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Planning a Heist (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 7:05pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe & Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard & Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank'
Edited on on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 7:13pm

1,636 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"These are bio-dampners. Invented by the Hansons and discovered by the crew of the Starship Voyager. They essentially 'hide' you from the Borg sensors. We have the schematics in our database, the away team will be wearing these for added protection."

Moklor grinned at the thought of the bio dampeners. Such capabilities would be extremely useful. The tall, dark-skinned Klingon leaned forward eagerly.

Amari picked up a Padd and pulled the specs of the bio-dampners from the database and began to read up on them, technology that could completely mask a persons biological signature was most intriguing to her.

And now the continuation...

"Silly question.." Talia looked towards Taiga. "I don't suppose there's any chance that there could be any ex-Borg out there? If the cube crashed then perhaps there could be some. It would help us if there is."

"Presuming they've somehow managed to stay alive after being severed from the collective," Mizuki pointed out.

There are report of Borg surviving for some time after disconnection when their ship is lost,” Nezuko said via her PADD. “In at least one case for many years. See: Borg Cooperative.

"But that does beg the question;" Chisato responded. "If the cube's been here for a while- it was certainly here before we were- why hasn't the entire planet been assimilated already? We've already seen, a lone cube can make short work of a Class H Planet in just a few hours; what's holding this cube back?"

"This planet seems to drain any and all energy, we were lucky, we still have resources at our disposal, however time is the only constant that remains. The longer we stay the less we have. Voyager has also reported that the borg has adapted to those dampeners, so nothing is safe or guaranteed. It will be far from a walk in the park."

"We can only presume that the cube must not have thought it relevant to assimilate the others here," Taiga said simply. She looked over at Tatsuo. "Can you shed any light on them? You've been here longer, any information on them would be invaluable."

Tatsuo sighed.

'There was talk of one crew that even the Saviors feared:" Tatsuo said. "When we were banding together to fight them, we followed these rumors, which brought us to the Borg cube. Most of us thought attempting to recruit them to our cause was suicide, but a few people thought it was worth a try... A small group went in to conduct reconnaissance on them... Unfortunately, we never heard from them again, and we abandoned the effort. Ever since then, we all remained clear of the cube: The Saviors and... Our people alike. Because we all knew what likely happened to the people we sent in there: Assimilated. But how quickly, we don't know."

Talia looked towards Tatsuo. “If there are any ex-Borg out there, what’s to say they’re not hiding somewhere away from the cube? Why would ex-Borg remain with the cube? Unless of course they’re hoping for rescue and re-assimilation back into the Collective.”

"Ex-Borg are... Interesting creatures, to say the least:" Tatsuo responded. "Some run as far away from the Borg as possible, while others seek to return to the Collective's embrace. If there are any ex-Borg near the cube; the team we sent didn't report spotting any, and they made it inside the cube before we lost contact."

"It seems that any plan we have for extracting the power source will need a plan to permanently eliminate the Borg drones that may still be within the cube." Lt. Yuvek chimed in. "Leaving them alive would only serve to be a threat to us at some later date." he added.

"I concur with the Lieutenant." Chiyo agreed. "In my experience, the only good Borg are dead Borg."

"Surely, though, there has to be another way?" Chisato attempted to raise an objection. "I mean... do we really have to eliminate all of them? I mean, these guys were living beings at some point; they had to have had someone out there who loved them..."

"They stopped being sentient beings the moment the Borg virus infected their bodies." Lt. Yuvek said to the Lieutenant Commander. "They are the Walking Dead. We'd be doing them a favor by eliminating whatever miserable existence they currently have." He said. "If we had the firepower, I'd recommend obliterating the entire cube and whatever was left inside." He said sharply.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Chisato conceded, albeit reluctantly.

"With all due respect, that is not true at all... there has been a lot of instances where even temporarily, where they became individuals again. Jean-Luc Picard, Sevon of Nine... Hugh the borg, chose to return to the collective to save the enterprise crew. We cannot dismiss them as being walking corpses, if we do... I believe we lose a very big part of why we became starfleet officers. At least not without doing everything possible to avoid blood shed."

"The Borg are plague wherever they have appeared." Lt. Yuvek quickly replied. "Their potential individuality has little value when weighed against lethal threat each Borg drone poses. The fact that Admiral Picard was able to recover his Humanity doesn't erase the blood of the thousands of lives he took as Locutus, the same goes for Seven of Nine." The Cardassian said.

Cardassians were fortune enough to avoid the brunt of the Borg's numerous incursions into the Alpha Quadrant. However, they had observed the swath of destruction left across Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space to understand how brutally efficient and deadly the Borg were.

At that moment a woman stepped forward out of the shadows, how long she’d been there was anyone’s guess, but not just any woman, her appearance was unmistakably ex-Borg though the majority of her implants were gone, some that could be removed still remained, along with an implant above her eye, and a web on her right hand. “The Borg do not love, neither do they care about living relatives, or anything else for that matter. All that matters is the collective, what they can’t have they try to recreate, grouping together to reconnect. The more people you send, the more minds for the collective.” She looked towards Tatsuo, then at Taiga. “If it’s a necessity I can show you a way to get inside, but I will not go back in there.”

"I'm sorry..." Taiga said as she looked at the woman who had just entered. "Who are you?"

Dana looked towards Taiga. "I am 3 of..." she paused to correct herself. "Lieutenant...Dana Monroe, currently of the USS Redemption."

Talia gave the newcomer a surprised look. "I know we haven't been discussing the Borg long, but there was no mention of the Redemption having an ex-Borg crewmember."

Nezuko tensed when the new person began to speak, but softened and nodded when no other person raised an alarm. Impressive ability to hide her sound and scent, she thought. She spared a sideways glance at Tatsuo though. Surely he helped sneak her aboard, and that was not okay.

"Lieutenant Monroe was a foundling:" Tatsuo explained. "When we were preparing to fight the Saviors, we found her alone in one of the deserted wrecks. We brought her back with us and took her in, and she's been a valued member of our Operations department since."

Tatsuo turned to Taiga.

"My apologies for not putting her on our manifest." He said. "I'm sure you must be aware that a Lieutenant not serving as a department head doesn't have the clearance to update manifests, even as acting captain. As such, we gave Monroe a provisional rank until it could be made official."

"And yet you decided not to tell Captain Aisaka verbally about her," Nezuko said aloud via her PADD, conscious of the irony that the mute one was telling someone off for not using their words. "What would you have done if I, the Ops Chief, had reported everyone was on board when we tried to leave because our manifests matched our complement and no one had told us of any amendments? She might be left behind. At best you were negligent. At worst..." She decided not to finish the sentence.

Dana looked towards Nezuko. “Lieutenant Tatsuo didn’t know I was onboard, I was...trying to prove a point.” She gave Tatsuo a look that said she knew she’d done wrong, apologizing wasn’t a strong suit of hers. “I...apologize Lieutenant.”

"It is not only the sneaking on board, though you have my compliments on that," Nezuko answered. "He provided deliberately false information about the size of his crew. How many are there actually? Has he failed to declare ten more, who are waiting to launch attack? We cannot know. He has lied once already, so any further information provided is suspect."

Chiyo, whom was not pleased to see Tatsuo constantly playing defense, finally stood up.

"Captain, if I may speak freely to Lieutenant Nezuko?" She requested.

Nezuko stared back at Chiyo, welcoming the challenge.

Taiga simply nodded.

Chiyo then turned to Nezuko and prepared her drill sergeant voice:

"What is your problem, Lieutenant?" She asked. "Will seeing my family splinter make you and Mister Yuvek feel better about your own sorry existences?? My fiancé wears the exact same badge the rest of us do, and yet you still treat him like second rate trash: YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WEAR THAT COMMUNICATOR BADGE ON YOUR CHEST!"

"Oh, crap; not this again..." Chisato sighed.

To be continued...


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