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Fighting one's self.

Posted on Sun Apr 8th, 2018 @ 7:37am by Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

713 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Sick Bay

People were scramblling back and in various directions to get clear.

The center of Sick Bay was like an explosion fall out with over turned medical carts, stools and the Medical staff safely out of the deadly for anyone else circle. Inside this open space the Two meter tall Opposing Klingons were circling one anothre in a conflict.

Kah'leth of the Interrogator ; a scar on each cheek held an Agonizer in each hand at the ready. Feet wide and arms at the ready, the pose one to move or charge with equal zeal. In a leather aromed pants and vest, open armed other than the metal Bracers on his wrists to deflect the bladed combat. Blade on his right and empty cross draw holster on his left.

The Pistol lost in the first seconds of the scuffle.

Opposing him was Kh'Leth the Doctor; no scars and a Klingon Pain Stick in his right hand held as Sword or Mek'Leth combat style. His Federation uniform; jacket front open, Dagger on his left side the Medical kit on his right He kept his feet shoulder length apart a slight arch to the back and open hand ready

Scarred Kah'Leth tried a lunge and brought both hands to the Doctor's sides;the echo of the eletric shock ringing out. A counter thrust of the Pain Stick into the Interogatpr's midrif with the lower growl and red glow of the Klingon torture device. Two simotanious ; it seemed to those around them, growls of pain and both men seemed like two similar polarity magnets pushed apart. Both staggered a few steps back to regain control of themselves.

Neither said a word, the phaser intense glares exchanged leave no need of words. Counter clockwise they began to circle slowly again; each looking for that one dip in the other's defense, a sign of fatigue or weakness is all it would take.

"Should we separate them, there is a cease fire?" One Federation Crew asked one of the Mirror Crew.

"You want to get between them?" The Person replied. "Two Klingons, you first."

One would fake a move to provoke his opposite; both men using the tactic made it harder to follow who was who as their movements were so fluid and alike it came to the clothing to defer whom was whom. Doctor Kah'Leth moved slower and his hands stayed in the classic Blade readiness while the Interrogator's hands moved like coiled snakes ready to strike. Each man focused on the other ; neither man dare glance away as they kept circling The doctor lunged and was at an extension; Interrogator lean back but not stepping back he found his chance to take a step with the Doctor's retreat. Using that instant to take a step forward and reach a left hand at the right. a Single grip and the Pain Stick would fall; the nerve racking pain would suffice to disarm the 'Good' Doctor, the weakened Kingon that was to the Interrogator less than garbage.

The smile of the Interrogator was lustful and he enjoyed what his Agonizers did, he was reaching for the wrist. The Doctor's repose of the Pain stick was easy to deflect like a blade, he used the Bracer out of reflex, he realized too late...

Pain shot literally through the metal of his gauntlet, the red glow and smell of burnt flesh as the Agonizer fell to the ground and the Interrogator had to give ground. The Doctor charged the groun and drove the Pain stick into the upper chest nearer the throat. Inteorgator dropped the second Agonizer with his still functional hand to grab the shaft of the Pain stick.

Get..." The Doctor thrust harder with his weight taking the arm with the Pain stick to the upper chest. "Out of..." Using momentum pushed the Interrogator further back towards the doors. "My Sick Bay..." He yanked back enough to plant a forced kick to aid the man out the door then turned to the rest of the people. "Who wants me to be touchie Feelie next?" While holding the Pain Stick at the ready.

If there were crickets in that room they would have churped to break the silece.


Lt. CMDR Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tokyo


Chief Interorgator
ISS Tokyo


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