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Posted on Thu Feb 16th, 2017 @ 9:50am by Lieutenant Mimi & Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Sun Feb 19th, 2017 @ 6:07am

1,384 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors

With the Tokyo closing in on Spacedock it was time for Taiga to de-brief the senior staff. The mission had been a disaster and Starfleet were already starting to look into what had gone wrong. Taiga was also feeling anxious about what was going to happen, especially since over half of the crew couldn't be saved. She was watching as the Yamato's tractor beam pulled them through space, its blue glow hauling the Tokyo along.

She had called the Senior Staff to the briefing room, luckily The Borg didn't make it too far up the ship so the higher decks were still fully functioning.

Jen had spent most of the trip either meditating, or helping with repairs as best she could. She hadn't failed to notice that some of the surviving crew members had made it a point to keep their distance from her. In all honesty, she couldn't blame them for being afraid of her after what she'd done, but it still made her uncomfortable. With the call for the meeting, Jen made her way to the briefing room, and quietly took her seat, letting her mind wander.

Sciences hadn't been impacted much by the Borg incursion as Alex had managed to get his small team out of the line of fire before the Borg hit their labs. His family was also safe and both his wife & daughter had checkups today to see how the babies were doing. Another month to go and he'd be a father of two more, and a grandfather which he admitted felt a little odd given he was in his thirties. Sitting down, Alex took a sip from his cup and read through the morning reports on his padd while he waited.

T'Shenn walked in as if she had not been in the heart of the fight. Her uniform looked normal so that no one would know she had her blades on her still.

Mimi eventually made her way into the briefing room, she and the rest of the Ops staff had spent the last few days helping what remained of the Toyko's engineering department get as much of the ship up and running again as they could, she knew that the Captain would sooner arrive at the starbase under her own power rather than the Yamato's tractor beam. The strain of the last few days was clearly showing on her face. "Captain." She greeted Taiga as she took a seat.

As Jen sat there watching others flow into the room, her mind drifted to thinking about those who had been assimilated, and survived. She knew that those people would likely be in a position to blow her cover. This would be something that needed dealt with sooner rather than later.

T'Shenn nodded to Jen as she took her spot. She and K'Eltora had discussed K'Eltora's transformation and had to find a new way to upgrade her implants so again she wouldn't be taken over.

Jen nodded back. "Lieutenant." She said by way of greeting, before she began perusing her PADD. There was still a lot of data to go through regarding repairs, and the incident with the Borg... including going through the list of people her, and the Commander would have to send letters to.

T'Shenn asked, "How are you doing after your experience, Commander?"

Jen looked up at T'Shenn from her PADD. "All things considered, I think I'm doing ok." She said simply, tapping lightly at what showed of her ocular implant. "The hardware itches a bit though."

Xander strolled into the briefing room, going over data on a PADD that was quickly stowed away. He'd just come from the nearest transporter bay; having originally intended to meet the Tokyo and her crew when they arrived for repairs. Someone up the chain must have assumed that plan may get in the way of whatever other plan was in the pipework though. Instead he, and his belongings, had been sent aboard a civilian freighter that had been passing near enough to the Tokyo and Yamato's projected course that the wait time had been minimal. Supposedly now he could get acquainted with his new posting at a time when portions of the department weren't on leave. No; now he got to deal with them when they were tired and upset after what must have been a harrowing ordeal. It made a weird bureaucratic kind of sense, even now as he found himself headed right back the way he'd just traveled.

Taiga finally looked up from her chair and knocked a couple of times on the table. It was her unique way to get everyone to quiet down.
"Well" she said looking around. "How are we all after that close call?" she asked rather informally.

Jen was the first to reply, breaking the odd silence that followed Taiga's question. "Aside from the worried, and paranoid looks I've been getting by a few members of the crew, I'd say I'm doing ok." She said, then glanced around at the others sitting around the table. "Still A little... disturbed by what I nearly accomplished under the control of the Borg."

"That wasn't your fault" Taiga said. "And anyone who wants to blame Commander Daxer personally for what happened when she was assimilated; leave now" Taiga made it perfectly clear. "The Tokyo is being repaired and then we will be heading out on another Neutral Zone patrol. Something easy after our last mission" she explained.

"Also, I want to welcome Lieutenant Raithwell our new chief of Science" Taiga explained simply.

"Xander Raithwell; Doctor if you want to get in my good graces." He smiled a faint little half smile before continuing. "Not the medical kind." He forced himself to cut the rest of that joke off as now was clearly not the time. "I look forward to working with you all." He probably should have done more work on his introduction speech than merely adding it to a list of things he really needed to do.

Taiga looked at him giving him a nod of approval. "I'm sure that you'll be most welcome amongst the crew" she added with a smile. "Now, we've got about a week or so until we ship out. How is everyones departments doing?" she asked.

"A week will not be long enough Captain." Mimi answered first "Engineering is a mess and most of the primary eps system is a mess."

T'Shenn sighed. "Navigation is still down. I have teams working on it as well as myself. We were able to piece enough together so that I could pilot manually, but we can't do it forever, Captain."

"Shields are operational. Weapons have apparently been disabled, and I'm still trying to figure out how." Jen added, having personally checked over most of the security systems on her own. "Unfortunately, I also lost more than half of my department to the Borg."

Taiga sighed. The Borg had definately screwed them over. "Understood" she said. "I can extend our time in spacedock if we need it. But Starfleet want us out there again" She explained. "Apparently we've caused quite a stir amongst the higher ups"

"Indeed." Jen replied simply. There had been something that Jen hadn't told Taiga yet. She had planned to bring it up later in this meeting, but instead, she raised a curious eyebrow at Taiga. "Enough of a stir that I've been ordered to be debriefed alone by the station's Chief Medical Officer, and the senior Admiral on duty upon our arrival."

"If engineering needs I've got a handful of people in the science department who apparently have a background in ship maintenance. Could give you a hand with some of the minor repairs if you need the extra hands?" Xander chimed in; addressing Mimi specifically. He'd remained quiet since his introduction as the closest he'd been to even meeting anyone in his department was passing them in the corridors.

Taiga nodded. "I want everyone to work with the Yard Engineers to get the Tokyo refitted. We need to be back out there as soon as possible. However take some time to recover" she said simply. "Anyone wishing to transfer departments, let me have your proposals within the next two days and I'll see what I can arrange" she told everyone. "Until then, dismissed. And good luck"


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