commander". He gently took the PADD that had been passed to him and read through the contents before placing it back down. "Miss Lena, do you have any other witnesses to call forward?" he asked.

"No, your honor." Lena said, from her seat. "The Lieutenant Commander was the last one on my list."

To be continued...


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