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A Heated Briefing (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2017 @ 9:06pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2017 @ 9:07pm

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Conference Room


Soren eyes never falters, neither did his smile, as he reached over the table and picked up an apple. He shrugged his shoulders and took a bite before looking around the room and saying. "Somebody wake me when this mission is over." He turned and walked out.

Mimi's ears slicked back at the sound off Taiga's outburst, while Soren's attitude didn't help the matter she never expected the Captain to lose their cool like that especially in front of the ships senior officers.

Alora stayed where she was. She could not believe that the situation had escalated so quickly. She would have a serious word with the doctor. The Captain was clearly in need of some intervention before she got them all killed. She pulled one of the PADDs towards her and thumbed through it. The Captain had also not read the report that the Raptors were being replaced by Valkyries. A new Squadron Leader was due to arrive with an entire squadron of Valkyries in the next day or two. She shook her head. And the cocky pilot was another problem.

She stood and tossed the PADD back onto the table. Why did she feel like she'd just entered Wonderland? So far, she'd met the Jabberwocky, the Mad Hatter, and the Red Queen. What next?

She'd definitely ticked off someone in Starfleet Command to be put here.

T'Shenn did her very best to keep the smug look of her face as she stood and headed towards the exit. She knew something like this would happen, but it was the Captain's wish Dillinger was allowed to join the crew and she was not going to go against the Captain now.

"Commander Trigman, a moment," she said.

"Yes Commander," Trigman crossed to talk with the Executive Officer. after finishing the notes to rotate The second Squadron under Dillinger to Reserve and bring up the 4th squadron to fill the empty fighter patrol slot. "What can I do for you Ma'am?"

"Please explain what happened," Alora asked.

"A minor dispute among My flight leaders." Trigman said calmly. "I issued orders to have ordinance placed on a Pilot's fighter; he broke chain of command and removed the ordinace without permission and proceeded in the meeting to justify his actions and give us a reminder on the 'Special Nature' of 'His' fighter and how his AI unit did not trust anyone putting things on the craft." Trigman explained. "It is an overly enthusiastic Squadron leader and the matter should not have been an issue but possible communications breakdown or bruised egos on the Pilot's side he decided to buck command. The Captain has little tolerance for breaking the chain of command and her temper escalated a bit and she grounded the Pilot in a very verbal manner and dismissed the meeting." He added. "I would have grounded him for than same breech but the Captain felt it her right to do so and I will not dispute her. I think The Officer will be more attending to his Chief Intelligence duties during his down time and without a Squadron Leader I have moved his flight to the ready reserve ." HE ended. "It was a clash between a lieutenant and his CAG's orders and a disruption of a briefing." Trigman tried to be to the point. "I am not satisfied with my new Squadron Leader of Bravo Flight; so if I am short I apologize, it is an internal problem Commander and I will deal with it as such I can promise you.

Lily stood frozen at the wall for a long moment after Captain Aisaka stormed out, gently holding her arm where she'd been hit by the Captain's chair. She hadn't been quite quick enough when it had gone sliding back into the wall where she had been waiting to see if she was needed. She'd almost gotten out of the way, just taken a glancing hit, but it still hurt. And it would likely bruise; Lily had 'thin skin' and bruised easily.

Everyone else trickled out of the room except for Commander Tau'Ri and Nicolas, who were speaking together on the other side of the room from where Lily was trying to remain invisible as she discreetly started to tidy the room. She pushed chairs back to the table, gathered the PADDs that had been left behind. She even started wiping down the table- anything to stretch this task out. There was no way she was going anywhere near the Bridge, the Captain's Ready Room, or hopefully anywhere else the Captain might be at the moment. Not until the other woman calmed down.

Hands shaking, Lily looked around for something else to do, her eyes falling on Commander Tau'Ri and her own husband as they finished their conversation; she didn't move close enough to hear, but she wondered if they were discussing his extended sensor flights or if it was about the Captain..... She twisted her fingers together to stop the shaking. There had to be something else she could so in here before she had to leave....

"Thank you," Alora said. "If you need my help, let me know. Until then, I will leave it in your hands."

Trigman noticed the body language of Lily, she was not doing so well, he tried not to let the concern show in his face. "Thank you Commander." Trigman said and instead of exiting he moved to towards his wife to see what is wrong?

Alora caught the doctor in the corridor. "May I have a word with you?" she asked him.

"Sure Commander. What's up?" Alex asked.

"Is the Captain always like that?" Alora asked. "She seems a bit...high strung."

"The Captain, Yes. We should probably speak somewhere a little more private. Your office?"

Alora nodded. "Yes, that will work."

She led the way to her office and stood for the doctor to precede her. She indicated that he should take a seat. "So, what can you tell me about our Captain?"

Alex found a seat across from the new XO. "Aside from what you just witnessed? I can say her temper is matched by her ability to pull us out of some equally deep messes Starfleet has put us into. Her record as a CO is there in her file for your review." He paused, "You are concerned about her fitness to command?"

"Yes and no," Alora replied. "I'm not looking to relieve her of command, but I do think she may need medication or counseling. To get angry is one thing, to dismiss everyone and tell them to get the information themselves is another." She shook her head. "That puts the crew in danger. And it puts me in the position of playing babysitter to a woman who needs anger management--or a spanking."

Alex couldn't help but chuckle. That mental image was one he wasn't sure he wanted to see but also a certain morbid curiosity wanted to. "Sorry Commander. Bad mental image." He paused, "To be honest I'm not sure. She is prone to outbursts like that, has been most of her career, and it does concern me. But by the same token, her medical history vis a vis her mental state suggests she's quite grounded."

"So, it's just a lack of self-control?" Alora asked. "Because I don't fancy the idea of having to physically restrain the Captain next time she decides to throw a tantrum and storm out of a briefing."

Mimi waited till she'd finished the majority of her tea before getting up to leave the conference room, the PADD in her pocket had pinged incoming messages several times during the meeting and as she walked she looked at them noting the various problems that had occurred with the new refitted systems.

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief of Intelligence/Second Squad Leader

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief of Operations

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Commander

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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