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Launching the search (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Jan 23rd, 2019 @ 6:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,242 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Krista Flight launching." He announced as he banked outside the ship onto a heading for his patrol, keeping a steady pace while his squadron would form up on him.

Silica launched along side Trigman, and once they were in space she took a deep breath of relief. It was nice to be back out again, and actually on a proper flight run. She came up on Trigmans right, as the squadron assembled and began to circle the Tokyo as per ordered.

The Tokyo looked beautiful as the fighters circled. Silica smiled, the ship's sleek and smooth lines made it look as if she was always travelling at warp speed, and she could see why the captain was quite fond of her design.

And now the continuation...

Once Trigmans squadron was launched. The fighters for the next squadron were rolled into position.
"Levi Squadron" Traffic control announced over the hangar. "You are clear for launch.

"Bettie? First thing to do when we get back... check on changing the Squadron name." Soren replied before launching. Once he reached the darkness of space he tapped his console. "Bettie? I need you to prep one of our chameleon bouys. Set it to the fighter's signature."

"Speedy? What are you doing?" Bettie questioned from the speakers.

"I want you to prep for a encrypted channel." Soren replied softly before adding. "We're going to make a call."

"In the middle of all this?" Bettie said. "What if we-"

"It's your job to make sure that doesn't happen." Soren countered quickly before she could finish her sentence. "We need to make contact with the Gul. We need to setup a proper pick up and possibly more info on what happened to the ship. Mainly because I don't like how the last conversation went. She is hiding something."

"I..." Bettie replied before adding a groan. "Fine. I'll get it ready. For the record, I don't like this."

"Me either." Soren replied before tapping his console and shifting to the squad channel. "What are we called again?"

"Levi." Bettie answered.

"Right... that horrible title." Soren mumbled slightly before clearing his throat and saying. "Levi Squadron, this is your leader speaking. The all knowing and all powerful Soren Dillinger. Hold the applause. We are going to break formation and proceed in a search pattern. On my mark, break off. That is all."

Fubuki pulled a small smile as she broke port of Soren to begin the search pattern.

After a few minutes Bettie said over the speakers before muting the com channel. "Bouy is ready, Speedy."

"Alright." Soren replied with a smirk. "I'm going to call for a break of formation. Once we get far enough, drop the bouy, at the same time mask out signature. This should make it appear like we are still on their sensors. After this is done we will find a secluded place to hide and open a channel to the Gul. Got that, Bettie?"

"Got it. On your mark, Soren." Bettie replied softly.

Soren unmuted the channel and commanded. "Squad break formation and begin search pattern Beta."

Once the squad split up, and he was further out, he dropped the chameleon bouy, and altered course. Bettie masked their signature from the Tokyo's sensors so that the bouy appeared as their current location.

"This is traffic control" came the next announcement over the internal speakers as Soren's squadron darted out into space. "Mikasa Squadron mobilise". The fighters were already being pushed into position by the deck crew.

Once all ten of the Mikasa Squadron were lined up, the pilots scrambled into their cockpits. The signals shone yellow to indicate that they were preparing for launch.

When it was her turn, Bobbie Sue and her squadron launched.

"Mikasa Squadron. You are cleared for launch" Traffic Control ordered as the squadrons switched to green.

The Squadron lifted off and zoomed out of each end of the launch bay into the void of space.

Eventually Rinka and her pilots were ordered to board their fighters. As the second in command of the flight wing, she launched her squadron last to make sure all pilots launched safely and without any incidents.

She climbed into the lead fighter of her squadron and fired up her engines. "Ok people. Lets make this quick and swift" she said. She wasn't one of many words, but she gave her orders clearly and quickly.

The signal turned green and the fighters hovered off the deck. "Launch" Rinka said as she led the way out of the bay doors.

The three other squadrons were still circling the Tokyo as ordered. Rinka's squadron joined them as they circled ready to receive their flight paths.


Taiga stood up as she studied the tactical map of the local area that was now on the viewscreen. She put her hands on her hip. "Have the TIC send fighters out in all directions to scout for the Cassandra" she said simply.

"Aye Captain. Relaying command to flight control" the officer at Operations replied. A few seconds he looked up. "TIC acknowledging. Orders are being relayed to the squadrons to scramble and commence search and rescue operations"

"Good work" Taiga said as she watched the four squadrons begin to leave the Tokyo's position on four different flight paths.

"Ensign. Now that we're launched. Co-ordinate ship movements with the TIC Traffic Control and take us into the demilitarised zone" Taiga ordered as she looked down at Mikko.

"Aye Captain" Mikko said her hands tapping over the helm console. The Tokyo's engines powered up and the ship creeped slowly over into the demilitarised zone, her fighters now spreading out and extending the ships spotting range in search for the silent Starship Cassandra.

Bobbie Sue was running a search pattern when she got a message from the Tokyo. What surprised her was that it was from the Xo. With coordinates. "Well, well, well. This is an interesting turn of events," she said to her ship. But she wasn't going to say anything. "Base, I think I have something. Checking it out now."

"Bobcat to Trigman, care to join me?"

=^= Trigman here; I think my dance card is open enough for a little big of a Jig,=^= Trigman had the relayed coordinates. "We will see you at the hoe-down directly.=^=

"Roger, Trigman," Bobbie Sue said. She sent the coordinates and then veered off to find that ion trail.

"Hayami to Trigman" Rinka called over the radio. Her squadron had zoomed off to search the nearby solar system. "We're not picking up anything in this grid. We're moving onto the next area, chatter on the line says you may have a lead over there?" she asked.

"Hayami, this is Bobcat. I have a lead over here," a female voice came over the comms. "Trigman is accompanying me."

"Understood. I'll keep searching this grid" she replied. "Good luck"

Bobcat found the faint trail and accelerated to follow it. "Tokyo, this is Bobcat. Trigman and I are going in. We might have found the trail to the Cassandra."

"Understood Bobcat" Taigas voice replied. "Keep us informed. Tokyo out".

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officet

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officet

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter
Squadron Leader

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Wing Leader


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