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Posted on Sat Nov 14th, 2015 @ 5:35am by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Wheeler MD MilSc, BSc

411 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Uss

= \=

Stardatee: 239211.13

The USS Grant had increased to warp 8 since receiving the signal from the Tokyo, Alexander hadn't even bothered to alert the captain he changed course and increased speed before raising the signal to the captain and first officer he remained in place in the CO's chair as they sped to assist the Tokyo and awaited the arrival of the captain and first officer. He knew that he would get in trouble but he had heard the signal and reacted, throwing the Grant into a curve and picking up speed.

=/\= Comms open =/\=
Wheeler to the captain.
"We're an hour out sir."

"Acknowledged Mr. Wheeler, maintain course and speed and ill be up shortly, congratulations on thinking quickly." Captain Simmons said

=/\= Comms closed =/\=

The door to the bridge opened and the starfighter command entered tapping a PADD, he came up short and cocked his head.

"Wheeler.... you have the conn? " Goose said

"Yes, Goose I do. I know I should be back in security or even in the TIC but the captain and XO are briefing the admiralty and as such i'm sitting here. Now how can I help?" Wheeler asked.

Goose smiled. " Mission specs, brood brother. I want to take half the wing out and come in from the flank. I'm hoping to bring the rest of the flight in on a spear maneuver using some of the team as a distraction with the new ablative armour trials. That's what I was looking for you to say."

Wheeler looked over the attack pattern and tried to factor in how many others they would need to protect the rest of this squad.

"Ok, Wheeler said I'm hoping I can work out how we're gonna keep you protected."

Goose smiled. "Brood, this is you, you always know something. Tis is you."

Wheeler nodded and smiled as the door opened and the captain and first officer walked out onto the bridge. Wheeler nodded and moved aside from the centre chair. Captain Simmons resumed command of the Grant and Wheeler returned to the stand up security console rerouting the commands to the 3D holographic displays in the TIC and stepped forward to the centre chair again.

"Captain Simmons, permission to assume command of the TIC?"

Simmons nodded. "Aye Mr.Wheeler, keep me informed."

Wheeer turned and marched directly to the turbolift without another word and spoke to the onboard computer. The turbolift rose slowly into the dual arms and carried Wheeler to his command.

=/\= Off =/\=


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