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Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 7:29pm

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

Name Jasad Akel Yuvek

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 192
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Two thick vertical neck ridges recede back to the crown of the head and an inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. The ridge is thickest immediately above the eyes, protecting his eyes and making them look especially deep-set. He possesses a scar across the left side of his torso. The scar was the result of a plasma weapon discharge during an encounter with an Orion Pirate. Although the scars have mostly been treated with skin grafting, Jasad still views the scar as a reminder of when he let his guard down.


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner none
Children none
Father Ta'Gas Yuvek
Mother Valeen Yuvek
Brother(s) Bretav
Sister(s) Seffora

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jasad has never been certain of his position in the universe due to his upbringing in the aftermath of the Dominion War and post-war Cardassia. His upbringing has left him with many scars, more psychological than physical. His natural talents both physically and intellectually leads him to be confident to the point of arrogance.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jasad possesses a quick temper, and at times has lashed out at even the slightest provocation. His education began like most Cardassian children wherein he was taught mental discipline from a very early age. Jasad believes very strongly in the credo "Education is power... joy is vulnerability."
Ambitions Jasad struggles with his desire to see Cardassian regain the respect and power that it once enjoyed amongst the various races in the galaxy. However, he also recognizes that it was the "Conquer all mentality" that led to Cardassia's decimation.

He knows that the future of all Cardassians depends on their ability to rebuild. Not just their home planet, but their relationship throughout the quadrant.
Hobbies & Interests His interest have included studying ancient Cardassian history, particularly of the Hebitian culture. In his spare time he can be found exercising.

Personal History Jasad grew up knowing only a life of death and struggle. He was born in the Takian province near the city of Dukaria. He was raised in a proud Cardassian family that descended from long-line of loyal servants to the empire. His family still followed the Cardassian Caste system of Ti’alek. As a Ti’alek, Jasad's family consisted of mostly manual laborers and dilithium miners for the Empire. Jasad, however, demonstrated superior aptitude and memory recall compared to other children of his age.

Prior to the outbreak of the War, Jasad's family was temporarily stationed on a minor Cardassian moon that had been a target for numerous Klingon raiding parties. One day, a significantly large Klingon invasion group attacked the colony. The bulk of the Cardassian military force dedicated to the colony was occupied repealing an even larger invasion elsewhere in the sector.

Jasad's parents were brutally executed by the Klingons and the mining facility was stripped of all valuable resources before being decimated by retreating forces. Jasad and his younger brother Bretav were the only survivors because they hid under the bodies of other dead adults until the Klingon raiding party left and Cardassian reinforcements had arrived.

As a result of their parents being killed, Jasad and his brother became wards of Cardassia. They spent almost two years living with the Cardassia equivilant of foster families. They're support came to a brutal and sudden halt once outbreak of the Federation War began. Jasad was old enough to realize that the War was going very badly for his people. He learned just how deadly the Jem'Hadar could be when they turned on Cardassia and laid siege to the city of Hualan and destroying virtually every building. Jasad and Bretav once again watch their home around them burn to the ground. They were one of several groups of children that were able to escape unharmed and were rescued by the recently victorious Starfleet forces.

With no family left and Cardassia struggling to support its surviving population, the Federation determined that Jasad and Bretav would reside on Bajor in one of the recently opened orphanage and prep academies. The young Cardassians spent their formative years on Bajor learning to live in a society that saw them as outsiders. However, Jasad and Bretav found that they possessed a certain aptitude for education and excelled despite their difficulties with those around them.

Upon turning 18, Jasad realized that if he wanted to make something of his life, then he would have to venture away from Bajor and begin to find his own place in the galaxy. He realized that the only option for him was to join Starfleet. However, his brother Bretav believed that he had an obligation to return to Cardassia to help it rebuild itself, thus he applied for and was accepted into the Cardassian Military Academy.

His first assignment was onboard the USS Stealth Phoenix. His tour of duty was uneventful due to the ship being assigned to delivery runs between neighboring systems to Andoria. It was not until Jasad was posted to the USS Nexus that he first experienced combat as a Helmsman. During his 3 years onboard, he engaged the enemy in over two-dozen different combat encounters.
Service Record 2384 - 2388 Starfleet Academy
2388 - 2391 Commissioned and assigned to the USS Stealth Phoenix as Assistant Helm Officer
2391 - 2394 Assigned as Assistant Chief Conn Officer onboard the USS Nexus.
2395 - Present Assigned as Chief Flight Control Officer onboard USS Tokyo.