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Speedy Arrival

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2017 @ 1:17pm by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

809 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: In Bettie


Soren flew through space, two shuttles traveling along side him. One on his left and other on his right. His escorts. More like his babysitters. It didn't matter. He could out fly them any day of the week, but he made a promise to his mother and Max that he would do his best to stay the course. However, with Bettie by his side, he wasn't sure he could keep that promise.

"This sucks." Bettie's voice came over the com.

"I know, B." Soren replied. "We just have to stick with it and keep our heads down."

"I don't like keeping my head down, Speedy." Bettie replied in her soft tone.

Soren let out a sigh as he took a moment to check his sensors. "It's either this, or jail, Bettie. I am pretty sure they wouldn't be all that cool with keeping us together. Keep in mind, you're basically a walking, talking, archive of weapons."

"Well... when you put it that way. I guess this is the better choice." Bettie replied as an alert came across the screen. "The Tokyo is on approach, Speedy."

Soren tapped on his console, bringing up the Starship on long range sensors. "There she is. Our new home."

"You mean our prison." Bettie replied jokingly.

"Potato Po-tah-to, Bettie." Soren said with a bit of a laugh. "Let's see what our newly linked Starfleet Database has on the Tokyo. Read me down the specifics, B."

The monitor on Soren's right switched from a tactical display to a bio of the Tokyo as Bettie began to read off the information. "USS Tokyo: Armitage Class. The big sister of the Akira Class. More room, more people, and more bag for your buck. She has four fighter squadrons on board. Raptor Class-"

"Wait... Go back." Soren interrupted. "Four Squads? Anyone we know?"

"Negative. The Flight Commander is a Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman."

"I heard of him." Soren replied. "Goes by Trigger. Said to have sharp eyes when it comes to dog fights. Never met him, but I heard of him."

"Do you think he's heard of us?" Bettie asked curiously.

Soren shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure. Would it matter?"

"No." Bettie replied.

"Keep going, B." Soren said as he could see the Tokyo approaching in his glass.

"Four fighter Squads. All Raptor class." She laughed. "They are flying tinker toys."

Soren laughed slightly, than shook his head. "Easy Bettie. A fighter is as good as its pilot. Raptor classes aren't bad as long as they have the right pilot behind them. Also remember, you're modified, so we have a few tricks they don't have."

"Well, they won't be able to handle the likes of us, Speedy." She giggled as she continued. "The Tokyo is classified as a rapid response vessel and is currently marked as assigned to patrol the Neutral Zone's of the Federation and monitor shipping lanes and engage invading forces as well as manage civilian traffic."

Soren suddenly burst into laugh. The words stuck out in his head. Monitor shipping lanes. This ship was the same kind of ship he and Bettie always avoided during their smuggling runs. In fact, depending on when the Tokyo was deployed and how long it was in service, they may have unknowingly crosses paths.

"What's wrong, Speedy?" Bettie asked.

"Nothing." Soren said softly, catching his breath. "It's just, we may have run across this ship before when we were making out runs back and forth between the territories. And here we are, now serving on board the same ship." Soren chuckled again slightly.

Bettie laughed. "Fate does have its cruel ironies, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Yes she does." Soren replied with a smile before tapping his console as a transmission came through.

"Speedy. Incoming communication from the Tokyo." Bettie said. "Putting it through now."

=^="Valkyre Class Fighter. This is the Federation Starship Tokyo. Please state your designation and intentions."=^= The fighter bay officer on board said over the com.

=^="Tokyo, I am Lieutenant Soren Dillinger, assigned as your ships Chief Intelligence Officer. This is my Personal Fighter, Bettie. To my left and right is my Federation Security Escorts. They will be requesting you Captain, First Officer, and Executive Officer present upon my landing for a debrief. Please be advise that this request is non-negotiable. Bettie Out."=^= Soren stated firmly before cutting the transmission. "Let's give these guys something to worry about, Bettie. Remember that Orion Starbase hidden in the Asteroid Belt?"

"Yes, Why... Oh." Bettie laughed. "You are a bad boy, Speedy. I like it."

Soren increased his fighters speed. "Let's see how many people we can make wet their pants."


Lieutenant Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger
Chief of Intelligence/"Levi" Squard Leader


Virtual Interface


Fighter Bay Officer
Random Officer NPC


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