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Smooth Sailing?

Posted on Sat May 9th, 2015 @ 12:53pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant John Stayus & Captain Leo Fox

633 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband

The Freighter now named "Troy" sailed deeper and deeper into Romulan space. From a glance you couldn't tell that the crew was infact Starfleet but in disguise. Taiga had resorted to wandering around out of pure boredom. The ship was doing great, it was running much smoother than when they had found it.
"How far are we off those co-ordinates?" Taiga asked refering to the destination co-ordinated that were inputted into the ships computer.

T'Shenn sighed. "Only about two kilometers since you asked ten seconds ago, Captain."

Taiga let out a loud audible sigh. "I'm so bloody bored of this already!" she said. "Seriously. How slow is this bucket of bolts!"

"Slow enough that I want to overload the core just to have some fun," John said stepping onto the bridge, tool kit in hand. "She only does warp three point two."

Suddenely without warning the navigation console began to beep causing Taiga to jump a little. She ran her hands over its control console. "We're coming up on the co-ordinates" Taiga announced. "Red Alert".

The klaxon sound echoed throughout the ship. Taiga gripped her console tightly, they were finally going to find out where those stolen goods had come from. She needed everyone at their stations there was a possibility that they might run into something bad out here.

Leo chuckled a bit. "Finally." he tapped a small wrist computer. "Something more entertaining then problems with speed." He was prepping his strike teams from afar.

The shop dropped out of warp. Suddenely the viewscreen fired up and a Romulan commander looked down at them.
"Where is your captain" He demanded. "You have returned earlier than we expected" he said.
"We were discovered by a Federation Vessel" Taiga responded. "I'm Aisaka" Taiga explained. "We can't risk running across the border, there is probably a Starfleet ship after us"

The Romulan commander stared at her for a few seconds obviously thinking it over. "Very well. I presume you eliminated your previous Captain for risking the mission" he asked.
"No sir. We were attacked and he suffered injuries. He's dead" Taiga looked at him, it would only take a betazoid to know she was downright lying to him. "Several of our crew were also killed. We only just got away"
"How?" The Romulan Commander asked.
"We used our warp plasma to stall their engines and jumped to Warp. They didn't follow us across the Neutral Zone" Taiga explained.
"I see" The Romulan said. "You may dock your vessel at docking bay four. We will reassign your shortly"

The screen cut off showing the planet system. Suddenely around the planet a large Romulan station decloaked and the doors inside began to slowly open.
"So thats what they were hiding" Taiga said. She looked down at T'Shenn at the helm. "Take us in Lieutenant and proceed to dock at Docking Bay Four".

T'Shenn nodded. "Heading that way now, Commander. Oh yeah, this should be fun. Remind me not to rip out their lying tongues." She was joking in the way of her people, hoping to ease her own tension, but she was having difficulty.

Taiga looked over at Leo. "Prepare your teams. Your mission is to act like you are crew from this ship on shoreleave. However you will colelct information and report back. Do not risk blowing our cover" Taiga ordered. She herself was going to try and meet with the Romulan Commander and find out what was happening.

=A= Aisaka to all crew. We are going to dock with a Romulan Starbase. Your orders are to remain undercover and if possible gather any intelligence on their operations. If you are discovered then Starfleet will not accept any responsibility for your actions. This mission must succeed =A= Taiga announched over the comm System.

To be continued...


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