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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 2 (Part 2)

Posted on Mon May 31st, 2021 @ 9:06am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:46am

1,845 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Now, do you have any questions regarding the incident Admiral Miyahara and not the previous orders of the Starship Tokyo's Commander?" he asked narrowing his eyes slightly. "If not, then I will dismiss Captain Aisaka from the stand"

Miyahara shook his head.

"It appears I have run out of questions to ask, your honor:" He said cooly.

After responding to the judge, Miyahara looked over at Mendor.

I hope you're happy, Mendor: He thought. You may not be showing it, but I can tell that internally, you're smiling about as wide as a Galaxy Class saucer. But, don't get too complacent: I will damn your precious client in time...

And now the continuation...

If there are no further questions. Captain Aisaka you are dismissed" he said simply. He then turned back to Mendor once Taiga had rejoined her at the table. "Do you have any other witnesses?" she asked.

The dark-haired woman in the suit took more notes. From what she'd been told,, yesterday was a circus. At least today was going better. She still didn't like Admiral Miyahara's attitude, or how he was behaving. She'd definitely have a few words with The Powers That Be after the trial.

Standing up, and looking at her Padd for a moment, Lena looked up at Nyanta. "Your Honor, the defense would like to call Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman to the stand." She said, waiting patiently for security to escort him in from the waiting area outside the room.

Trigman strode towards the Witness stand with a PADD in his hand; he had submitted the date prior to his arrival as per procedure and when standing in the area for his testamony he looked around the room between the defense and Prosecution.

"Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Trigman. Hopefully we won't take up too much of your time." Lena said as a start. "It says here you serve on the USS Tokyo. Could you tell us what your position is on the ship, for the record?"

"Commander; not Mister Trigman." He corrected in a polite tone. "To answer in inquiry, I am the CAG, Commander Air Group. The man who Commands the Fighters of the USS Tokyo in Flight Operation and missions."

"So, to clarify things a bit, this means all orders, and information concerning the fighters, and their mission have to go through you." Lena stated, looking to make things clearer for the court. "Is that right, Commander?"

"Mission orders and planning are under my preview." Trigman said. "As well as accountability for all ordinance requested for the fighters, I also have crews that can account for each and every bit used." Trigman held up the padd. "All loses and ordinance issued and used accounted for in the post action reports which is also my job."

"During the incident at Alvatar colony, were orders given to launch fighters?" Lena asked. She knew from previous Starfleet trials how fighters were geenrally used.

"It would be a very short operation with such orders." Trigman answered. "That was part of the mission planning that the Fighter launch, all four squadrons."

"Can you give us a brief description of the events of that day, as you know them?" Lena asked.

The Fighters were scrambled when we detected an enemy formation; the Harley Squadron was given point with Yamaha and Ducati in support with Triumph Squadron as CAP; continuous Air Patrol and defense of the Tokyo." Trigman began. "The main enemy Target was a Carrier or Dreadnaught Class Vessel that launched a counter strike of fighters." He explained.

Glancing at his PADD.

"There was fighter engagement and a limited torpedo run on enemy ship." He glanced up. "We were a scree3n for the Torpedo Ordinance launched by the enemy followed by the Fighter waves for engagement. A pitch battle ensued."

Consulting his PADD.

"I have the casualty lists of the Pilots and fight recorder data of each fighter's weapons expenditures." He held up the PADD. "The enemy fighter count was large our damage to the enemy was negatable, we were given the recall order and disengaged the enemy; took the losses from the disengagement, and returned to the Ship. Our fighter strength diminished due to lost and wounded pilots mixed with damaged birds." Again consulting the PADD. "I can submit the damage Fighter counts with the degree of damage and those requiring replacement if required." WE did not attack anything other than the enemy Vessel and the data brought from Flight recorders will substantiate that assessment."

Nyanta nodded, he held out his paw. "May I see that PADD please Commander Trigman" he asked. Indicating with his eyes for Lena to take the PADD and present it to him.

Lena approached Trigman, holding out her hand. "If I may, Commander?"

Trigman handed over the said PADD.

Nyanta sat back in his chair and began to read through the data on the PADD closely. "According to this PADD Commander, the Tokyo's fighter aircraft were launched as you said. You also engaged a vessel, however there seems to no data regaring what vessel it was" he purred.

Raising an eyebrow in response.

"It was an unidentified vessel." Trigman added. "However; if there is no sate then someone is tampering with the evidence; as it has from my observation of the proceedings." As Trigman look at the Judge. "Cameras do not film unless something is acknowledged, since it registered there being potential and the date is mission I suggestuou look at the couner; they will be progressing for operation and only specific data appears to be missing.

Trigman explained. "While not showing a tagret it will account to tampering with the Data from the PADD as it 'Is' connected to the server and thus all witneses"

Nyanta placed the PADD down on his desk slowly. "Is there any more questions for Commander Trigman?" he asked simply looking over to the Romulans and then to Lena.

"No your honour. We have no questions" Marok said from the prosecution stand.

"I have no further questions." Lena replied.

"Very well" Nyanta said. "Thankyou Commander. You are dismissed"

"Yes Sir, Thank you." Trigman said as he left the stand.

"Are there any other witnesses you wish to call?" Nyanta asked turning his attention back to Lena.

"Your honor, the defense would like to call Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose to the stand." Lena called.

Hobb sighed and got to his feet. The fresh uniform chafed against his wrists and neck. It wasn't as comfortable as his usual, not to mention the engineering jumpsuit he usually wore in Main Engineering.

He made his way to the stand, trying to hide the nervousness he felt at the summons. I'm an Engineer, not a combat specialist. What do they want from me, really?. Hobb took a seat in the stand, waiting to be sworn in.

"Can you tell us your rank, and position, for the record, please?" Lena asked him, after he'd been sworn in.

'Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose, currently Acting Chief Engineering Officer for the USS Tokyo,' responded Hobb as he settled himself in for his testimony.

"Acting Chief Engineer?" Lena asked, seeming a little curious. "I thought Lieutenant Sakura Kano was the Tokyo's Chief Engineer. At least that's what the personnel roster shows." Though only a minor detail, she felt pointing this out was important.

'Yes, she should be. Pretty difficult to be in command of an Engineering department when you're killed in an unprovoked attack,' replied Hobb with a curl of the lip. Engineering had had little time to grieve their losses since the fight. Being brought up in front of this clownshow of a trial wasn't helping either.

"An unprovoked attack..." Lena echoed, looking thoughtful for a moment. She knew the attack he spoke of, as she let those words hang in the air for a moment. "Lieutenant, can you tell us what happened on the day in question, from your perspective?"

'From the beginning of my day?' asked Hobb facetiously.

"Lieutenant, I understand this must be difficult for you, and you have every reason to be upset." Lena replied sincerely. "What happened was a tragedy. Many lives were lost, including some of your comrades."

"I know that can't be easy, and I know you don't want to be sitting here right now... No one does, but what we all want is to see proper justice. In order to achieve that, we all have to work together." Lena explained, giving him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. She hoped her comment was enough to spark more cooperation moving forward. "To answer your question, let's start from the point of the training exercises."

'There's not much to say from an Engineering point of view about the training exercises. They proceeded much as planned, before an abrupt change of plans. The Tokyo received a distress call, and went to answer it. From what we were told down in Engineering, it was a Romulan world and we would have to cross the Neutral Zone in order to assist them,' Hobb listed the activities of the day woodenly and as dispassionately as possible.

The distaste was clear on his face however. 'From my own personal point of view, I was crawling round a jeffries tube doing maintenance work.'

"Based on the report you gave a moment ago, you supervised, and assisted in repairs to the Tokyo, en route to Earth. Is that correct?" Lena asked.

'That is correct. We were pretty much blown out of the water. Could barely reach an acceptable warp speed due to damage to our Hull.'

"Reports how that the Romulan vessel that escorted you back to Romulan territory fired only a single shot to cripple the Tokyo." Lena explained. "Based on your assessment of the damage, how likely is it that a handful of low yield satellites would've done enough damage that a single shot from a Romulan vessel would have such a result?"

'Near impossible,' Hobb replied shortly. 'An entirely ludicrous proposition that a functioning warship could be taken out by satellites and a Romulan warbird's single shot.'

Nyanta nodded his head at Lena as she finished her questions. He then turned back to look over at the Romulan delegation. "Mister Marok do you have any additional questions for Lieutenant Hobb?" he asked.

Marok stood up. "No your honour I do not" he replied. "We have no questions for Lieutenant Hobb". He then sat down and began to twiddle his thumbs staring down at the floor as if thinking things over. He slowly turned to the Romulan Ambassador to his side and whispered something in his ear.

"Very well" Nyanta purred. "Lieutenant you are dismissed"

'Suits me,' Hobb said, as he got up from the stand. He had the air of a man that indicated this was all a waste of time. 'It's unfortunate that this is happening at all.'

To be continued...


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