Fifteen Minutes (Part 4)
Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 7:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Lieutenant JG Connor Carey & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd
Edited on on Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 7:36pm
1,309 words; about a 7 minute read
The Nursery
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Immediately following "The Breeding Room"
Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:
"Dear God..." Chisato gasped.
"And just when I was beginning to think we'd escaped from all of this body horror bullshit..." Mizuki groaned, looking like she was about to be sick again.
Talia was looking around, her senses were fuzzy thanks to the drugs in her system so she wasn’t picking up on as much as she usually did. “Has anyone seen Commander Johnson?”
"He's not with you?" Takina remarked.
"No?" Liz asked, confused.
Talia looked around worriedly, if Thomas wasn’t with the others where was he?
While the others were talking, Jen was looking at her tricorder. "This is cutting it really close." She said more to herself than anyone else. "Now would be a good time, Captain..."
And now the continuation...
[USS Tokyo Bridge]
"Time?" Taiga asked simply as her fingers drummed on the arm of her chair.
"Cutting it really close Captain. If we don't leave in less than two minutes, our shields won't hold." Connor replied.
"Ma'am, he's right. At our current range, the EMP blast will fry every isolinear chip on the ship. Not even the inertia dampeners would still be online." Lt. Yuvek in a slightly anxious tone.
"Screw it. Cast the transporter beams wide, lock onto the away teams, anything you can get. Get them all aboard! Now!" Taiga ordered.
"Bringing them in now!" The officer at Ops called. "I got them in the buffers! I think I have everyone, but I'm using every transporter circuit we have."
[Cargo Bay 4]
There was a flash of light, a rush of air, and the next thing they knew, the away team was standing smack dab in the middle of Cargo Bay 4, amidst the hundreds of breeding pods that had been ejected from the station just a few minutes prior. Medical personnel were hurriedly scurrying to and fro, opening the pods and tending to the captives held inside.
Talia had no other option but to sit down, her adrenaline had been keeping the effects of the sedative she’d been given off until now, right now she was more concerned with the whereabouts of her husband. “Has anyone seen, or does anyone know, where Commander Johnson is!?”
"That's a negative, counselor:" Chiyo responded. "One step at a time; let's get ourselves out of danger first before regrouping."
Chiyo then turned to Liz and the other marines.
"Beurling, Rudd, get yourselves to sickbay and checked out." She ordered. "There's no telling what the Elachi might have done to all of you while captured."
"Yes, ma'am." Beurling responded.
As Liz and the marines began to file out of the cargo bay, Chiyo began to take another head count. As she did, the sinking feeling slowly set in that Commander Johnson wasn't with them.
=A="Shimada to bridge:"=A= Chiyo tapped her combadge. =A="We might have a problem here. Does anyone have eyes on Commander Johnson?"=A=
"We don't know right now." Taiga replied simply.
"I need a medic over here!" Chisato called out as she attempted to frantically direct everyone's attention to Amu. "The Elachi have done something to this woman's baby!"
Medkit slung over his shoulder, a young, freckle-faced Lieutenant hurried over to where Chisato was waving. Retrieving a medical tricorder from his bag, he proceeded to run the device over Amu's stomach.
"I'm detecting signs of fetal distress," he reported with a look of concern. "Heart rate is fluctuating at around 200 beats a minute, fetal activity is excessive for this stage in the baby's development..."
He looked up at Amu. "At this rate, we may have to opt for emergency C-Section."
"He's not big enough! Its far too early!" Amu protested.
"We're not going to do anything that you don't authorize us to do, Doctor," the Lieutenant calmly assured her. "But as it currently stands, it may be our best option in order to guarantee both your survival and the child's. We can discuss some alternative treatment options if you're not comfortable with this, but you need to make a decision now."
"Get her treatment, and keep an armed security officer with her at all times... No arguments." Daxer said to Kurumi, giving the woman a serious look. "I need to go talk to the Captain. I'll be back to check on you." The Vulcan woman said before walking off toward the cargo bay exit.
"Go now!" Taiga ordered. "Full impulse!"
Once he had received word that the crew had been picked up within the transporter beams, Lt. Yuvek began to maneuver the carrier away from the station as he waited for the final word to engage impulse engines.
If this was a Defiant class vessel, then it would have been simple to rotate the ship around on its axis. However, a ship this size took time to chance course and Lt. Yuvek was trying his damnedest to make it move that much faster.
The Tokyo rushed away, but it was far too late. The Elachi base exploded in plumes of fire. The impact struck the Tokyo hard, knocking her off course sending the Armitage class flying in the opposite direction.
Sparks showered down on the bridge officers as the Tokyo took the impact of the shockwave. "Damage report!" Taiga demanded, however she was cut off by a strange structure decloaking on the viewscreen. It was huge, made of strange metals and resembled the size of a small starbase.
Lt. Yuvek gripped his console as the inertial dampeners fought to keep everybody upright and not thrown into the nearest bulkhead. The ship groaned as the hull started to bear the strain of the impact while attempted to maneuver at high speeds.
In the center it was circular, it resembled some sort of gateway but in space. "What the hell is that?!" Taiga asked.
"Scanners are inconclusive... however... give me a second." Connor replied as he looked through the computers. "Conformation... What we are seeing is a larger scale of an iconian gateway... shows the same information that previous gateways found are emitting...:
Suddenly the lights on the bridge changed from red to blue. A strange symbol appeared on every viewscreen. Every console locked out displaying only a blue Ω on the screen. "Crap." Taiga cursed as the Tokyo was pulled towards the gateway.
"Everyone hold on! Looks like we're going through that... whatever it is!" Taiga announced as she gripped the arms of her chair. "All decks brace for impact!"
[Meanwhile in Cargo Bay 4]
The Tokyo rocked violently as it took the full force of the shock wave; anyone who wasn't already bracing for impact (which was to say, everyone) was immediately thrown to the floor. The lights flickered briefly before suddenly coming back on, albeit this time with an unusual and ominous blue tinge.
"What's going on?" an officer could be heard whispering nervously.
"Have we gone to blue alert?" Another speculated.
"There's nothing here for us to dock to!" a third pointed out.
It was only at this point that they began to notice the rumbling; barely discernible at first, but then growing steadily, and then quickly, in intensity.
"Call it a hunch, but I don't think that this is a run-of-the-mill docking procedure!" Mizuki remarked as she struggled to keep her balance.
"Impact in 5... 4.... 3... 2... 1..." Connor replied before the ship shook, being and he was thrown into the wall behind him.
The Tokyo was pulled straight through the Iconian Gateway, deep into the unknown. And in an intense flash of light it was all over.
The USS Tokyo. Was gone...
To be continued in the next saga of the USS Tokyo!